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Everything posted by golfwang

  1. What are you even talking about? I didn't feel anything responding to you.. I've offered plenty of constructive criticism, especially in my original post. I don't understand how you can possibly make that claim. What you are is a homer, and you don't even bother hiding it. That's whats going to hold this game back, people like you just satisfied with the IP. There were people at cap within a few days so two-three weeks is nothing, especially when you level through pvp. That I got EA is irrelevant. We're approaching the third month, I've just as much right to be frustrated with the state of pvp in this game at cap as any new 50. It's simply inexcusable and reeks of incompetence. You're clearly not comprehending anything I've posted. The "pvp base" is simply people who primarily pvp at cap. If pvp is what you play an MMO for, you're part of that base. That's it. In fact I've conceded numerous times that it's possible to be a part of the pvp base and disagree with me. If you were capable of some level of cognitive dissonance or basic reading comprehension you'd understand that. I'm a full time college student with a part time job, I didn't have all day and then some to play. Bro, what WoW launched with means nothing. That was in 2004. It's 2012 now, standards are simply different. ToR is still in beta as far as I'm concerned and it's never ok to release that way. Its painfully obvious you didn't read most of what I've written and quite frankly, embarrassing.
  2. It was advertised as both, the story driven MMO part was just more hyped/expensive. Take a quick listen to this: http://torwars.com/2011/11/09/audio-gabe-amatangelo-discusses-ilum-and-open-world-pvp/ Gabe even mentions ToR as an e-sport in this podcast. I'll never play a game with Gabe's name attached to it again, both experiences have been incredibly underwhelming and frustrating.
  3. I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but: I did not powerlevel to 50. I experienced every single cutscene on my sin and sent. I hit 50 about two and a half weeks after early access (maybe three). Not everyone wants to level multiple alts which only really have about 15% unique leveling content anyway. What pvper in their right mind is going to level every class for the story? I'm sure as hell not and I shouldn't have to do that to "make-up" for the lack of polish and end-game. Nevermind the fact that if pvp is genuinely compelling and fluid, people would play it whether or not the content was there. If you primarily (or only) pvp, there's a grind to valor rank 60 (for nothing tbh). Then the game takes a nosedive. There is a massive difference between complaining and offering valid, constructive criticism. I suggest you read my original post if the difference still escapes you. This game is actually being hacked non-stop: speed hackers, bg over queue bugging are sabotaging the experience for a ton of people and the problems have still gone unchecked. I think clueless people like you, who attempt to silence discussion and ways games could be improved are far more detrimental to the state of the games than people like me. You've offered nothing but homer-ism to this discussion. I suggest you take off your rose colored glasses.
  4. http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219007p1.html Dat bad publicity.
  5. I didn't enjoy leveling any less than you nor did I speed level, but I hit cap two and a half weeks after early access. I watched every cutscene too. It's not the players fault endgame blows at 50, nor should they have to level at a snails pace to avoid that wall. The experience at 50 is very different, the game kinda takes a nosedive.
  6. I hear ya man. My sub runs out tomorrow, logged in for the last time this morning. Doubt March will bring me back.
  7. That's my biggest concern. If they've given up, there's nothing to do but move on and admit ToR pvp is a wash. Ilum has showed flashes of fun/brillance on my server but there's so many things holding it back from being awesome and too few have addressed as we approach month three. Ilum deserves all the hate it's getting and then some. I can't see a real goal or focus in most of their changes. Probably because everything pvp-related in this game needs serious attention, I'd bet they're overwhelmed. If this new warzone sucks, it'll be the nail in ToR's pvp coffin imo.
  8. If you pvp for the sake of pvp this game has little to offer you right now. Poorly designed maps of which there are only three, no world pvp, clunky combat, poor progression. The class balance is pretty nice. Ilum can be fun if you're on the right server but the game engine is clearly unable to handle many players. People play CoD on the same maps for a couple of reasons, but I think the biggest is that the maps are awesome and the gameplay is smooth/addicting. I've a big problem with rated Warzones: These maps are poorly designed for competitive play. They aren't un-salvageable but I'm surprised nothing has been to to re balance design flaws which are going to imbalance rated WZs and draw justified ire from the community. And this doesn't really give me much faith that the new WZ is going to be awesome either. I think blaming the player base is a poor cop-out. There is a lot wrong here, especially for a game that touted the pedigree of it's pvp team.
  9. Yea...no. I never complained about "reward". Try again troll.
  10. He's in for a rude awakening I'm worried about it not living up to expectations too. But I can't really do anything about that, I'll just play it at release and see for myself. I can't help but buy into some of the hype though. When the devs said they were inspired by DAoC pvp i was pretty much sold. To be fair, GW2 is offering far more compelling PvP content at launch, at least on the surface, than ToR will have in its first three months. If it's polished, responsive and fun, GW2 will be a juggernaut.
  11. Lack of pvp content and balance/bug fixing is just one aspect of why I've had my pvp guild abandon ToR completely. There are design choices which aren't likely to change that are inherently anti-pvp. There are problems with the game engine itself. It's not just one thing, its a bunch of things.
  12. Bro I have to disagree. We had the BW hype machine saying Ilum was going to be awesome...that was it really. Beta testers gave feedback on how poorly designed the map was before launch and nothing changed, it just went live. I knew before I stepped into Ilum how lame it was probably going to be. Even then, I was unprepared for the level of lameness it acheived. I don't even think you read the link. Ilum is one poorly made map. The mists is four gigantic maps sewn together with three servers fighting it out. The experiences aren't even comparable. Everything in that article is incredible, at least to me. There's so much in this that just reads fundamentally sound pvp development. I can't say that about any of the PvP in ToR, especially since its so mindlessly grindy and derivative. Guild Wars 1 and 2 are nothing alike. They prob talked about GW2 for consoles to appease investors. I doubt its coming and if it does, so what. If the pvp is good I don't care. I don't think anyone is in a position to claim what kind of game experience GW2 is going to be yet, it's so different. And your last sentence describes the ToR pvp experience to the tee for me. GW2 is fully persistent, I'm not sure how you argue it's not an MMO.
  13. http://www.arena.net/blog/mike-ferguson-on-guild-wars-2-world-vs-world ...is this what love feels like? Wish ToR would ninja some of this nerdgasm inducing awesome.
  14. Hard to say those players didn't make new characters somewhere else or just join a new guild. Zerg guilds usually don't have high retention rates (in my limited experience),
  15. any idea when the next official sub report comes out? i'm really interested in seeing if there's a noticeable drop or a climb in sub numbers.
  16. I don't see the anime influence in GW2 at all...maybe it's just me?
  17. You clearly didn't read my posts then if all you came away with was "lol lack of content". Try read-reading my post because all I've been seeing in this thread are a bunch of ToR apologists who can't approach this game without any sort of bias or ability to argue anything compelling or substantial, especially in relation to the title & topic of this thread. On that note, my pvp guild left today
  18. At some point you'll realize nothing will really change pvp-wise. you won't get the pvp you want from this game, as good as your suggestions are. their game design reads like an open book, and it's pretty indifferent to pvp in general.
  19. Warhammer, despite all it's faults, was a more compelling pvp experience by far. I'm done, and more than content to let this thread and my subscription die. It sucks, but this game was never going to have the pvp I or any pvp focused individual would have wanted. Perhaps in a year or so it'll be far better. I don't think most people are willing to wait around that long though, especially with the competition out this year. Gabe and his team had better be pulling out all the stops for people on the fence till March, really is their last chance to impress imo. Onto GW2.
  20. I think the first few people to BM on most servers burnt themselves out fast. The first BM on my server (Poison) hasn't logged on in forever :/ After a certain rank there just isn't any point...
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