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  1. To everyone: NO MORE BANK ANALOGIES!!!! I'm starting to suspect there is some plot to confuse me out there, 3 of you just responded to my same post with a bank analogy!
  2. HAHA i have never seen anyone say "flame retardant undies" Kudos good sir. Your bank analogy is good, and i understand the similarities you made, but those similarities were under the assumption that there was intended abuse (after all, no one mistakenly robs a bank) but it's fair to assume not every player thought what they were doing was some form of abuse, or even the majority of players some may argue (I'm sure most everyone thought it was stupid, or broken, but some people think Agents in WZ's are too, and its not exactly abuse to play an agent in WZ's), but in order to roll back rewards, you would have to punish people unaware that they were abusing the game which would be completely unreasonable. I stand by my logic and my post, Bioware made a mistake, people played the game as it was during this period, some better than others, not their fault.
  3. I think you missed the point of that specific comment, so ill play it out. Tom can get Battlemaster in 1 day, Sally can get BM in 4 days, Rob can get BM in 1 week, Steven can get BM in 3 weeks. Which point does the earning period become unreasonable? did Tom do it too quick? Did Sally? Did Rob? if Sally then why not Rob? The point i thought i conveyed was: It's totally arbitrary to say something like "They didn't earn it, because it was done in only 'X' amount of time." These are video games, i think that its pretty nonsensical to assume players should limit themselves, we have IRL already, lets not live inside of those same norms in our fantasy worlds. INB4 broken mechanic, not intended, abuse. <---we get that, but it's not players fault, those situations were created by Bioware.
  4. You didn't read half of my post apparently, i clearly stated i did not take advantage the situation on Ilum. You should make sure you have your facts straight before you attempt to slander someone.
  5. It's a legitimate talking point, and i appreciate the good manners, but i find myself to be pretty reasonable, and this is a videogame, so in the context of videogames is there such a thing as a reasonable timetable for "earning" anything? you play the game to beat it right? so if you found a way to become a battlemaster quickly why get punished? I think if Bioware feels the need to do anything besides just fix the stupid mechanic, it should be to consolidate the players that got camped, not punish the campers because they could do it.
  6. Yeah that's exactly what i was saying. Why not? Some people find shortcuts and more power to them, do they pay the same as you to get the same opportunity or the same outcome? Bioware's fault, Bioware's problem, not theirs.
  7. This is stupid. Bioware makes a horrible mechanic for Ilum then blames the players that took advantage of the horrible mechanic. It reminds me of 4th grade when we made our own games on the playground, got beat at them, then blamed the kids that won the games we made. Go ahead and change the rules again Bioware, and when you end up crying because your game is broken try to remember it's your fault. Full disclosure: I'm not one of the people talented enough to farm valor, my PC can't even handle the 150 people fighting at the base at once anyway, so I'm not upset because bioware changed a mechanic i was good at. It's just ****** to punish the player-base because the highly esteemed design team somehow didn't see this coming.
  8. I have the same issue, my system specs are a little worse than yours, but i run my system on 1440x900. I believe the issue to be heating though, because only after several hours of playing do i encounter the frame rate drops.
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