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Everything posted by Fellow-Canadian

  1. Doesn't matter what your question is, tactics vanguard is the answer.
  2. Overhypegate! The rewards aren't interesting enough for me to want to continue my sub. For me to want to continue being subbed, I'd want a comprehensive and immediate class balance overhaul, a new PVP map, and a new operation. Right now PVP isn't fun if your favorite class isn't FOTM so I find myself more and more not wanting to even queue for regs. The single player story campaign was pretty cool, and I look forward to the next chapters in Feb, but I see no reason to continue subbing until that comes out.
  3. I know there are great players playing sorc healers, but if this class balance hits ranked the way it is right now, then the high ratings sorcs get are meaningless.
  4. Nobody can run a huttball like a scoundrel. They can get the ball before anyone else, port to the top catwalks, and roll off into the end zone. The interpolation between what you see and what the servers sees is what makes it look like they are teleporting strangely. If you root and stun the scoundrel you can stop a lot of their mobility.
  5. The class balance is bad in this expansion, and PTs need to get hit with the nerfbat hard. If you are trying to figure out how long it takes Bioware to do some balancing, you can look at the precedent they already set. With the release of 3.0, PTs had that crazy burst with the 0.5s gcd on missiles and huge crits on everything. In addition, any telekinetic sages had a bugged talent that made them totally immune to interrupts. Both of those examples lasted an entire ranked season. Bioware is slow to balance classes, so if you want to be competitive in PVP then you may be forced into a class you may not want to play.
  6. Even with data collected from 4.0 operations, it shows the theorycrafted dps rankings are pretty much accurate. The difference between classes at the top vs the bottom is staggering, and it's often over a 1,000 dps. This makes some classes totally irrelevant for PVE.
  7. Even a dps sorc has some pretty potent healing. It's no joke you may need to reset the fight sometimes lol
  8. Ya, it's sad how bad the balance is now. Anybody that gets a high rating with a PT or a sorc healer in season 7 is still a great player, but the rating is meaningless because the class carried them so high. To use any other class would make you less competitive in PVP.
  9. Something for you to consider concerning accuracy though is the popularity of sage/sorcs right now. Sage/Sorc healers in particular are very flavor of the expansion and you will run into them in almost every PVP encounter. They are a particularly difficult target to kill already and it sucks when you don't land damage on them at a crucial point, just because it misses. Personally, I found the misses frequent enough that I put accuracy back into my gear. I've seen different thoughts on how to gear for PVP and I'm not sure if there is any defined "best" yet, but I took from the theorycrafting folks and stacked both crit and alacrity since they are multiplicative instead of additive. My commando is gunnery spec, uses tier2 pvp gear, and self buffed with purple stim I'm at: 1260(37.34%) crit rating, 712(10.71%) alacrity, 4.99% accuracy I used 2 power augs but the rest are either crit or alacrity.
  10. Concealment ranks amongst the lowest dps in the game. It lost the 30% surge bonus that made the spec so bursty in 3.0. It only has a 10% bonus now, while other classes such as PTs still maintain their 30% bonus. The impressive toolkit of concealment is still there for PVP, but the damage isn't what it used to be. The dot spec actually does more damage now but the ramp up time and terrible dot damage makes it pretty awful to use.
  11. Said it in a similar thread, but play the class you enjoy the most. If you are competitive about PVP though, there is no reason to play anything other than a tactics vanguard or a sage healer. Anything else is inferior.
  12. With a comment like that I would love to watch you duel as an IO merc vs your server's best PT. Let me see you define skill for the rest of us and show you can transcend class balance.
  13. Indeed player skill matters, but anyone that succeeds with a commando healer could probably do it a lot better using a sage healer.
  14. Concealment got nerfed in 4.0 and only has a 10% surge bonus compared to other classes who still have a 30% bonus. Concealment damage is now among the lowest in the game, and to boot they're pretty squishy. They still have their impressive toolkit of abilities, but the damage isn't what it used to be. They're really not a threat anymore in PVP except for running hutt balls.
  15. I'd suggest just play the class you enjoy. If you are serious about being competitive in PVP though there is no reason to play anything other than a tactics vanguard/powertech or a sage healer. Anything else is massively inferior.
  16. Hyperbole to invalidate a sorc healer being the best in the game is pretty lame. Nobody even comes close to what they can do in PVP. Nobody.
  17. There really isn't a reason to discuss other classes because a PT is good at killing everybody and not just healers. Nobody can outrun or survive a PT who is going to tunnel you to death.
  18. LOL I love this post! 10/10. It's why I main a commando DPS in PVP right now, because playing a PT or a sage healer makes the game too damn easy and it's boring.
  19. An advantage for a tactics vanguard is the rotation can be performed outside melee range. It isn't ideal, but it's superior to an assassin's abilities. Also, unlike an assassin, vanguards do not suffer any positional difficulties with their rotation.
  20. It's not just the damage that is so good, but their mobility and ranged rotation adds to the combo that makes them godlike. The damage needs to be nerfed, the mobility needs to be nerfed, and they need to be brought back into 4m range like other melee classes.
  21. It could definitely use some tweaking, and I agree smokescreen should really be built in. Even if you fixed it though, a fight between a commando and a vanguard isn't going to be pretty. Life for commandos looks like it's going to be tough for a long time. At least the damage is there to kill someone, the only problem is just surviving melee's stupid burst and mobility combo introduced with 4.0.
  22. Bioware isn't bad because they make bad PVP decisions, currently they're bad because they are making no decisions. Where is the balance for 4.0? The class disparity is huge.
  23. It takes some skill to use as well as good positioning. Using this ability to it's potential is what separates good commando players from bad ones.
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