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Posts posted by Ashnazg

  1. MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

    but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!





    Didn't read past that. If you want to make a "smart" post, don't start off with an obvious lie.


    SI's do energy damage, which is on the same resistance as kinetic.


    What the hell sense does it make for lightning to do elemental instead of energy damage anyway

  2. It's not an instant, it's a 3 sec. cast and they have to be grouped pretty tight for this to actually be worth casting(8m). By the way, taking out a single target at a time is group play. I wasn't talking about 1v1 jackie.


    Your triple dot spec is nigh worthless in group pvp where every joe who picked up a healing spec can outheal it.


    I'll take my instant burst-on-demand chain lightning over that.

  3. Can we please see more than a lockout screen?


    It's like Progression 101 to screenshot the bosskill either near the opened chest or dead boss. Until you show that with a timestamp, I would disregard that lockout screenshot. I could photoshop something like that quicker than I could brush my teeth.


    I didn't bother with a boss screenshot because


    a) I don't care about PvE progression and I didn't know about this thread until someone alerted me to its existence. This should be evident from the fact that I raid with a pug rather than a guild.


    b) After XR-whatever, the rest of the bosses are easier than BT on normal mode. We killed Gharj with 9 people and him enraging at 200k hp. On Pylons, the north Pylon was soloed by a 2 person team (merc / sorc). The stasis fight on hard is just as simple as it is on normal.


    c) Photoshopping hardmode hp onto the hp bar of a normal mode boss is hard? I don't think so. In fact, its easier than photoshopping a lockout screenie, so yeah..theres that.

  4. well ive broken 500k in a pug without surge adrenals or anything


    so i guess if i was in a premade with adrenals then 600k or 700k would be doable


    our single target dmg tho is still questionable compared to other classes


    we shouldnt have to pop adrenals and wz buffs to do decent dmg


    we're the squishiest class and yet i see operatives snipers juggernauts mercenarys all with better single target burst than we


    Honestly, being a premade means you do less damage, not more, because a) the games end faster (unless you specifically beg your teammates to slow them down, which is pitiful) and b) your friends (presumably competent dps as well) will take some of the damage away from you.


    For the absolute perfect storm, you'd want to use adrenals on cooldown, get every red buff, fight in a pug vs pug environment in voidstar, and have the game go the entire 15 minutes.

  5. Imo for class balance, snipers / gunslingers need to be brought up to par. I mean, does anyone even take these guys seriously? The only thing I am concerned about when I see a sniper or a gunslinger is their puntback + 4s root. Thats all. Their damage is so easy to juke it becomes a complete non-factor.


    Marauders / sentinels (whatever their equivalent is) also need to be retuned upward. Their mobility is lacking.

  6. I call BS on that. It's not possible.


    My first five bags I opened had loot. I have full Champ except for Offhand+Belt and I even got enough extra crap that I stuck it on my companion or ripped the mods out and put it on them.


    Rank 53 ATM.


    Statistically speaking, for every million people who play the game, there probably will be a single one or two for whom that is true.


    Whether the OP is one of those people though, is another matter entirely.

  7. thanks for showing off once again and proving me right :-) make a new thread about you and what an impressive player you are, how about that


    btw nice aoe dmg


    I'm not making claims about my impressiveness. I am merely showing off a relatively high damage benchmark. The 500k threshold was crested many times, while the 600k is crested much less. 676k is tougher yet to get.



    And thank you.

  8. 2. Seriously? *Everything* I see seems to point to madness as being the vastly superior spec.

    4. Wasn't sure if surge/crit stacking was what sorcs were supposed to do or throw in a decent amount of power as well.


    I don't really see the value of pumping madness past instant WW / wrath. True, I get more damage on dots, but dots don't kill people, burst does, so taking top level dot is not an option for me, I need my chain lightning.


    Otherwise, the lightning pvp talents (root on overload, blind on shield) are more valuable than madness dps talents for my survivability.


    Also because surge caps out so low, it makes no sense to use the purple surge adrenal, it'll go to waste. Its better to use power adrenals and surge relics.

  9. Hes right, you didnt start this to have other people post their damage, you just thought you were good and wanted to brag.


    Congrats. Make sure to put 600k aoe damage on your next job resume


    Partially yes, and partially to see how quickly the losers will come out with the: "aoe damage doesn't mean anything spam".


    You didn't disappoint.


    my friends are doing 500k just for fun, why u never saw them here bragging about it? oh yeah that's right, because they are not pathetic


    No, because 500k is unimpressive.

  10. Well, you've struck my curiosity and as such I now have a few questions for you:


    1. Were you running w/ a premade?

    2. What build are you running

    3. How's your gear?

    4. What stats are you using to fill your mod/enhancement slots on your gear


    1. Yep.

    2. Hybrid with madness up to wrath / insta WW and the rest in lightning

    3. Full champ + matrix cube. I am also biochem with power adrenals

    4. Surge / crit stacking, like everyone else.

  11. Once again you are fully specced in a crap tree to achieve those results, and you would once again be basing your ability to gain those high crits on a long cast time hoping your targets still standing in los like a noob since you will have spent too many points in lightning to be able to grab wrath for the ability to instant cast CL like you could with the combination spec not to mention wrath would increase the CL noncrit significantly and the crit to nearly the same damage lvl as you gain from RF while not having to grab crap abilities on the way and only costs 1 point instead of 5 to do so.


    You should've went Sith Warrior for all the rage you are using to post here.

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