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Posts posted by Ashnazg

  1. Yall coming from WoW seem to think that numbers is what matters.... if your damage in that warzone was so amazing...than why was your kill count at 12? If your healing was so amazing than why was your teams kill count so low?


    Padding numbers is meaningless and real 1337's will see right through your little numbers game.




    Here is the challenge...


    Show me screenshots where you have damage that properly goes along with kills.




    Grading scale is on Kill : DMG : Heal ratio scale... scale must work or either you padded your dmg/heals ... yes if there are massive heals on the other team you need to have skill to work around it...so thats not an excuse with all the CC tools we have in this game.


    High kills

    High Dmg

    High heals


    This means that HP at 50 is average 14-25k, where you also help your team for other kills. If you want to be 1337, than get your kill count to 50+ in a single warzone. Thats teamwork and true stompage. For healers... your healing means nothing if you lose the match and if your team wastes time getting beat on without kills.


    First up:


    Great screenshot and team you have, and grats on being the first to post something without trying to rage insult or claim that my theory is wrong. that is 1337 teamwork there.


    Looking for this, OP?



  2. I face-stomped hordes of marauders on my way to rank 63 on my sorcerer, so I told myself: "surely the class cannot be that bad, all those people just don't know how to play their marauders".


    So I rolled one, dominated 1-49 bracket, got into 50 and uhh yeah. Facing people who are decently geared, and know how to play is difficult. I am currently annihilation spec, and while I can get decent total damage for the warzone + I am hard as hell to kill, my killing power is also basically nil. No real burst to speak of, the sustained damage gets outhealed, and the over-abundance of knockbacks means that even with a shorter cooldown on my force leap, I end up spending too much time chasing my targets.


    Partially it may be a l2p issue, but I think there is just too much CC in pvp. It needs to get toned way down to make melees competetive.

  3. I would kill to have Red Armoured Sith Lord's armour for my character.


    You can get something that approximates that.


    This is that helmet style:




    and you can pick up a red robe similar to that warrior's image (although with a cape) in mid-level zones (30-43ish).




    Slightly OT, but if you're looking for the ancient-sith style without lightsabers, vibroswords are an amusing and (somewhat) viable alternative for marauders:



  4. Force scream should stun in pvp, even if it's only for 2-3 seconds, to allow for pommel strike. I believe it is an oversight on the part of developers that we cannot ever use that ability in pvp. This would also give us an extra interrupt to help deal with healers that seem like they can stay alive indefinitely (assuming decently geared).


    That would fix a lot of what is wrong with marauders in PvP, however you still have the issue of Operatives that can stunlock/cc/paralyze just about anything to death, and Sorces knocking people off of stuff every 5 seconds, ccing everyone, and doing absurd aoe dmg in general, plus having tons of snares etc.


    The game needs less stuns, not more.


    And pommel strike is there specifically for PvE content, it was never meant to be used in pvp combat.


    And as far as interrupts go, lets be fair to the healers, shall we. They already got the short end of the stick in PvP with a horrible UI. Now you want to give a class with 3 different interrupts (charge, interrupt, force choke/intim roar) another one?

  5. yes ..i play a scoundrel, and yes, im not happy bout the nerf, so if you are going to go around nerfing classes with a nerfhammer then at least give us the means to re-spec out of that advanced class we have spent time lvling to a more viable spec, cos if this is the way bioware is going to deal with imbalances in pvp/pve then watch out other classes...you will be next.


    You should respec out of this game, brochacho. If you want to play a different CLASS, go roll a different CLASS.

  6. And you don't think removing stun from electrocute wouldn't screw over PVE. the people on the forum scare me. I hope this is not where BW gets it's ideals.


    If you are relying on electrocute stun in PvE, I don't even know what to say..

  7. Alright guys we all know the Op's got nerfed. I have a feeling that we might be next due to the ranter in the PVP forum section. We have to stand together! Everyone please sign to show that we don't need a nerf! They don't understand that even though we can dps we have NO defence! Once our shield is down, we, ourselves, are downed within a few seconds. We are balanced. The main issue is their is just so many of us.


    To Bioware: You made SI's the way they are for a reason. Don't listen to the whiners and haters. You made us a balanced class by giving us strong dps skills, at a cost of a very low defence. Please don't make an unnecessary nerf. I am grateful for the game you've made but nerfing the OP's was a mistake in my eyes. Please do not make another mistake.


    The only change Bioware needs is to universally nerf the CC of all classes in this game. Almost every AC has access to a stun and a long-term CC, which should not be the case.


    I wouldn't mind if they removed our electrocute stun from all inquisitors for the sake of game balance, and nerfed knockback to 40s or 1 m cooldown.


    The same should happen to all other AC's that possess mirror abilities, of course. And then give healer trees a talented 4s stun (single target).

  8. I play as Sith marauder and is now 50. But is it only me that feel like we miss stunning abilities? Every class I seems so far got stuns and good attacks in PvP and PvE.

    But as marauder, you just got one stun that is a channeling, bad AoE attacks and still does little dps singel target if I compare with exemple sniper


    Marauder is much more sturdy and survivable than sniper though, so apples n oranges.

  9. Obviously you took advantage of the poorly designed system. People who war zoned to 60 valor prior to the 1.1 patch deserve to have a gear advantage over those who did not. We have every right to be pissed at Bioware for negating our efforts.


    I want to point out that I'm not upset at the end user who took advantage of the free valor.

    Yet this simple fact remains. Players are able to have access to the top tier pvp gear in a matter of hours. This is NOT by design. If you are one of those subscribers that thinks this is acceptable it is because you do not PvP.


    So let me put it to you like this. What if all the fresh 50s who cant figure out how to get past the first pull of BT HM trash all of a sudden had access to Rakata tokens. All that grinding through broken flash points and operation encounters is for naught. You would have better spent the last month rolling alts and just waited for Bioware to hand out everything for free.


    We are pissed because we put the time in to have an advantage for the upcoming ranked brackets. I don't know how else to say it.


    Gear != skill. Battlemaster gear is an insignificant improvement over champ gear. Why aren't you raging at RNG that gives unskilled people full champ gear set within days.


    Let me put it to you this way, I was 3rd or 4th battlemaster on my server and I got there by grinding warzones 24/7 with a 4 man premade. I don't feel like I deserve **** over those who took advantage of this current screw-up. It was no more difficult, and a lot more mind-numbing to own republic in every warzone than to grind them at their turrets.


    I don't hold a grudge vs those who got their ranks at the turrets - they found a way to do it quicker and easier than I did, good for them. Skill and teamwork will determine the victors in rated battlegrounds, not the # of battlemaster titles on the team.

  10. I don't exploit.


    I'm mad because it used to take a lot of work to get to valor 60.


    It didn't take skill in either circumstance though.


    Being mad about something because someone else had to do less work to get it in MMORPGs is insanity.


    Are you going to rage at Bioware when they make level 50 faster / easier to get down the road with legacy levels too?

  11. So are some of these bugged? I did my first hardmode Black Talon yesterday (after 5 days of searching and I am Imp side, please server merge). The instance was pretty nice and smooth. Did not have all that much trouble with anything except the Enrage timer on the bosses are like 2 minutes. They'd be at 30% and then just one shot everyone.


    Is there a reason for this? How about giving us another 30 seconds to a minute so we can get some gear. It seems that the content of the instance in relation to the enrage boss timers are way off. Plus why even have a timer? Aren't those for raids/ops? I know they are kind of a gear check but this is where people pretty much start in getting gear.


    "Well hey, that just means you need better gear". True, and that is what I am trying to do. If I should not be there (under geared) then why did we faceroll the place. I think you either need to bring the trash up a bit or bring the boss timers up a bit. Only speaking for Black Talon though.


    You do need better gear. I cleared BT hardmode with 2 dps and 2 companions. No tanks, no healers. Only hit enrage on bonus boss.


    That was in full champ. I am sure you can handle the instance if you are appropriately geared for it (level 47-50 blues) with a full group. It is a very easy hard mode.

  12. I think probably because Madness provides more DPS and more efficient DPS. Lightning does provide a bit better utility with lightning barrier, backlash and electric binding though. It's certainly seems like a decent build... wish my respec costs weren't so damn high so I could try it :(


    They reset to 0 after a week without respecs.

  13. I'm kind of interested in them. Are the fun to play in PvP? Does it get frustrating being targeted, interrupted, and stunned all the time? I'm deciding what to roll next and Sorc is near the top of my list.


    Also, when do you get your shield? Does PvP get exponentially better with it?


    I've only tried it at 11, and I know it's going to suck being that low with barely any spells. It just sucked being interrupted non-stop. Felt like a sitting duck.


    Did you ever play WoW's shadow priest? If you were good with them, you'll dominate on a sorc.


    Imho, sorcs are the single most powerful class in this game. Unbeatable 1 on 1 if properly played, and able to contribute superbly to group combat.

  14. Not going to bother reading through the posts but sorry this spec has a lot of flaws.


    Lightning Storm, Subversion and Forked Lightning do not belong in a Force Lightning spec.


    Lightning Effusion is a PVE ability primarily. It's only use in PVP is to toss out the occasional static barrier at half cost.


    if you are going that high in Lightning then you need Backlash and Polarity Shift.


    Rofl. effusion is a PvE talent? Really? Its a magnificent PvP talent.


    And polarity shift requires giving up instant whirlwind, not worth it.

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