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Posts posted by Ashnazg

  1. Usable, yes, Useful, no.


    As a sorc, I have never even put it on my bars - it's a melee range ability and we should not be close enough to our targets to use it. Not sure why it's not just an assassin-only ability, tbh.


    Because its there to allow us to dispatch weak/standard mobs quickly who mob/zerg us without having to kite them.


    At this point you are probably thinking: "Yeah, but we can destroy all standards with force storm anyway" and you'd be right. These abilities are there just to add some fluff and diversity in your rotations. Hell, on my marauder I have two of those and I never used either.

  2. Hi all,


    Sorry if this is information that has been posted before.. Is this ability even usable by Sith Sorc? I been trying to find effects that incap the nme so I can use it but doesnt appear anything allows this ability to be triggered. *side note* i was testing it in PVP not PVE.




    Tumult (as well as all other abilities of the same type) are not usable in PvP or PvE raiding, they are meant specifically for strong or below level mobs.

  3. Yay, you can play your marauder against trash pugs.


    You're gonna get creamed if you grab the ball against a good premade. Predation doesn't make you root or snare immune, so expect to have that on you 100%. Your charge doesn't make you CC immune (like a juggernauts does), and you cannot leap to allies. If you wanted to be a -good- ballrunner, you picked the wrong warrior AC.


    Furthermore, while I do not doubt that marauders have excellent survivability, they (annihilation specs especially) lack good burst and cannot get 100% dps uptime on skilled targets. In fact, in terms of dps uptime, marauders probably have the lowest amongst all damage classes. Ranged dps, played at equal skill levels, will outperform marauders, its that simple.


    Is the class hopelessly broken? No, the amount of CC and knockbacks in this game is.

  4. guess I'll just have to see how it's like at lvl 50 in ops...


    Personally, I run 23/18 because I hate running out of force. With a 13/28 it is still possible to run oom in very long fights or AoE fights, especially if you do other things (e.g. toss out emergency shields, heal, etc).


    With 23/18 you can forget about the force bar, and imagine yourself to be a resource-free vehicle of destruction.

  5. I notice that every pve 13/28 build I see has corrupted flesh listed. Is it really better than making your whirlwind double as an insta CC and stun?


    I would personally not make that trade, but I can see why some people who raid, or regularly group, with other classes with long-term CC opt out of instant cast whirlwind. After all, you don't really use whirlwind often in raiding, so those 2 points are wasted, whereas the 15% reduced dot damage at least comes in useful -sometimes-.


    Healing from DoT talent is a pure PvE need for deep Madness -shared tree- as unlike the other -middle tree- you need to frequently get force back by consuming your own health.


    For PvE you really should go 31 either tree and preferably middle tree.


    I hold a different opinion:


    a) I think deep madness is more force efficient than deep lightning

    b) Speccing deep lightning is fail atm either in PvE or PvP

    c) Hybrid spec of 13/28 (or my personal favorite of 23/18) is superior for dps because of infinite mana sustainability

  6. I'm not saying they are bad. I'm just saying that we are being short changed compared to other classes who receive substantial buffs to bread and butter abilities, which are usable throughout the entirety of a fight. It just seems like one hell of an afterthought.


    You mean like sorc PvE bonuses that give you:


    2pc: -2 force cost on Force Lightning (already a force positive spell) or Lightning Strike (whoever plays lightning spec sorc is doing it wrong - PvE OR PvP).


    4pc: 5% alacrity with 15s uptime every 20 seconds (alacrity does not affect dots in any fashion, so it is only somewhat useful to madness spec through lowering channel time on force lightning, and completely useless to lightning spec because lightning's filler nuke casts under GCD anyway).


    or do you mean marauder PvE bonuses that give you:


    2pc: 1 less rage cost (33% rage reduction) on execute that only works under 20%

    4pc: -15 seconds off a cooldown that lets you get 30 fury stacks instantly (2:30 minutes cooldown).




    I am preeeetty sure that (at least for dps) merc bonus stands out as being head and shoulders above other classes bonuses.

  7. The thing that pisses me off the most right now is the fact that if you play a melee, getting Ilum dailies (whichever side you're on) is a PITA, and getting warzone daily wins is an even bigger PITA because it seems that 50% of these warzone wins don't count anymore.


    It baffles me how Bioware can put a major bug like that on a backburner. Hell, even PvE weeklies don't get done because of the bug.

  8. Then ur doing something very wrong if your Ashara dps isn't all that and a bag of chips fo sure maybe her skills are off or under geared lol. The big difference between Ashara and Andi is ranged vs melee I love her leaping to mobs and using a reverse double saber finisher way more style lol.


    Ashara has 1 less dps skill (she has freeze instead).


    I think a heal/tank combo is unbeatable and I can take on champions myself, with some patience of course.


    In my humble opinion, if you run Khem + Yourself combo, a heal + tank is all you are getting. If you run Adronikos (or slightly worse case Ashara) + Yourself you are running a heal + tank + dps combo because you can tank much better than any of your companions.


    Why? Because you have 0 delay on getting out of aoe damage abilities, but more importantly, you can kite and LOS mobs all day long, which is far harder with a pet tank. I have soloed many heroic 4s on the way to 50 with Adron by CC-splitting pulls, kiting extensively, and using terrain features to my advantage (e.g. dancing around crates, ledges, etc). Adron, by the virtue of being ranged dps, made it possible. I tried doing the same with tank pets and no way. I could not keep up with the damage on them.

  10. I've tried just about every raid spec and OOF is always an issue lurking around. Whether it be because you got gibbed by a fluke mechanic and need to get brezzed, or because you have an opportunity to double dot/CL spam (bounty hunter fight in kraggas), or because you throw out CLs on every 2nd proc of wrath...whatever the case, I love my 23/18 (not 25/16 because I like my instant whirlwind for cats on bonethrasher, as well as some other situations) because no matter what, i am never oof.
  11. How many solo kills did you get with all that AOE, your kill number is high because you AOEd a bunch of people who ended up dieing probably to ST dps. I very much doubt you got up there AOEd and killed 10 people and then did it again a bunch more times.


    Uh, its voidstar, its nearly impossible to get solo kills.

  12. I am bored to tears of my sorcerer. No real challenge in pvp or pve, stuff just melts.


    Not to mention that I am a 3 button wonder - force lightning, affliction, chain lightning. No need to use anything else basically.


    I can only imagine how mercs feel, with their one-button tracer missile rotation.

  13. blah blah and more rage induced blah


    The only thing I got out of that is that you think each class should have a distinct pve tree and a distinct pvp tree.


    I'd rather prefer if each tree was viable for both, and there were more than 1 possible spec for each class to take to be viable in pvp OR pve.

  14. Roll sentinel. Do it on republic side so you face all mercs/sorcerers. Get back to me on this games balance. I am not saying I can't do well on a sentinel, but I saying that the people who think sages/sorcerers are in any way challenging or balanced? Will get absolutely rocked when playing a class like sentinel/marauder that isn't absolute faceroll.


    We face sorcs / mercs all the time in Huttball, no reason to roll republic.


    Ive had games where it was nothing but those two classes.



    Also, sorcs don't spec hybrid because its the "zomg victory spec" its because its the only viable spec on the class. Lightning tree is worthless, broken trash, with the final ability hitting like a level 10 vanguard autoattacking; high madness tree also gives very little for points invested, with the final tree ability being a semi-useful dot whose biggest value is the fact that it gives a 2s root on a 9s cooldown, not the damage.


    If they ever fix sorcs to actually do good damage as lightning specs, or make madness worthwhile to pursue past instant-cast whirlwind/Wrath, then you'll see a lot less "hybrid specs".

  15. Sustained damage trumps burst damage all day long. I'm not hiding in corner waiting on cooldowns.


    That is most certainly incorrect for PvP.


    Burst damage > sustained damage in every pvp fight ever conceived.

  16. This game has too much CC and forced movement. Together, this makes playing a melee an exercise in frustration. Whichever AC you pick, you will be force pushed, grappled, overloaded, stunned, slowed, flashbanged, force pulled and electrocuted a hundred times more than any ranged character. Its just human nature to prioritize close targets over distant targets for their CC.


    As a jugg, at least you get 4s of CC immunity after a charge.

  17. I hope at some point the legacy system allows for the use of some skills from other classes. Force lightning and force speed on a warrior, force charge and force push on an inquisitor would make sense.


    I think they'd have to split it tech users and force users but it could work.


    If Bioware wants to kill their game permanently, sure they'll do it.


    I'll be the first to pick up force charge and intercede on my sorc, along with force shroud, and single handedly win every single huttball.



    Otherwise you could ask where is Malgus Jasea Willsaam companion?


    This is his Vette:



  18. You just grinded the same 3 WZs over and over again and you're now valor rank 70. You have full Battlemaster gear and your "awesome" Battlemaster title.


    ....so.... is there anything else to do in this game? I guess I'll go do more WZs or attempt to gank in Ilum.


    In other words:


    The PvP WZ grind is mindless and not challenging. There are no arenas. Ilum is a sad joke.


    Why should we even invest our time in PvP content? Battlemaster is a pointless title that requires you queueing a bunch of times - you don't even have to win or be a decent player.


    You are basically correct. SWTOR exemplifies the worst things in modern game development - lazy, uninspired, grindy.

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