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Everything posted by kitharen

  1. You don't want to deal with the PvP crowd after them hearing you're able to gain PvP advantages in the safety of a PvE server.
  2. I agree, need rolls shouldn't be available on BoP items if you can't use them.
  3. I like real sounding names, so I started up some old SWG name generator, hit the "Generate!" button twice and came up with the name you see in my sig: Morric Talkin.
  4. TOR has rails everywhere, that's how Bioware designed it. We have to live with it.
  5. What's the dark side corruption toggle? Did I miss some feature?
  6. I don't like companions either, but if that's the mechanism Bioware uses to balance the solo part of the game so be it.
  7. And here I was hoping Bioware would do away with the need of 6 parallel hotbars to play a MMO efficiently.
  8. Aus Erfahrung gibt es über kurz oder lang keine Wartezeiten mehr. Die Spielzeiten verteilen sich besser über die Woche. Zudem wird häufig noch an den Servern geschraubt, um mehr gleichzeitige Logins verkraften zu können.
  9. Beta testers did not get rewarded anything other than being among the first to play the game.
  10. How often do you plan to switch guild or invite new members? The tools are fine as they are, I don't want my UI cluttered with guild management stuff.
  11. Would be funny having max level chars around even before the game has been released. Less than three days to get to max level seems a tad too casual though.
  12. Where them Twi'lek dancers at? Wanna marry a couple of them.
  13. I quit my last MMO (Vanguard:SOH) in 2007 with the intention of never playing a MMO again. Then along came TOR.
  14. I'm a software architect and I tell you: the customer is almost always wrong.
  15. Finde die Warteschlangen auch ein bisschen sehr lang. Mir ist eigentlich auch egal, ob WoW oder sonstwelche Spiele ähnlich lange Warteschlangen hatten; andere Hersteller haben bewiesen, dass es auch ohne Warteschlange geht. Wollte gestern eigentlich noch ein, bis zwei Stunden spielen, was aber daran scheiterte, dass ich 1,5 Stunden Wartezeit hatte. Bioware muss hier nachbessern. Ich gestehe denen zu, dass wir uns gerade erst in der Releasephase befinden, aber gerade jetzt darf man keine langfristigen Zugeständnisse machen.
  16. I don't get why BW didn't support the full Unicode character set right from the start. BTW, cyrillic characters aren't supported.
  17. According to Amazon one should not enter the code before the 20th, it may break the code in the worst case. Guess there's some more info about this in some sticky somewhere.
  18. People will have forgotten about the "waves" in about a week.
  19. Ancient weapons... Sith go down like this:
  20. A. Got home from work on the 13th and were able to log into the game within less than a minute of patching. Then I had time enough to play for about an hour without experiencing lag, server crashes, non working quests or overpopulated areas. Good work, Bioware.
  21. Amazon.de shipped my standard edition yesterday.
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