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Everything posted by magnuskn

  1. Ist halt offensichtlich so, das einige Leute von Anfang an nen Threadjack versucht haben. Oder es einfach nicht gerafft haben, dass die Designvorgabe von BW Spiegelklassen sind, sie aber dies nicht hinbekommen haben. Und ich sag auch mal an, das Shock und Project ( deutsche Namen entfallen mir, ich spiel den englischen Client ) beide identisch sein sollen, aber der Felsbrocken von Project eine "Reisezeit" hat, welche Shock nicht hinnehmen muss. D.h. der Schaden von Project passiert erst bei Aufschlag des Projektils, Shock hingegen macht seinen Schaden sofort. Das ist bei Jedi Schatten vielleicht nicht so relevant, wegen der limitierten 10-Meter Reichweite, aber ich denke Jedi Gelehrte, welche 30-Meter Reichweite haben, fühlen sich sicher davon genervt.
  2. Und ich dachte, das Spiel ist Euch zu einfach... ^^
  3. Ach so, Ihr wollt also anderen vorschreiben wie das Spiel zu sein hat ( mir ist's gerade auf den hohen Leveln schon schwer genug ), aber Vorschläge wie man das bestehende Spiel für sich selbst schwieriger machen kann, ohne allen anderen den Spaß zu versauen, das ist dann zu viel für Dich. Sehe ich das richtig? Nein, ihr könnt nicht einfach anderen das Spiel versauen, weil Ihr irgendwelche Steinzeiterinnerungen an Everquest und DAOC habt. Benutzt die, von dem Kollegen sehr gut zusammengefassten, Mechaniken um Euch das Spiel selbst schwieriger zu machen. Viel Spaß.
  4. Since I cannot conjure a search function out of this air, could anyone enlighten me as to: a.) Is Biometric Crystal Alloy BOE or BOP and b.) Does every boss in a hardmode flashpoint drop it or only the last one?
  5. Thanks, I'll use that for the moment. I'd still love to see a Jedi Guardian DPS guide from someone, though.
  6. Do you have any idea of how much potential profit I am losing by having to RE all of my output, to even get those recipes?
  7. Yes, yes that is what is happening. I'm beginning to think that there are still Guild Wars 2 fanboy infiltrators around, who want to destroy every aspect of the game which actually works well.
  8. It'd be really nice if there were a guide with a detailed breakdown of the Vigilance tree talents. At the moment it seems that all guides are being only written for the tanking tree.
  9. Seems that there is another whine train steaming down the tracks... let's see if BioWare manages to not immediately cave and nerf the last useful profession into the ground. If they do, I think this might break my long-standing faith in their competence, at least for this BioWare team.
  10. It's a ton of work to make it functional, yes. I can't really see how they could go about making it less of a chore for players. I don't mind some extra work to keep my look, but in this case it means that at best you have to invest triple the time non-appearance concious people have to invest to make it work. And there are still huge issues about set bonuses and other stuff.
  11. Oh, super. Now the nerf squad is on the next profession. Can't we just buff the other professions to be useful? I guess after BioWare panic reacts again and nerfs Biochem, Cybertech grenades are next, so that no profession will be useful at all.
  12. Uh, you do know what "golfclap" means, right?
  13. All in all, there seems to be a disconnect between the game systems and roleplaying in this game. Appearance customization: Works with much difficulty until the endgame. Then the standard "raid or die, go go clone army!" mentality of developing seems to take over. Companions: Taking the one you like best doesn't work for the most part. You either take a tank or a healer, the others are a time-sink due to highly increased resting times between combats. Little RP features: No sitting, no chat bubbles, social sets really difficult to get. There must be much done to get this going. It's as if BioWare didn't understand that to truly immerse oneself in this world they created, one must be able to get into character. I want to wear what I want, I want to take the companion I want and I want to sit in the cantina, instead of standing around like a doofus.
  14. I was kinetic, too, until two days ago. And I used Nadia constantly, because it makes freaking sense from a storyline standpoint. However, using her means that I need to regen after every fight which involves a silver mob, while with Tharan I can just go on and on. Her DPS is not all that impressive compared to mine, so it makes little difference if she downs on normal mob by herself... this time saving gets erased by me having to regen after the fight.
  15. Companions, as currently implemented, are a failed feature. You can't take the ones you want with you, you must take the most effective ones, which for us is Theran. Unless you just love having to regen after every fight.
  16. Unless you want an actual melee class, not a melee caster. I am re-rolling Guardian Vigilance. Yes, even with all the problems that class apparently has. ^^ It just gets tiring that your main attack is chucking rocks, small and big, against opponents heads. I wanted a class which mainly uses its lightsaber.
  17. Riiiight, hitting your head repeatedly against the keyboard will work out just as well. Sure, sure. Having priority lists or rotations is actually helpful, especially in a game where the UI does barely help you with tanking. Please don't take this guys incredibly poor advice.
  18. A global LFG channel is a must, because nobody wants to have to sit around on the fleet all day long.
  19. Yeah, a friend and me just noticed that, too, with the Rampage Assault Chestguard. Beware, this will not work.
  20. Epic gear comes with mods and enhancements in them, but no armoring. And, yep, that makes those professions pointless at endgame at the current time.
  21. No, I'd actually would like them to give us an insight on what particular solutions they are working. The "when" part is not that important, the importance is in providing something to look forward to. Ominous "we are working on it" are not enough, because that is what they currently say to everything.
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