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Everything posted by magnuskn

  1. I agree with Walsh. If the Jedi are canonically, as an organization, made into purveyors of genocide, then that kills the Star Wars universe as we know it. It would just become another grimdark morally relativistic universe. And I fear that I've lost a lot of confidence into the SWTOR writing staff with what I've seen of the class stories of many classes. I don't have much confidence that they won't go down this path if they are enabled to.
  2. Yes, calling Jedi hobos and saying that he prefers to play on the Sith side... how unkind of me to tell him to do just that. Maybe you should get a sense of humor.
  3. @OP: Please, with that attitude go play a Sith. You are clearly better suited for that faction. But I will admit, Jedi Consular robes look mostly like bathrobes. They don't seem to have the physical sturdyness which even low-level Jedi Knight robes have.
  4. You don't build a story around "that next chapter which you will see in a few years". You build it around the medium you are releasing right now. That doesn't mean that conflict about the romance will definitely not happen in an expansion, but for the proper dramatic conflict, it should have been a major theme now. In the main game, around which they will build expansions later on, if it is still profitable to do so.
  5. Because it should be prime story material. Hell, we even had Daniel Erickson giving statements about Jedi romance being a field of conflict. Instead of that, we got barely anything. I might well be wrong. But if they don't include that in their main story, I don't see them being interested in picking it up later.
  6. I highly doubt that this will happen. If the writers dropped the ball for the storyline in the main game, I don't think they will pick it up for an expansion. If there were some serious consequences for romancing your companion as a Jedi, the time to introduce it would have been now.
  7. Well, I can't log into the game anymore, but I can still post. So something funky is going on.
  8. Yeah, Kira is pretty viable, you just have to live with more downtime. I am at level 34 and have her at 10k affection, so I am looking forward to aquiring Doc ( when I resub in a few months, that is... RL issues force me to stop playing for the moment ). I'll miss her sardonic comments, though.
  9. Well, I figure that's it not intentional, after all their stated intentions were to disable posting for people who unsubbed. Not that I'm complaining about still being able to post... but a lot of other people who unsubbed will surely use their miraculously preserved posting privileges abusively.
  10. Hmmm. My facts: Got in on the first day of early access. Cancelled on the 2nd of January due to RL reasons. Got a message that my suscription would run out on the 18th. Can't log in anymore. Still able to post. Surely this is a bug?
  11. Well, BioWare also failed to make the Jedi fun. I played the Consular and wow, is that a dour and humorless class story. He cracked maybe three jokes in all that time. The Jedi Knight isn't that much better. I would have liked to see someone like Obi-Wan, who despite his duties as a Jedi did have a sarcastic and funny side ( loved his "So uncivilized!" after having to use a blaster to off Grieveous ). Lots of people here say that the Jedi "look like hobos". Sorry, but a Jedi is supposed to look humble, that comes with the job. Although I'd really prefer them to use more tunics and pants, less robes and frocks. ^^ But nobody said that the Jedi have to be so damn joyless about what they do. Being a monk doesn't mean being being boring. And that is where BioWare failed the Jedi classes.
  12. Why shouldn't Walsh say that he warned BioWare? He did. And he was right. He created one of the largest and longest running threads the forum had before the wipe. Only because you don't like him, that doesn't make it any less true.
  13. I guess you forgot to mention how that one guy was then constantly CC'ed and didn't get off too many abilities before being overwhelmed.
  14. I wish that the pre-launch forum posts were still archived... people could go and see that Prof Walsh really was pointing out the marketing problem for years. Oh, well.
  15. That's a fallacy. Horde was vastly underplayed for years, until Blizzard released the Blood Elves in the Burning Crusade expansion. --- As for Prof Walsh's suggestion: Implementing a buff based on the population present in a zone is not a new idea. WoW had this for years in the Wintergrasp open PvP zone. On paper, it sounds like the best idea, but there is a problem: Crowd control. If seven people beat up on you, you will be crowd controlled during 90% of the encounter, so it doesn't matter if you have seven times the hitpoints they have and do seven times the damage. But, yeah, faction imbalance has to be solved. You and others ( me included ) pointed out to BioWare how one-sided their hype was for the game. At this point, I think it would be better to give the Republic a few crushing victories in the storylines to come. That should cause some rethinking on part of the players, as there are people who want to be on the winning side. I must admit, it is a bit disheartening that so many people seem to prefer a vile dictatorship over a messy democracy. Keep fighting the good fight, Prof!
  16. Try to get the Aspiring Knight's Vest. It's a moddable medium armor piece, without robe or hood. It is actually the exact one ( although with a different colour ) which Master Orgus Din wears. The armor hit is survivable for a Jedi Guardian, IMO. About 1-2% damage reduction. I just checked, it's 210 armor you lose at level 33... amusingly enough, it seems that stays constant, I compared an epic lvl 50 heavy armor chestpiece against a blue lvl 50 medium armor chestpiece, and it had a difference of 250 armor between the two of them.
  17. I think we just got a quite important supporter for more character customization. This may be my last post for a while, btw., my sub runs out tomorrow. I'll reconnect with you guys when my RL stuff I have to take care off is over and I get time to play again. Keep up the good fight!
  18. I recommend leveling a bit over your expected level for the coming planets. Finishing up Alderaan and doing the bonus series on Nar Shadaa ( starts at lvl 31, go to the spaceport for your contact there ) will help doing that. Makes leveling quite easier.
  19. Funnily enough, it did exactly the contrary to me. After playing for two weeks, I resubbed WoW and enjoyed how polished that game is in comparison to the rather rough experience SWTOR currently has. I'm sure this game will be brought up to the level in the next months, but there are still a ton of issues to be resolved.
  20. <snip> Only that your fixed would make it mandatory to be a certain profession to have any character appearance customization. That'd be bad enough design for me to not return to this game.
  21. How about bringing up the other ( currently useless at endgame ) professions towards the level Biochem + Cybertech had, instead of nerfing those two? But I guess that would entail actual work.
  22. I'd say that it's all dependent on how the economy develops, because at least on my server only a very few crafters bother to keep their stuff constantly in the AH. Making your appearance customization dependent on the whim of other people is not a good solution, IMO.
  23. Yep, this game teaches you to use your interrupts. That's something which I can say from having played my Jedi Shadow to 50. The Jedi Knight ain't different. Damn ranged classes have it way too easy.
  24. After reading all the horror stories, I expected bad things going to Tatooine. But I must say, my Vigilance specced Jedi Guardian was doing pretty okay. Yeah, I had to rest or pop a health kit after taking on two silver mobs together ( or a gold star, of course ), but it's going quite fast and nice. I just wish I'd have better AE capabilities, like the Trooper/Bounty Hunter. It helps of course that I am investing heavily into leveling Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy, as to have the appropiate reusable stims and health packs ready when I reach the level they go online. And that my old main has Cybertech maxed out, so I never lack for mods, armorings, earpieces and implants. Let's see if it keeps up. I'm level 29 going into Alderaan. I hope Overhead Slash will speed up questing some.
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