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Everything posted by Alexbeav

  1. Ouch, my head hurt. Da*** did I just read ? Turning shadows down improves performance ?? That's news !! Playing an MMO with a joypad ? An MMORacingG , sure.... I don't like being sarcastic, but buddy you had it coming. Can't tell if overexcited console kid or ingenious troll... And for the love of god, please recheck what you're writing. I'm not even touching spelling, your grammar makes this post actually hard to comprehend :/
  2. What's the deal with the combat log ? When is it coming, and what will it include ?
  3. Anyone got any problem where the adds on 16-man HM start re-spawning even though you haven't started solving the puzzle yet ?
  4. As a Juggernaut tank, I don't really have a problem with my class. I would like some more rage generation and a CC ability, but I can live without them. Threat however, concerns me as well, especially group threat in high-AOE trash situations.
  5. This is the most irritating fight in the game by far. As my guild's main tank, there is nothing worse than taunting Soa, turning around so I can calculate the proper position, get there and turn around to see him on the other side of the room, hitting someone. I can confirm that even with no one hitting him (as everyone is busy on mind traps), taunting him doesn't always work (Sith Juggernaut). On a side note, how badly do these pyramids need a mark on the ground showing where they'll land ?
  6. To be honest, the only reason my guild raids 16-man is because it's a good recruitment tool. I do feel it should be tuned to be closer to 8-man.
  7. I suppose you're using Need/Greed so as not to miss any crafting mats. Try this : have everyone stay away and not loot the boss when it goes down. Then a single person loots him, that person must have disabled "auto loot on right click" and then he can right click each item for it to be rolled individually. Problem solved.
  8. Thank you very much for your answers. I will look further into it. Will it take much PvPing to get the chest ? (Haven't checked it yet, but it's caped too right ?)
  9. Greetings ! I was wondering if there is a custom armor (or schematic) for Heavy Armor headpiece, that combines the mouthpiece as worn by Malgus & a hood on top. I was looking forward to combine it with an armor that has a cape attached for maximum Dark Side look ! Any ideas ?
  10. Greetings ! I was wondering if there is a custom armor (or schematic) for Heavy Armor headpiece, that combines the mouthpiece as worn by Malgus & a hood on top. I was looking forward to combine it with an armor that has a cape attached for maximum Dark Side look ! Any ideas ?
  11. When can we expect the combat log, and how will it help us estimate & understand our DPS/Healing/Threat ?
  12. - Adding a /roll & /readycheck functions, which would help ops/ops leaders a lot. - Adding the ability to add a parameter to /who i.e. name. currently this just opens the "Who" tab on your current location/planet. - On the same note, Shift + Clicking on a name in the chat could also print level, class, guild, and current area. - On the Guild window, players should be able to right click any name and have the option to whisper, invite etc. as when right clicking on a name in the chat.
  13. You almost got it Bioware ! Now just remove the flashing effect from all skills and only use it for skills that come off cooldown !
  14. Currently, the Heavy Fabricator boss on Karagga's Palace (4th boss) seems to have his difficulty reversed between normal and hard/nightmare mode.
  15. In response to the OP, yes I have noticed more droids spawning this week on 4th boss. My guild still managed to down him on normal. We'll be running hard on monday so I'll reply with my opinion then. Definitely seemed more challenging, didn't remember being stunned before Marvelous fight btw, very refreshing.
  16. 16-mans seem like they require a group decked in at least 4-piece Columi before making serious attempts. I also find it a bit confusing that to be able to do Pylons & Council comfortably, you need 4 tanks, while Droid, Gharj and Soa need 1 tank and 1 crap!-time tank. This wouldn't really make me raise in eyebrow for suspicious balancing if we had, say, dual-specs and just had 2 DPS/Tanks along for the ride. It's like people say : 8 NM -> 8 HM -> 16 NM -> 16 HM/8 NMM -> 16 NMM. Only reason I can see for doing 16-man are 1) Bragging/recruiting 2) The mounts For now, my guild has come to the conclusion to forego 16-man entirely, since our 2 8-man HM groups split up and help our less dedicated raiders gear up in 8-man normals. 16 HM is good for fun, but only if 1) people are geared almost to the point where no loot of interest drops for anyone and 2) everyone knows precisely what they are doing.
  17. My 2 cents : 1) BT is the fastest and easiest HM to run, perfect for getting your daily HM quest done. 2) Foundry is ok, but need a lot of alert on the HK fight and Revan fight. If Revan catches you off-guard and gets Power of the Force cast, you wipe. 3) Boarding Party is actually pretty easy, and you can skip a few mobs to make it quicker, but the last fight is frantic and hectic. Maintain target priority and it should be easy, but it's healer intensive. 4) Battle for Ilum is arguably the hardest due to the damned 2nd boss (shield boss). You can search for a tactic to defeat him, but this one is grossly overtuned. 5) False Emperor is long as hell, but the bosses aren't that much trouble. It's just a huge FP. 6) Kaon is probably hardest or 2nd hardest, due to mobs needing to be interrupted, and generally tough to tank. Have fun on the bonus boss 7) D7 is actually my favourite FP nowadays. You can skip a very large chunk of it, and it's a good way to know if your group (or potential recruits) can actually coordinate Everything's a bit tough the first time. I remember dying as a tank on the bonus boss of BT because we didn't know we had to interrupt the power punch. Just take it easy, look up tactics, and have a semi-decent group and you'll be fine. IMHO : BT -> BP -> D7 -> Foundry -> FE -> BoI / KuS
  18. Pylons have to be solved N S S N . On Hard Mode, once a person clicks the keypad they get a debuff that stops them from clicking the panel a second time fast. Basically Pylons on hard have the added difficulty of needing to be solved on the correct order and the need for 2 people per side to be solving. As for OP's problem, make sure to reset the instance every time you wipe on Soa.
  19. Are addons and macros going to be allowed/implemented before summer ?
  20. ...or they could just kindly explain that this is the first time they've been to a FP and want to experience the story, and just DON'T press Space Bar... Standing up for themselves, know what I'm saying ?
  21. Not sure if this is a bug or an intended feature : If you are running a 16-man operation and decide to split it up into 2 8-mans, at least on KP, the instance remains 16-man, with normal 16m HP, abilities etc.
  22. Personally, I leveled while playing WoW and the only dungeons I ever ran until 70 were Deadmines and Stockades. I finished leveling just by questing, hit 80 and THEN started running dungeons for the gear. When I started an alt, the LFG proved invaluable to me having a positive leveling experience : I would keep on questing while looking for a group, and saw all the dungeons I never got a chance to see while leveling my main, because there were simply not enough people in *area name* who were interested in grouping up for the dungeon. I do believe that an intra-server LFD tool would be great. I also believe that some people would have a better experience with a X-server LFD. Why not give them both ? An LFG tool with the option of looking inside your own server or checking the rest as well. With or without it, I *am* going to level my alts. But it will be a much better experience if I have the tool, and it will most certainly be very helpful to people with jobs and families, that don't want to spam general chat for 30' to get a group for a dungeon that's shorter than that. If you like to do it "old-school", be my guest. I'm not going to stop you or berate you if you want to spam general, though I *will* be ticked off if you clog up the chat while an interesting conversation is going on, and will point you to each server's dedicated LFG channel (/cjoin LFG). I will also not stop you or hold a grudge against you if you want to go to your nearest lake, fish until you catch your dinner, and cook it in a nearby campfire. But please don't berate me if I just drive to go buy my fish and cook it in my oven. "Live and let live"
  23. Wrath of the Lich King didn't have the LFG tool implemented until half-way through either. And I don't think they consider BC superior because it didn't have any LFG tool, but rather because trash pulls required correct CC application to get past from, and were not an AOE spam in each room.
  24. I am going to give a very simple example of why I am pro-addons : I am the leader of my guild and currently one of 3 raid leaders. We've downed normal EV and will down KP this week. Currently, 1 of our 2 'progression' groups, has downed 2/5 EV HM. My problem (beyond the bugs) is that : 1) I do not know which of the other 3 tanks generates enough threat to be a reliable MT. Sure, I have a pretty good idea who's a good tank and who's not, but I'd like to know who to pick as my OT and who to set as MT on the 2nd group. 2) I do not know which of our healers are better. Sure, I have a pretty good idea who is a good healer because I've run HM FPs with all of them and have formed an opinion based on how many deaths (or not) we have in each. I would still like to know however, who is the 2nd best healer so he can be placed in the 2nd group, to give them an equal chance at the raid. 3) I do not know which of our DPSs deliver. Sure, I have a pretty good idea-- You get the point. When it comes to normal raids, where we can all have fun and laugh while we faceroll it without a hitch (when not bugging), I don't have a problem eyeballing and picking players while ballparking their performance. But when it comes to hard mode and nightmare mode, I do not want to have a pretty good idea of their performance, I want to nail it down PRECISELY. I need to do it, because HM and NMM are all about NUMBERS. Big, fat numbers, because the bosses are 1) tougher 2) hit harder and 3) enrage quicker. They do not have new abilities, it's the same encounter with higher requirements in performance. You know what happens when a guild/raid leader cannot know the performance of his raiders ? Instead of sorting out all of our raiders and get 2-3 balanced groups up with numerically positive chances of progression, I have to bench the players I consider are underperforming so that at least some part of guild progresses. It's either that or we let all our raiders in on the Hard Mode, and bang our heads against the repail bill for 3 hours. That's not fun. Then again, it's not fun 'just' raiding in normal difficulty. Most people in the guild desire more, and I want to be able to give it to them. That's how addons would help. Even a combat log that we can parse and get an estimate of our healing and damage done would be a great help, but if I could have addons right now, I'd be an even happier raider. The same may not apply to others, and I respect that. All I'm (we're) asking for is to have the choice available.
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