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Everything posted by KPureblade

  1. Basically, I'm curious if any of the servers that were considered Destination servers in the last transfer are going to be considered for merging with tomorrow's merge. I know there are two PvP East servers that were Destination servers, and population has been steadily shrinking on the Fatman, so I was curious if we would be merged too.
  2. At very least I feel like they should have polled the community on this one first to see if the majority really wanted this or not. I don't like that they make decisions like this on their own without taking our input.
  3. I can't friend my friend's Republic player while I'm on my Imperial character, and vice versa. Plus, this would just be a whole lot cleaner.
  4. This is so dumb. I was really hoping they would add functionality at some point to become "friends" with another Legacy so you could see whenever your buddy was online any of his alts. With this silly, pointless change they've taken away a lot of potential cool ideas away.
  5. Nay. Assassin = Inquistor, Shadow = Consular. So unless the tank tree talent is taken away, they will have 5 seconds of cooldown.
  6. So if I'm understanding this right, Assassins/Shadows that place 7 points in the Deception (Lightning Reflexes) tree and 7 points in the Darkness tree (New functionality to Avoidance), in addition to the change that Force Speed is lowered to a 20 second cooldown, they will have a 5 second cooldown on Force Speed? Force speed's run duration lasts for 2 seconds anyway, so unless some other things are getting some changes, there will only be 3 seconds of time that Assassins/Shadows are not running at 150% run speed. Am I right on all this or are there more changes going on than detailed? And if this is correct... what? Primarily thinking of Huttball here, but all of the objective based warzones will be significantly affected by this, won't they? Don't misunderstand me I'm all for Assassins/Shadows getting a rebalance if they want it, but this seems a bit extreme.
  7. Yeah, essentially you're removing Expertise from the equation while still requiring it for PvP. I think if nothing else it would close the gap because currently War Hero users have more Expertise AND main stats, where my idea would just have the main stats be a factor of difference.
  8. I do not frequent these forums so forgive me if this has been discussed before. This idea just came to me and I wanted to get thoughts on it. It seems like a big "problem" with PvP on SWTOR is the Expertise stat. It is, unfortunately, a necessary evil. Basically, the Expertise stat is there to separate PvP progression from PvE progression, so people don't cry out that a PvP'r has better gear than them for PvE, when the PvE'r worked really hard in PvE content to get his gear. The problem comes in when someone in Recruit gear is facing off against someone in War Hero gear. There is a pretty extreme "gap" there as far as chance to win a fight. So here is my thought.. what if all PvP tiers of gear all had the same Expertise value? The necessary evil of Expertise remains but perhaps lessens the huge gap between tiers of gear. To put it another way, take the PvP CHEST piece. Let's say the Recruit, Battlemaster, AND War Hero sets all have 50 Expertise on them. But to add the benefit of progressing gear, the War Hero set will have more Main stats, Endurance, and other non-Expertise stats than the Recruit gear. In my head, this would make me think that the power "gap" between tiers of gear would be lessened, and perhaps TTK would be increased. Essentially it takes away stacking Expertise to get an edge on the competition, but still requires it to compete in PvP. Thoughts? Bonus thought: Assume the idea above works. What if they made it so Expertise also reduces the time in Stun? Stun locking is huge in PvP and can be really lopsided at times. If the Expertise stat reduced the time you remained in Stun, this would make stun locking less critical in PvP while leaving it untouched for the PvE'rs.
  9. Hey BioWare, just wanted to give a thank you to you guys and especially your special event team for the Chevin scavenger hunt event. I appreciate your work on the event and wanted to give you guys some feedback, both positive and some room for improvement. Ultimately I enjoyed the event but wanted to leave my thoughts, and I hope others might use this post as an opportunity for constructive criticism and praise. For starters, I love that you left clues everywhere for how to track down the items for the hunt. During the Rakghoul plague event, the "triggers" for each daily event were so random that I felt required to go look up the event on the internet to find where I should go. This time since the clues were presented to me, I did the entire event without a guide and I think it made it a lot more fun! I wish other people would have attempted the event without a guide before frolicking to the internet for a walkthrough.. no one goes on a scavenger hunt and says "Okay, but can't you just tell me where everything is?" I feel like the mission chain where you are working with the Imperial/Republic agents to expose the Chevin plot should have been drawn out in a daily fashion. Instead of unlocking the entire line on day one, this would have been a good opportunity to have bits and pieces unlock on a daily basis would have added to the suspense and immersion of the event. For instance, the mission where you "ride" the air vents to spy on the Chevin meeting would have taken place toward the end of the event instead of on day one. Despite a lot of negative feedback, I thought the rewards for this mission were great, and no, I don't play a character yet that uses rifles or snipers. The bowcasters are a unique item that can't be used anywhere else.. they're a collectors item. Same for the broken down speeder.. sure its not feasible to use at level 50 since it is 90% speed, but there isn't another speeder in the game like it! I think the uniqueness of the rewards were great. I was disappointed that there was not any sort of "World Boss" like the Rakghoul event. Those were great social events. In fact, this event felt very "single player". I appreciate the unique-ness of the missions, but I have to say I did not enjoy the "wait in line" style missions where you had to wait for people to finish it for themselves and then be the fastest to click the point. I understand why you did it this way, but I hope there are alternatives to streamline this a bit more in the future. Last I'll leave a little bug report.. if you completed some of the "bonus series" missions in a group, you sometimes wouldn't get the 5 free "Tokens of Enrichment". For instance, I know the Hutt robot race that takes place on the Promenade, if you turned it in as a group, you would NOT get the 5 tokens, but if you turned it in solo, you would. I believe there were also a few on Dromund Kaas that worked this way. Would appreciate this being looked into for next time. All and all, I enjoyed the event and put a ton of hours into it... I ran it on six characters and ended up with one of each item on the vendor. Oh, and I'm glad you decided to make the event armor sets Bind on Legacy! Very good decision in my opinion. Thanks again, can't wait for the next one! EDIT: Oh, one more thing! I hope there is something that can be done about data mining in the future. Everyone knew exactly what was going to happen on the event before it even happened because it was added to the code way before the event took place. I know it is risky to dump fresh, untested code on a live server to avoid data mining, but I think it would make the events more fun if no one knew what was going to happen!
  10. Some sort of inventory sorting feature would be great. For bounty hunters, when you zone into your ship, you're facing the exit door. This is counter intuitive to me. I just entered the ship, I should be facing inwards!!
  11. When approaching a mission hub, there is no way to differentiate Heroic missions from normal missions. Solution: Mark the Heroic missions with a different icon or color. My companion won't join in on conversations if I start them from my speeder. Solution: Backend changes so your current companion will always join conversations assuming they are not dismissed. I believe currently the game is technically "dismissing" and "summoning" your companion when you mount a speeder, and when you start a cutscene, it doesn't "summon" your companion again before starting. Can't hide companion helmets or match colors. Solution: Implement this feature, I believe this is in the works though. Can't lower/raise hoods on jedi robes. Solution: Implement a toggle feature similar to hide head slot. If I have my bank tab and inventory open and close the bank tab window, the inventory automatically closes. Similarly, closing a vendor window also closes the inventory window. Solution: I could see how some users would want this functionality, but personally I would like my inventory to remain open when I close to bank tab. This would be a perfect instance of a preference setting that the users can elect for.
  12. FYI, if you enjoy playing the game in Windowed or Fullscreen (Windowed) mode, CrossFire will NOT work. Crossfire doesn't work in Windowed games, but I believe SLI does. And by doesn't work, I mean it'll run but only use one GPU. It will balance to both appropriately if the game is played fullscreen. This is a CrossFire issue and not SWTOR specific.
  13. Hey there, Not a huge complaint but a little annoyance that I have run into once before. After waiting a long time as DPS in the Group Finder queue, I once clicked "Decline" by mistake because I'm so used to the Affirmative prompt options always being on the left. After checking all of the different types of prompts I could find in game, I did indeed find that the Group Finder invite is the only one that has the Affirmative choice on the right. Could we get this flipped to keep the prompts consistent? Image demonstrating this: http://i.imgur.com/z7wOT.png
  14. You know the assets are there because if you play a Twi'lek, you don't have hoods EVER. I don't claim to know how they coded it, but I would think a toggle would be really simple considering it already has logic for .. if TWI'LEK then HOOD_DOWN else HOOD_UP
  15. That area mission in the back of that one heroic area where you have to solve the puzzle of powering the anti-air gun was a blast for a friend and I. This was back when we were on a dead server and had the planet to ourselves so no one interfered. We spent quite awhile playing with that one and it was really gratifying to solve.
  16. I agree with the OP to an extent. Yes, the Crystal vendor was temporary and we all knew it. So let's ask a different question.. why was that vendor offered temporarily? The only answer that makes sense to me is that the vendor was offered because not all types of crystals were obtainable at the time, and this was a way to get them. So logically that says to me that once the vendor went away, all crystals should be obtainable in game by other means somehow. Except for apparently white which I can understand having an exclusive color.. they must have plans for it. "But KPureblade, you can get Purple crystals from Columi weapons!" True, but only on the Empire side. I really want a purple crystal on my Jedi Sage, and currently the only way to get one is to either buy a PvP crystal or buy one from someone that bought one from the old vendor. It is not obtainable by normal means for the Republic. Same for Cyan on the Empire. And black-cored crystals don't count. I prefer the white cored ones. So it would be nice if Purple PvE crystals were obtainable by means other than faction specific.
  17. Do you guys have any plans for Ilum World PvP since it has more or less been "removed" as a part of end-game due to balancing and performance issues? I would like to see it return in some form.
  18. I think it would be very useful to have a feature in game that makes it easy to pick out the Heroic missions on planets. Currently I run into two scenarios that are inconvenient and this feature would fix quickly: I'm playing solo and don't want to commit to a Heroic mission at the moment and find a group. When I visit a "mission hub", I pick up all the missions and end up finding a couple of them to be heroics. I either ignore them or cancel them at this point. I'm playing with a friend and we're tired of or overleveled for the current planet and anxious to move on to the next. We decide we want to rush through the rest of the current planet, only doing our class mission, the planet-wide "main chain", and any Heroics along the way. There currently isn't a way to know which missions are Heroics without picking up every mission in the area. The current icon for all missions is the semi-upside down gold triangle. The turn-ins glow green in the center. If you're grouped up, you can see missions your groupmates are on by similar icons on your map, except they are purple. If heroic missions could show up as a different color, or perhaps with a star in the middle of the triangle, it would be super convenient for picking up the missions you want, or skipping the ones you're not interested in. Bonus request: If the special planet-wide chains had a unique icon/color, that would be neat too!
  19. Wondering if anyone has any solid information on this.. On my Jedi Sage, I have been running Red Reaper over and over hoping to acquire the "of Deception" set of gear (for the look of the gear). The only problem is, it is technically Jedi Shadow gear. Knowing that drops in a flashpoint are manipulated by your group composition, my strategy so far has been to queue up as Heals for Red Reaper, and only accept the invite if there is at least one Jedi Shadow in the group. Despite this, I have only seen one piece drop (Gloves) and to make it worse I lost the roll on it to the Shadow.. One time, I lucked out and got a group of me, 2 Shadow DPS, and 1 Shadow Tank. Not a single piece of "of Deception" gear dropped. To add to the equation, I've seen blaster pistols drop when the group was full of Jedi. So does anyone have any thoughts on how the loot determination is? If you have 4 different classes in your group, is it roughly 25% that gear for your class drops? If you have 3 of one class in a group and 1 of another, is the loot 75%-25% or 50%-50%? That is, does each player have a chance, or does each class have a chance? And where do these odd ball drops come into play? Blaster Pistols for Jedi groups, is it considering companions? Or is there just a small completely random chance that anything could drop?
  20. Ditto, was doing Red Reaper and was having random lag spikes.. after we finished I used "exit area" and couldn't get back to the fleet. Can't login anymore.
  21. If they do it right, this could be a really good thing for the state of endgame. When they announced a new level cap along with a single new planet, I assumed the level cap jump would be rather small. Maybe 5 levels max? Let's assume that. All they would have to do is bump the difficulty of all existing end game content to the new max, which can't be too hard. It's all just mathematics for BioWare. Surely with the new content there will be a new Operation, also maybe a new Flashpoint? This could be a good opportunity for them to fix the "mistake" they made with Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear by placing the set bonuses on the shell instead of the armoring. Re-itemized end game could easily fix that. On the other hand if they left all existing content optimized for level 50, it could easily ruin end game by leaving players at the new max with one flashpoint and one operation to do. In fact, I would say they almost HAVE to adjust the existing end game to leave enough content for everyone. Or heck, for all we know, the new max will be level 51. If that's the case I doubt the existing end game would get dramatically easier by any means.
  22. Just in case you are not aware, if you kill the same mob three times in a short period without doing anything else, you should log out and back in, or they will stop dropping loot. This is to discourage automated farming. This is not new to this patch.
  23. Some I did, some I didn't. I did have one placeholder on the destination (by chance) and was able to delete him and keep my main's name. A few of my other characters needed resets, others didn't.
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