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Everything posted by Dirtybomb

  1. I don't want it. I don't not want it either. I don't care if it ever makes it in game, and if it does, I still won't care.
  2. Being a troll is more about how you how you convey your thoughts as opposed to what you are actually saying. If you can find a way to tell a player or BW/EA that they are horrible, stupid or fail at life without being a complete douche, your post/thread won't get deleted.
  3. There is a big difference between content and features. Nobody with two brain cells expects a new MMO to have as much content as one that has been live for 7 years. However, a game that was in development for so long with such a considerable budget to launch without something as simple as /roll? Yeah, fail.
  4. A mouse droid tank would be awesome.
  5. I think a lot of the people actually spewing hate spend too much time playing mmo's. The game becomes the center of their universe and they get upset when they've seen everything. I'm not thrilled with the bugs and issues either, but I'm having fun when I play. I play about 40 hrs per month. Coincidentally, thats about the same amount of time my gf spends watching Real Housewives/Kardashians/Bachelor. At $15/month, that's 37.5 cents/hour. How much would most of you spend not to have to watch that crap? The game is too young to expect endless hours of end game content. It will get better. Stop whining about it and go outside.
  6. Because after spending a couple hours of my life on a boring Republic toon, I wanted to kick my own *** for being lame.
  7. If they made Jawa a playable Imp race, I'd front a year's sub.
  8. But didn't you know? Since we all pay the monthly sub, we should all get everything when we want it. It isn't fair that a game should be like life, where the more you put into something, the more reward you get out of it. Damn kids not knowin stuff.
  9. Yes, having fun. Will be happy when all the little issues are cleared up, but I've (mostly) learned to play around/thru them. My answer may have been no if I was trying to spend all of my free time playing instead of a few hours here and there.
  10. If anyone not trying to sequence the human genome pays more than $2k for a PC, they got ripped.
  11. Not playing every night. Simple as that. It is pretty easy to predict that a new mmo will not to have that much to do in the beginning. Not excusing all of the knucklehead issues the game has, but if you only log on a few times per week for a few hours at a time, there is plenty to do.
  12. Yeah, pretty much this. They could add the coolest races ever to Republic, and it still won't help if it just boring to play.
  13. If you spend a lot of time playing, yeah, you may be bored. If you only spend 10 or so hours per week playing, you'll have a good time.
  14. Whenever somebody says "per se", I think of the vampire kids from South Park But what I'm doing is not a secret, magic or particularly hard. Everyone could be in the same boat as me if they wanted to be. Instead of complaining until the devs try to make everyone happy (impossible task btw), the community has the ability to solve their own problems if they choose to. This game is based around the trinity. We all know it is too late to change that, and honestly, I wouldn't want them to. I like it. We already know that BW is working on a xserver LFG tool. Once that is in, there will be qq threads about the length of the queue for DPS vs tanks/healers. There will always be a higher demand for tanks/healers in the pug world until more people roll tanks/healers.
  15. Yes, you can always blame the developer for having a specific design intent. The intent here being people rolling different classes to fill specific roles. You think there is a design problem with the game and I don't. Neither opinion is less valid than the other. I, however, have the advantage of not being bothered by the design flaw you have perceived. I have never had to spam LFG for anything, and I've seen all of the content. So I guess that begs the question, is one of us doing it wrong?
  16. Some of us are just geeks. We don't become nerds unless we tape our glasses or own a twenty-sided die
  17. Their design didn't lead to LFG spam. The fact that so few players want to play tanks and healers is what led to it. Honestly, this is the result of a lazy player base. Or, it is also possible that the same issues that wow had followed us here to swtor. There may be plenty of tanks and healers, but they just don't wanna deal with the annoying pug community. I stopped running pugs a long time ago because of this. In my guild, we actually have the issue of having too many tanks. Kinda sucks when you have to sit, but I'd rather have that problem than not having enough tanks for the guild to clear content. Edit: grammar fail
  18. I'm trying to think of a scenario where the trinity is not required for a boss fight, but everyone isn't the same in regards to abilities/talents. If it is about situational mechanics that don't require a specific skill set to deal with, why would anyone even be different? I feels like everyone would dps and be able to heal themselves to some extent, unless you are talking about a mario-type platformer that doesn't require damage output. Just have to avoid the fire and get to some level to click on the objective I guess? Seriously, my coffee hasn't kicked in so I'm having a hard time visualizing this. Anyone care to spell out a scenario where the trinity isn't needed so anyone can fill the Ops spots, but everyone isn't basically the same talent-wise? Edit: Yep, gonna need help with this. The more I think about it, the more it feels like everyone has the same talents and abilities. Otherwise, if there was a mechanic that require a talent/ability that only certain classes had, you'd be no better off than you were with the trinity setup.
  19. I think if EA made swtor for the vita, I'd really enjoy reading the qq threads of the vita players.
  20. It's not necessarily about good and bad for me. Republic just seems kinda boring and limp, from the character design/gear to the story. If I read a fiction book for two hours and it fails to capture my attention, I put it down and move on to the next book. I rolled a BH and lvl'd to 50. I rolled a few alts to play between Ops nights. I tried to play a trooper and a smuggler. Neither seems very interesting after a few hours each. I've rolled an SI and IA and both seem much more interesting.
  21. You spent all day playing a video game and whining about the people that created it. Not sure you are in a position to be mocking anyone.
  22. I went to work so I can pay my mortgage, buy food, stuff like that. You know, real people stuff. The game is clearly not intended (at this point) to entertain people for 6-8 hr stretches every day. Get used to it. There are definitely some issues with this game worth complaining about, but not being able to find stuff to do for 6-8 hrs/day is not one of them.
  23. Lol! Wow, that is classic. You must be fun at parties.
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