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Everything posted by Dirtybomb

  1. If they are people you like, what is the problem with them knowing your real name? You like playing with people you can't trust IRL?
  2. Most people don't care about immersion. We just wanna hack stuff with lightsabers.
  3. Or.... You could suspend disbelief, remember that it is just a video game based off a fictional universe and just have fun playing the game.
  4. How would it possibly be too much work? It would be easier than any of the other toons. Make about twenty tracks of Jawa gibberish, chop and reuse them at will and add subtitles. Cheaper than paid voice overs, very few syncing issues and the same gibberish sentence could have any subtitle under it and work. Same thing for wookies.
  5. So if you won't say where, why say anything at all?
  6. The problem with that is that it removes the replay carrot. Once you've completed certain content and unlocked the next tier, what is the incentive to go back and run content a second time? The cries of "there's nothing to do" and "I'm so bored" will just be amplified.
  7. Nothing achieved in a video game is a real accomplishment unless you are getting paid to play video games. Video game accomplishments mean that one person is more efficient at wasting their time than another person. It's all still pixels on a screen. When I can trade my achievements in to pay for my mortgage or put food on the table, then it will actually be worth something. And if Ops were so easy (and swtor is actually easier than anything else I've played mechanic wise), everyone would do it and be done the first weekend of release. What makes endgame content hard is the human factor. Getting 8/16 people together to work as a team is harder than a solo player that doesn't have to compensate for other people.
  8. I guess BW devs are elitist as well, since the crafting crit gear will only be as good as the gear you pull the mods from, which means the haves will still be getting their mods from Ops content and the have-nots will still be complaining about gear inequality across play styles. The orange crit gear is a good idea in that it adds another layer to gearing, but the bottom line is that players will still achieve the highest stats from running endgame. The endgame-hating crafters that manage to crit some oranges will make a few credits from selling them, but their gear still won't be BiS by themselves.
  9. I've never really understood the whole "the game doesn't fit my level of commitment, so please adjust your game to me" complaints. The game is designed to have a little something for everyone. The game wasn't designed to be everything to everyone regardless of how or how much they play. So you want to do something in game that normally requires you to commit to certain things, like doing dailies for a few days to get some credits or kill a particular boss to get the bat mobile mount. If you don't want to commit the time/effort to it, cool. I'm not playing that much recently myself. But don't complain that the game needs to be changed to fit your play style. Leave it be and find a game that does fit your play style. The same people that want everything watered down until it is all easily attainable are the same people that will quit paying for this game as soon as some other new and shiny game is released. Sure, bugs need to be fix and content added. But somethings are going to require some effort beyond those that want to play an hour here and an hour there each month. Just accept your play style and the limits as to what is achievable with that chosen play style.
  10. No reward beyond being able to mow thru mobs and take down the heroic 4s while you can still get xp and usable rewards from them? That's enough of an incentive for me.
  11. Nice philosophy. If I spend all my time playing basketball at the park, then I should deserve an nba championship ring, even tho my basketball skill level is the mmo equivalent of killing boars in the forest.
  12. Maybe they do, but I think it is more because BW knows that most people just don't care and those that do aren't likely to quit the game over it.
  13. This is a generic and uninformative response.
  14. I like my pistons and nacho platter helmet.
  15. DH shows this one as a drop from mobs: http://db.darthhater.com/items/32921/decisive_enhancement_18b/ Is DH incorrect or am I reading it wrong? Wouldn't be the first time...
  16. Dirtybomb


    In addition to Lurkz's advice, it is perfectly acceptable to send a whisper to a member of a guild you are interested in and ask if they are recruiting and/or if they have a guild website. A lot of guilds may not post in the swtor forums or in chat channels if they are recruiting, but have a separate guild website that will allow you to read a bit about the guild and put in an application. Don't be intimidated by the application process. It is only there to make sure you are a fit for the guild and vice versa. Having to fill out an app is much better than guild hopping because you didn't know what you were getting in to If you know what you are wanting out of a guild, it is a little easier to find one that you will fit in to. Some guilds focus on PVE, some on PVP, some do a little of everything, and there are others that don't do much at all outside of socialize. It may take a bit of time to find one you like, but a little research goes a long way if you want one that fits your play style and focus.
  17. Does /gquit work? I've been with the same guild since launch so haven't tried it. Give it a shot.
  18. Dirtybomb


    A guild is just a group of people that play and/or socialize with each other. In non-gaming parlance, it would be a club. At this point in the game, there are no real advantages to being in a guild other than having others to play/socialize with (which is significant imo). At some point, BW will put in things like guild banks (allows the guild to share a big cargo hold basically), guild perks for completing content and achievements as a group (mostly quality of life type rewards), and possibly guild mother ships (basically a private club house for the guild). Edit: Running anything with a guild is usually much easier and more efficient than running with pugs (pickup group consisting of people you may not know) because everyone tends to communicate better and be more considerate of each other. That is not to say that you won't find good pugs, but in general, I find it much more fun and efficient to run with guildies. Think of it as any team sport. If you go to the park and play pickup basketball with random people you don't know, your team probably won't be as effective as you would be playing with the same group of people for 6 months.
  19. They are all BoE, so chances are you can find on them on the GTN. Some are drops and some are crafted. Darthhater.com seems to have a bit more info on these items regarding source if you want more info.
  20. While you cannot train them to have separate crew skills, each companion has a + bonus to particular skills. I believe Mako's is + to slicing and cybertech. None of the bonuses overlap between crew members, so you'll want to send them out to do whatever missions they have a + for best results. Supposedly the higher a particular crew member's affection level, the higher chance of crit on crafting and missions. I haven't bothered working on affection levels outside of quest rewards, so I can't attest to how much of a difference it makes. But if you want to see, use companion gifts to raise their affection levels. There are lists on the net of what kind of gifts will give the most affection for each crew member. Mako's favorite gifts are underworld goods.
  21. At the top of the window, click on My Account. On that page that opens, scroll down the list on the right side of the window and click on Forum Avatar.
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