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  1. Can some elaborate on the legacy family tree system? i wanna know if the romancing of your crew mate will effect it. like can i make Mako or Keira the mother of one of my alts
  2. I'm surprised that Bioware and EA did not include some crossover gear or items from their other games to TOR. Like An N7 rifle from mass effect or an armor from KOA:Reckoning or vice versa see a Havoc Squad armor for Cmdr Shepard
  3. I don't know if anyone in bioware will see this but ill post anyways. I know the space missions are juts place holder but one thing bioware can do now is put in a trading system to trade goods from one planet to another. We can also make the system a dynamic system that reflects supply and demands. people can also use the trade channel to update players on the way the market is going like all those market reports we see on tv. However we should make certain things in system that will always be true. For example Corusant being a capital world will always pay premium prices luxury items. Taris being a redeveloping world is need of food, weapons and construction materials. We can also take full advantage of the smugglers ship to be able to smuggle contraband. players can buy hid bays on ship to put contraband in because when they land on planet they are randomly searched by security officers. to balance things out the smuggler can get contraband in easier than other player however they are more subject to random searches. Jedi and sith force persuade and troopers can pull rank, bounty hunters can just kill the security team, for hit with dark side points. I they don't want to be hit with dark side points they can pay fine. smugglers and imperial agents can use hidden bays or pay fine, they are the only class that can smuggle without dark side effects. also for smugglers the type of hidden compartment you buy will effect the amount of contraband you can have in hold with out getting caught. the hidden bay can be upgraded to hold more contraband and to be more hidden to increase successful smuggling. What does everyone think of my idea? I?f this idea was already thought of by someone else i am sorry but i searched for similar post and didn't see one . ,
  4. Look if those who dont want free roaming they dont have to play it they can allways leave that in and give the ppl the choice of which playstyle they want. I personally wouldnt mind a combination of the 2 with mouse control like the freelancer game that would make an excellent model for space sim. Free roam with mouse or joystick control.
  5. I never played SWG at the time i couldn't get it to work on mt machine how did JTLS play was it like Xwing?
  6. that's true but space combat have always been an option poeple who don't like it don't have to play it
  7. I think one of the main reason is control issue but then again if your gonna the mouse keyboard for control they should look at the freelancer game for inspiration. second i think its sill to have something as grandiose as space battles and not have raid ,heroics, and flaspoint space missions where you can team up with other players. In that case i would give the class of ships special abilities that only that class of ship can do. another option i think is needed is the ability to name your ship. I mean come on that last one should have been a given, all ships of note in the Star wars universe has its own unique name that sets it apart from other similar models; the Millennium Falcon, The Ebon Hawk, the outrider, the executioner, etc.
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