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Everything posted by DorkTrooper

  1. I like anything that can tank. Sith Warrior Juggernaut is my favorite right now. The abilities are the most intuitive. May just be because I started out with that one -- but it is a good fit.
  2. Just wanted to ask the question why the hell is BW doing an expansion when the initial game is still so full of bugs which havent been addressed since launch. Because if they don't, people will complain that they broke their expansion "promise", and that they can't be trusted, and so forth.
  3. Not that being banned from Gen Chat is a harsh punishment anyway...
  4. If there was a PvP Kill daily quest with PvP-centric rewards, I'd be all for that (I'd give it a pass, but I'd support it). As it is, I'm a PvE player on a PvE server, and I just want to complete all my daily missions. If I can find an instance where the Contested Zone isn't being camped, then I'm happy to stand in line. Trying to fight for a spot with a small group when there's a big guild camping is futile, wasteful, and not fun.
  5. 3. Do something else. Indeed. When so-called PvP guilds are camping the zone and preventing people from completing quests, and I am on instance shuttle lock-out and my PvE quests are done, I sign off the game and find something more fun to do. I'm pretty sure that's not the general direction EA wants this to go. BTW, I'm never going to bribe a wanna-be PvP guild on a PvE server. For anything. Ever.
  6. This is going to kill PUG ops. People were already having tantrums over 5-7k repair costs. I don't mind running dailies to a point, but I'm not going to devote 2-3 hours per day to dailies before I even get to do the endgame content I really enjoy. So yeah, cutting back on that. My tanks won't be popping those op queues nearly so often. Not complaining, just stating a fact.
  7. I have both Pub and Emp characters. The guild-camping PvP quests are equally unenjoyable on both factions.
  8. Tried it. The PvE part is okay, as long as you turn off area effects on your companion and are careful who you group up with or buff. Not my idea of great fun, but it's something new. The PvP quests might have been interesting if they were faction vs faction. As is... I hope the PvP camper guilds are enjoying the event.
  9. Call me nuts, but this is just not a fun gameplay mechanic. It is in PvE.
  10. F2P is worthless Of course it's worthless. That's why it's free.
  11. When random words and phrases heard or seen on TV shows (cooking shows, local news, Jeopardy, you name it) make you think "That would be an awesome character/guild name!" +1 if you actually create said character/guild
  12. anyone that can't level as a full guardian or juggernaut tank is either doing something wrong or has some serious ADD if they feel it's taking too long to kill stuff Leveling as a tank requires a certain level of patience that I doubt the majority of players have.
  13. First, I just want to say that I'm not freaking out about Ilum yet, because there really isn't enough detailed information about the upcoming changes. Just enjoying the game in the meantime. People have gotten too comforable with this game, and are used to sitting on the fleet for most of their play time, a place where they are safe. My 50s don't spend the majority of the time on fleet. I might wait around there some right after the weeklys reset to see if anyone's running HM ops (usually while crafting items to sell on the GTN). Otherwise, I run around on the planets doing dailies while in groupfinder. If I had it my way, the fleet would be destroyed, and you would have the chance of being attacked anywhere, at anytime. And you wouldn't be getting my subscription. I'm a PvEer. Not interested in your particular idea of "fun".
  14. If you disagree with this post....see the thread titled....Don't Get Discouraged by Jerks in Pug's, FP's and Op's. I am offering a solution to eliminate jerks in mmo's,..well no way to totally eliminate jerks but you get the idea I enjoy tanking and healing more than just doing damage. So yeah, I disagree with your post. Eliminating tanking will not get rid of any jerks. It's still possible to screw over a whole group playing as a DPS. I've seen it happen many, many times. ETA, I do not play PvP. I don't care if the roles are balanced beyond everyone being able to contribute to an ops/boss win.
  15. I have a couple of lightside Empire characters (both Sith and non-Sith) because it just seemed to fit the characters --who believe the Empire is ultimately the way to go (order, structure, etc), but don't necessarily adhere to the company policy of murder, mayhem, and corruption. Aside from the RPish factor, I wanted to experience that part of the game. The lightside choices do change the story and companion relationships quite a bit at times, so it makes replay more interesting.
  16. I've seen ridiculous selling prices on both sides of the spectrum. Some of the cartel speeders have been sitting on the GTN for more than a month with prices upwards of 2 million credits -- clearly more than what people are willing to pay for particular versions. But on the other hand, I've seen orange armor parts from HM FP drops for sale on the GTN for 3 thousand credits less than the seller could get from any random vendor. People don't always pay attention to what they're doing.
  17. I'll put in my post in support of this idea. I like to PUG SM ops. The more, the better. Having the ops in the groupfinder would free me up from fleet that much more. I usually run around doing dailies while waiting for the groupfinder to pull me into an op.
  18. If they did something like this, there would need to be a fast way of comparing the dropped mod to the appropriate mod/gear slot (a smarter mouseover/popup tooltip). If everyone in a raid had to open their character sheet and check all their mods for compatibility and better/worse stats, it would take forever to get through the whole need/greed/roll thing.
  19. I got the impression that the recurring event on Ilum might be in the open PVP area. Even though I personally don't have interest in PVP, it sounds like a good idea for all those who do.
  20. I like HK and his companion quest dialogue. More dialogue would be nice, but he seems to talk as much as the other companions do outside of the class quest. This is about 90% of the reason to get him. To me, Assassinate is about 75% of the reason to get and gear him.
  21. I'm just glad to see the Legacy system is growing and getting attention from the devs.
  22. I support the idea of being able to play on the opposing faction's planet within an instance. Accessing more codes entries would be nice for explorers. The whole galaxy setting would feel more complete with those planets on the map as hostile areas, rather than being mysteriously non-existent.
  23. So what I'm getting from all this is that some people are angry because they can't just grind credits on space missions all day long? Boo hoo for you. So what I'm getting from you is low reading comprehension and a non-contributing post. Let me guess: you're a PvPer. And to answer an earlier post about running space missions vs black hole dailies: Yes, black hole dailies are usually a fast, easy run (once you have decent gear), but once in a while I've found it takes too long to get another person to run EoT. Space missions don't have that limitation.
  24. I rather be a jerk than cause 3 other people to hate me because I do not know how to play the game and hide the fact than I am new and wasting their time and credits. So you caused almost everyone in this thread to hate you because you're perfect and never make mistakes and never cause wipes yourself. And you're the only one in the group that has to pay repair costs. Way to maximize.
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