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Everything posted by dashspeed

  1. What's wrong with my nuts? Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it. What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.
  2. Apparently **** is such a terrible, terrible word.
  3. They really at least could give the option to display the High Quality textures if you force it in the ini. This is BS. Who are they to say how good my machine is, really?
  4. And now for some reason it's Bioware's fault and he's going to leave because of a typo he made. /sigh
  5. You're forgetting that Horde and Alliance only really have 2 choices for every level bracket. This isn't too far from what SWTOR is offering. You can skip some planets totally if you mix in PvP/Space battle while leveling, planets which you can decide to complete with another alt.
  6. Wow, stop LYING. I've picked up every item that dropped, sold ALL my trash items. I didn't have to grind ANYTHING. I didn't have to trade ANYTHING, and by the time I reached level 25, I had ALL MY SKILLS TRAINED and 60k credits. If you're not close to level 25, then you have no business of saying anything. Saying you "don't have time" isn't relevant, because playing normally gives you WAY more credits than you'll ever need. If you're not looting trash, it's YOUR problem. Trash items actually sell for quite a lot.
  7. Most of these ideas are already in the game, you know.
  8. The models, skins, animations are all there. It's pretty surprising that a lot of races didn't make the cut. Probably an expansion!
  9. Ugh, go away. If you really think this is "WoW with lightsabers", then the community doesn't need you. This game is much more deeper. The space combat is amazing, and it shows great promise for future expansions.
  10. And that is why I love the game, lol, you can literally go anywhere if it seems reachable.
  11. It would be amazing to mix in the Legacy system with these Marriages....
  12. Yes they did. You obviously forgot the time between Vanilla and mid-BC where you had a billion "Cliff Jumping" videos on youtube that made characters access unaccessible areas in the game. Blizzard decided to put invisible walls literally everywhere because of this. Invisible walls are just proof of poor level design, I'm glad Bioware thought it all out. I'm also glad I jumped to my death when I thought I couldn't jump over the railings at the Imperial Fleet. lol!
  13. Yes, I was always wondering why, because Healing ACs only get 1 healing tree, and 2 DPS trees. I think players still have a reaction to healing like in WoW, where choosing Holy, for example, meant you could ONLY heal, and your damage was crap. Bioware is totally the opposite, I applaud them for doing so, but they should maybe put more emphasis on healers being a support class more than all-out healing.
  14. I always thought there should be some faction-specific crystals. For example, Sith could have a Black-and-red (like the preorder crystal), and Republic a Blue-and-white (a reverse, meaning blue inside that glows white outside.) It would be pretty neat to reward each faction separately for REAL diversity.
  15. I have a mid 30s smuggler. When I was invited to some of the weekend betas, I thought to myself, let's roll the lamest class I think will be the most boring to play (I'm really serious, ever since the Smuggler was announced I was totally laughing at it), and holy cow, it became my favorite class in the game! Having said that, it made me think of something. I was looking at general chat on the fleet, and noticed tons of groups looking for healers. I asked some people why there were so little healers to begin with, and I often got the reply "it sucks before the midgame for most classes". Really? I decided to roll a Sith Inquisitor and a Imperial Agent, both with healing specs, on a different server that seemed to have the same healer problem (I suppose most also have a shortage in this case.) Boy, boy, boy. Was I wrong. I was glad I stuck to my previous instincts of trying the least-played rolls just for the hell of it. There is absolutely nothing boring about healing, especially in the lower levels. The fact that a healer can dish out almost as much damage as a pure DPS is great! I don't know about later in the game, but so far, I really enjoy being more of a SUPPORT class than an all-out healer. Also, people seem to forget that groups are only 4 people, which makes the healing that much easier. I'm also very happy with the talent trees that immediately reward you for speccing into healing. Having ability cast-time reduces on the first tier was a great choice. This really makes me wonder why people don't enjoy healing. I have NEVER had a dull moment so far. If nobody needs healing, I can recharge by shooting or going melee, or even cast certain Force abilities or use my IA's special tactics. The IA also has a very useful stealth, so you can truly be a good healer that stays out of damage when need be. The game is wonderfully designed around the fact that there are no straight-cut specs. You could spec a few points into healing and still be an awesome DPS. The fact that we have some direct bonuses to cast times this soon in the talent tree means most Healing/DPS ACs are actually support classes. I'm just happy healing isn't as much as a chore as I thought it would be, it's actually well designed and making it more of a support spec is honestly a great choice. Good Job Bioware. Now all of you, go roll a healing AC.
  16. Says who? Seriously, companions are here for a reason. Like I said, use them wisely. They are part of the challenge. Stop trying to remove variables just because you don't feel like they're necessary, when they obviously are.
  17. Why not? That was clearly a challenge because you had to think about it. You didn't, you died, and now you're whining. Don't ask for challenges when you can't handle them. A challenge is not supposed to be easy, it's supposed to... CHALLENGE you. And yes, that includes dying because of poor decisions.
  18. I hereby declare this thread useless and full of fail, just because I can sign a random name at the end and pretend I am anyone that I choose to be. - Alexander the Great, King of Macedon.
  19. You pointed out a solution to your problem in your own post. Then you say it's not a "fun" solution? The game gives you different companions just for this type of situation. This is just a whining thread because you can't clear everything with your (already OP) healing companion.
  20. Spamming tickets for the same issue is useless. Customer Service can't just "fix" it. They already know the problems, so again, spamming tickets at this stage is pointless. 1 ticket would be fine. You'll get the same, automated response from all of them. By the way, you're paying for playtime. Not bugfixes. So yes, you're getting what you're paying for. The servers are up, they are stable, and the game is playable. It's buggy, it hasn't been out for a full month yet, and Bioware keeps trying to fix as many bugs as possible with the current Launcher/patcher setup. It has been said that some bugs would require major patches, so until that happens, just be glad nothing is severely game breaking.
  21. So you come whining on the forums because you failed to notice, the first time, that the feature wasn't implemented yet? So why did you bother rushing to get it to level 25? This makes no sense. It's not like they randomly decided to announce it wasn't ready yet when you just dinged 25, it was there THE WHOLE TIME.
  22. Progression shouldn't require you to have the perfect build with the exact points put in the exact talents. This pretty much defeats the purpose of having any choice. All of you that think otherwise should go back to your old friend, WoW. This is SWTOR. Things are different here, and a lot of people like this.
  23. Seriously, considering the rest of your computer, a Radeon 5700 is reaaallly bad and low-grade. You might want to consider a severe upgrade. You're running an i5 with a 5700, it's like putting 15 inch wheels on a Porsche. You could probably get a better card still, with post-holiday deals at a good price, but it might be too late for some retailers.
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