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  1. I challenge you to find "discotech" in a dictionary Does that mean you ****ed it up too?
  2. They should at least add a verification window that will show you what it will look like after the game changes any capitalization or formatting. Its crazy that the game asks you for confirmation each time you log onto a pvp server, even if you log on everyday, but for something as permanent as your legacy name, you dont even get a confirmation.
  3. A preview would be PERFECT. The game asks you EVERY time you log on if you're ok going to a PVP server, but they can't even offer a confirmation for something that irrevocably changes ALL your characters on that server forever. Talk about poorly designed!
  4. Let me tell you, a one-time only change will be a hell of a lot easier than dealing with all the pissed off people. Myself, I'm now on a crusade to get this fixed. I'm opening ticket after ticket and writing post after post.
  5. You can't pick new talents until you pick your legacy name
  6. A name is so personal to your character and how you feel about it. Pretend you didn't get to name your character and it was a name you didn't like. Wouldn't that be a significant impediment to your ability to relate and bond with the character? Much more so than some game play details. Most other things about the game that bother me are easily overlooked. Having my name incorrect is really bothersome however.
  7. The mechanics shouldnt necessarily be the same. You dont' see people with first names like MacPhyxia. You'll see that for last names though. Same with hyphen last names or surnames with apostrophes like mine.
  8. A preview would be PERFECT. I can only imagine how many tickets that would save them.
  9. ok maybe not ALL the joy, but its annoying as hell! You're talking to someone who leveled the same character 3 times to level 10, because I wasn't 100% in love with how my character looked.
  10. You goof ball. If you read what I said, I typed my name as I wanted it, but the game changed it for me inadvertently without any confirmation.
  11. Call me a perfectionist - but I absolutely hate my legacy name because I typed in d'Ombre, but it came out D'ombre. I've hidden it, but everytime I see someone run by with their legacy name it reminds me of how I wish I had one that I like, and it really just sucks all the joy out of the game. I cannot fathom why Bioware won't let GMs change our names in these types of cases. A one-time change seems reasonable. Now I have to either change servers, or just quit the game. Seeing as how I don't really relish the idea of starting over, I may just wait until Bioware fixes this to resume playing. BIOWARE - LET US CHANGE OUR LEGACY NAMES PLEASE! IF EVEN JUST ONCE! Thanks, Thoroughly unhappy
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