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Everything posted by DarkSaberMaster

  1. Dark IV Jedi Shadow. Yeah. The response to your darkside choices by the npc's in the cut scenes don't make any sense. Plus I hate that light/dark choices have no bearing on your character or abilities. What really gets me is that I am levelling a Sorcerer as darkside, and some of the choices that they have that you would think are darkside, actually are lightside answers. Go figure lol.
  2. I don't agree that it needs to be gotten rid of. But I do think that I should be able to queue for whichever WZ I want to play in cause I can't stand playing Huttball. I rolled an Imperial alt and I feel sorry for the imps. I went 12 queues and all of them were for Huttball. That would make me never go into a WZ queue again.
  3. I would like to know the answer to this also.
  4. TBH, for me, it has been the opposite for the past week or two. I would have to RE about 40-50 attempts to get from green to blue. But to go from blue to purple, I had to only RE about 2-4 attempts. On one item, I got it on the second attempt. Maybe I'm just extremely lucky, but that's what's happened to me for the past week and a half. The only issue I run into is trying to get the alternate schems of the same item. I keep getting the "You already know this schematic" bug. Very frustrating and hope it gets fixed soon.
  5. Ya know. Some people choose to ignore that aspect. Ya know.
  6. I just want the "You already know this schematic" bug fixed so I can learn the one I'm trying to get.
  7. Wanted to know if this is possible in this game and if so, how?
  8. /signed And to the person who said to just click who you want to target? That **** is just as broke. Can't tell you how many times I have lost a Voidstar cause it wouldn't let me mouse click the bomb planter. **** is broke, son! BROKE!!!!!!
  9. I'm glad to hear its getting better for you. I'm having fun with it and meeting some good peeps. Not to mention being a Pub on my server is a challenge in its own right. But I love the challenge. It has made me a better pvper and makes the wins that we do get that much more enjoyable.
  10. I dinged 50 four days ago. I was kind of shook to go into the shark tank (Warzones and Ilum). After a couple of hours, I saw that it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. I was actually holding my own better against the 50's than I did in the 10-49 bracket. I didn't have great gear. Had level 40 mods in my gear and I held my own. I did get my *** spanked some, but not as bad as I thought I would. Right now, I have 3 pieces of champion gear and 2 pieces of centurion gear. I'm moving up slowly but surely and I have gotten a whole lot better at pvp overall. All I can say is stick to it and learn from your mistakes. Gear does play a part, but knowing your class and working as a team trumps all. Good luck in the shark tank lol.
  11. I quit Huttball all the time. Sorry. I refuse to do something I don't like. I'll take the 15 min penalty any day of the week instead playing bs Huttball.
  12. They can change it all they want. But if I am going to be subjected to a penalty because I hate playing Huttball, I'll just go stealth and AFK in the corner till it is over. Let's see how much the haters love that one.
  13. I redeemed him and I am Darkside IV. Go figure lol. Oh yeah. The only person I shielded was my original master. I killed everyone else.
  14. Pretty much my feelings on it. Unless you are a Sage or a Balance Shadow, it is pretty worthless. I'm a Kinetic Shadow and it is quite useless for how I play. I prefer Mind Maze instead cause it lasts longer.
  15. the grass is really greener on the other side. I leveled up to 11 last night and already see the difference. Wish I would have started off as an SI in the first place.
  16. Temporarily change over to Kinetic. It will make things much much easier.
  17. It was alright. But I just started the Inquisitor story today and I have to say it is way better than the Consular story so far. Plus I see now what all the fuss is with playing an SI. It just feels a lot smoother and more powerful than when I was I low level JC. Hate to say it, but everyone saying that the devs put more work into the Sith side than the Republic side, it seems true just from the past 2 hours I have played my new alt.
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