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Everything posted by alifaraaz

  1. Yeah ranked WZ should be in soon though. I doubt it'll take long, probably by Tuesday even. For me: 1. Play around with UI (Seems to be everyone number 1 ) 2. Gather guild/pug run of Lost Island 3. HOPEFULLY try out Explosive Conflict assuming the rest of my guild actually logs on now 4. Try and skip family dinner to continue raiding or do new dailies
  2. Wow, these look - well different to what I remember seeing. Maybe because some of them are on male characters now - they look a little better. Agents actually look kinda awesome there, not so much the Smugglers. And Shadow set does actually look pretty nice. It's probably the only set where the Republic got the nice looking set The rest favour Empire waaay too much. P.S. Dont suppose there's any chance of seeing High Res Campaign/Black Hole sets? If not, no big deal, I'll see them tomorrow
  3. Ah **** this post made me laugh Honestly, I thought now that 1.2 was confirmed for Thursday, I honestly though for like 2 days these forums would be happy. But hey, I'm an optimist 8-)
  4. I get the feeling they'll expect us to progress through EC for about a month. It wont last that long for high end guilds, but naturally some farming will be done to get everyone geared up. Then they'll release Nightmare mode sometime in mid May I reckon. And then, well they claim 1.3 will come a lot quicker than 1.2...but it'd be silly to believe this tbh It may very well end up being another 3 months. Who knows, only time will tell. However imo 1.3 should come sooner rather than later - purely because if it's the same raid-tier as EC, then there's no point releasing it after everyone's farming EC nightmare. But then naturally only about half the campaign gear will drop in EC, and the rest in the next Ops no doubt.
  5. I should be super excited for this...and in a way I am. There's unfortunately two things bumming me out 1. I have a ton of end of semester coursework to do, whig will be followed by exam time. Everyone knows mmos and exam time don't go well. 2. And this is the main one...will 1.2 bring people back? In particular my guild, its practically dead, havny raided in 3 weeks. I'm excited but also nervous to see what happens - I may have to find a new guild, which would suck
  6. Yeah the west coast are getting screwed a bit, and I personally think the 12 till 8am is best. I'm sorry but you can't push it further or it'll cut into EUs primetime. It's as simple as that, they either do maintenance seperate for regions, or they do as they are now. Let's just not complain for once, these forums need a breath of fresh.air
  7. I've never seen or heard of anyone doing this - but there arnt too many powertech tanks on my server. But looking at the stats - it seems pretty perfect. I'm currently sitting at: 21.5k(ish) HP Unbuffed 52% Damage Reduction 17.2% Defense 52% (roughly) Shield Chance 37-38% Absorbtion I personally want to boost my Absorbtion a bit (At the cost of Defense) from the enhancments that drop in EV (and maybe KP too). Which are Rakata ilvl but itemized the same as the Columi ones (End, Shield, Def) except they replace Def with Absorb. I've seen them on GTN going for 500k, which I can't be bothered spending as I'm not such an extreme min/max-er. However your idea - if you genuinely have no threat issues - seems like a pretty great alternative that's probably a lot easier to get?
  8. Jesus there's like a million page thread discussing this already, and as stated, you only get BLACK HOLE COMMENDATIONS from the Weekly. 6 of them to be precise. The rest come from Nightmare KP and normal and hard Explosivr Conflict. So yeah read up then ask
  9. Yeah they are BoE but require Biochem making em not very useful for alts or selling really.
  10. Yeah - thats what I meant, since 1.1 was released on a Thursday - it kinda suggests they wont neccesarily wait till 17th April if it's ready before then. The only reason I suspect it WONT be the 12th, is because they quickly retracted the April 10th date on the WZ-video. But also, following all that - one of the devs clarified that is WONT be the 10th AND that we'll definitely be given enough warning. So 12th seems too early to 10th for them to so strongly point out that it's not the 10th and that we'll know well in advance. If you know what I mean? Still, realistically - unless BW decide to be pure evil and NOT tell us in advance, there's very little reason to speculate release dates, since according to them - they will tell us well in advance (which I assume means like a week or atleast 4-5 days notice.)
  11. I guessed April 17th ages ago - and I'm still rooting for it. If only Bet365 took Patch 1.2 Release date bets... Though! As someone interestingly pointed out - 1.1 was put out on a Thursday. So it's very possible that we could see it on the 12th (exactly 1 weeks from Ohlens quote at PAX saying it'll be out next week) They have to be vague because they dont wanna make an extreme promise of given date and then delay it even further. Personally I suspect they'll get it up to scratch, and then put it out with a bit of quick warning.
  12. You're not allowed to complain if you're on Fatman! Just kidding ofc, Truth is due to all the separate planets, and big areas - you don't run into loads of people all the time unless your on fleet or Old Ilum. That's just how it is.
  13. No need to get so aggressive XD you know how when you went Foundry, and you didn't KILL Revan, he just disappeared....well yeah that should be clue enough. So yeah basically, they're saving him for later. Just like how in WoW they didnt release all the Old Gods and Arthus and Illidan as bosses in the first raid.
  14. www very nice! Now I can have an epeen speeder that isn't stupidly big! But jokes aside - The Ice and Nightscythe are pretty sweet lookin
  15. Probs be 17th, maybe 10th if were lucky
  16. Probs be 17th, maybe 10th if were lucky
  17. I'm glad this had been cleared up - I actually confused myself at first before realising that Normal EC drops Rakata and not Black Hole. The next bit is purely my opinion, but from what I've seen - these two sets could make for the interesting gearing up towards Best In Slot. Looking at the Campaign gear, it seems a little bit better (and when bonus is considered - its quite a bit better for most). However to get the 'very' best I think a mix of mods/enhancements from the Campaign and Black Hole will yield the best in slot stats (depending on your role and what you're gearing for etc.) And just keep the armourings from the campaign gear for the bonus (4 of them atleast). It may seem silly but honestly I like it - leaves something for us to slowly work towards, not just having full Campaign gear etc. This is my understanding anyways, that if we want the 'very best' a bit of personal tweaking with the mods/enhancements is needed. Afterall why else would they give us all the customization options, other than appearance of gear.
  18. Well tanks primary stats eg Aim and Endurance for a BH increase with new gear. Where as dps have both primary and secondary stats increase. So either the thread modifier needs to be tuned so that the increase in damage from our primary stats produces as much threat as the dps's increase. That could be difficult to control, but not impossible. Personally I would like to see taunt be set so that it still matches 110 or 130% threat of whoevers got aggro, but does not work if you the tank already have aggro. This would make it a bit less overpowered in terms of threat boost. And as mentioned we could leave the modifiers numbers, and have it scale with defensive secobdary stats. Either this or the first suggesyion would work best in my opinion. As it is now - we either just taunt spam. Our threat ibcreases a little from gear due to increase in aim/strength etc, but dps are increasing at a higher rate, the 50% threat boost can't sustain enough threat to keep up with dps unless u eother boost the modifier, or boost the tanks damage. But as the guy above said, increasing our damage will cause balance issues in PvP especially.
  19. Well done fella, you're clearly the kind of guy who contributes to building a strong community that helps each other achieve great things. Yes I am assuming what kind of person you are based on this one single post - because I'm gonna be honest, it's one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever seen in my life. I'd almost think you're just trolling...but part of me suspects that no - you really are just one of them people who would just walk by when someone falls over on the street. Good day
  20. Yeah, nothing to talk about really Taunting still works in its potentially broken way, and well yeah nothing else has changed XD Small changes for individual classes but thats all in the class specific forums. The only thing I want an answer on - is how do they plan on scaling our threat? Because without smashing out taunt, starting to reach that point where the DPS cant go all out without over-aggroing, and that will only get worse once 1.2 hits and dps start getting nicer gear. We'll do a bit more threat but they'll do a LOT more dps.
  21. There is no official date yet obviously, these things always change based on how buggy stuff is etc. Although they do just release stuff early sometimes, I suspect they're being extra careful with this one, cause it's so big and important. My guess is 17th April, or maybe 24th. Later than that and they might be delaying it too much, causing people to get so bored of waiting that they just quit. But honestly who knows - they definitely need to iron out the creases in 1.2 before it goes live.
  22. Yeah I suspect Revan will play some kind of role in the future patches, but I suspect they'll save him for 'way' later (like 1.5 and beyond).
  23. I got Infernal within 2 hours of killing first boss, but NOT within 2 hours of zoning in...yet others have had different experience, so who knows.
  24. Could be a slightly more unaware random bug then. Hopefully someone with a bit more experience or a dev could comment on this.
  25. They are, he's in the 1.2 updated patch notes. Which means yeah wait a couple of weeks im afraid
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