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Everything posted by hippiechick

  1. I heal, just heal, and only if it looks like they are in trouble. If I can ask I do, but if I cant ask them I simply watch their health in relation to how fast the mob is going down and toss on a heal if needed. So far I have never gotten backlash from it and I can feel helpful lol. M
  2. Because wow is so full of things to do (or was at that time). Other than the uber guilds not all that many people were raiding in vanilla wow when BC came out. BC, especially Kara, got more people raiding but still there were a lot of people who still hadnt seen a lot of the game yet. Finally, in Wrath, they got a large part of the player base into raids, but there were still a lot of things to do that people hadnt done yet. It was getting closer though. When Cata hit the "im getting tired of this game" feelings finally started to settle in on a large enough number of people to matter. But it took that long for it to happen. As far as games go, and contrary to the poster from another planet who said it takes 2 years for a game to catch on, games normally last about 2 years at which time the "burn out" sets in. This one got there in less than 2 months. But yeah, that is why people didnt cry too hard. They didnt need new content as badly. NOW they do. Now people have played, and replayed, wow and have done most of the things they wanted to do so they rely on the new stuff to keep them going. 9 years later. Not 2 months. M
  3. Did you add the not free things to your list to pad it or what? Or I got ripped off. I paid for Rise of the Hutt Cartel and I have to pay for the new customization options. Putting them on your list just makes it look bigger than it actually is. M
  4. You're kidding right? MMOs usually take years to catch on? Just wow. M
  5. Ill put it this way. After 4 months of not playing any game (was in the hospital with my husband) I returned to both swtor and wow. In wow I was actually pretty overwhelmed with all the new stuff I had to catch up on and this doesnt include raiding or pvp neither of which I do. In swtor I am doing the same things I did before I left. Hmmmm.... M Add: This inlcudes both games xpacs. Take them out of the equation and it still applies. Sorry, but wow has more content in its little pinky than swtor has in its entire hand. I am not whining so dont tell me to go play wow. I do. And I play swtor which I think over all is a fun game. Im just saying that comparing the two for content wow wins hands down. M
  6. OR there is an imbalance favoring the payer. Say, I have to play 20 hours to get 100 xp (made that number up so dont even go there) yet you bought 100 xp on the CM. Now, you are a level higher with no effort or time but for me to get a level higher without spending real money it takes me 20 hours. THAT is pay to win as much as "the best gear in the game". I find it interesting how people tolerate it. Many things other than 'the best gear in the game that you cant get outside of cash shop" make a game pay to win. If you can raise your rep with a faction by buying it on the market but the in game equivalent is a weeks worth of grinding, it is pay to win. People who are happy with the game over all will tolerate more than the people who are generally unhappy with it will, but mark my words, every time they get away with a little thing it is one step closer to "the best gear in the game" being on that market. M
  7. Despite my willingness to state what I find wrong with the game I also am perfectly willing to state what I find right with it. It IS fun at least the first time or two through it. For me its been fun 7 1/2 times through it. Love the story arcs and the companion system the best. M
  8. I do play Tera and I love love love the combat in it. Also, it is pretty fun for a free game. Its as fun as this one minus the story arcs for each class and the companion system. M
  9. Pay to win also means that there is an advantage gained by paying real money for it. For example, say the best boots in the game were available at the cash shop but also available from some end game mob. It would still be pay to win because you can simply go buy them right now, no effort or time put in, at the cash shop but to get them in game you have to repeatedly kill said end game boss, hope it drops, hope you win it, while battling a lock out timer. So no, it is not ONLY if it is ONLY available on the cash shop. The rank 7 ship upgrades are a good example of this. Even though it doesnt give you an advantage for your character it DOES give you an advantage for getting the space achievements. (This assumes that they havent changed the amount of time/effort it took to get these in game when they were first released. I dont know, I havent checked into them lately). M
  10. Dont forget the charge to enter the tube each time after you buy the tube for a rare chance for a butt penny. M
  11. It doesnt even take that much deep thought to realize that this is P2W now and the trail they are blazing for the future is leading right into some serious type P2W. They are using little things, and debatable things, to lull people into it. By the time they offer actual end game gear people will be so brain washed they will STILL argue that it isnt pay to win or pay to advance. /shrug M
  12. Pay to Win isnt just end game items. IMO the experience boosts (this isnt the only game that has them and I dont play those either) are P2W. ANYthing that gives you an advantage over someone else who doesnt buy it is P2W. M Edit for clarification: The saving grace for the exp boosts is that you can also get them in game. However, IMO they are still P2W or at least Pay to Advance, and I dont like it. The only things in a cash shop that I can get behind are fluff. Mounts, pets, cool looking gear, yes. Exp/rep boosts? No. M
  13. In wow the mail sits for 30 days, then goes back to the sender for another 30 days. So you must have left it sit for that long. That being said Ive found Blizzard CS to be the best in the industry. And Ive played just about every title out there. The CS here isnt the worst, for sure, but its not that great either. They should have done SOMEthing for him.... M
  14. Its the same as a religious or political debate. It doesnt get heated as long as people simply share their views. The trouble starts when one person tries to belittle the others position or tries to sway them to their side. Thats what is going on here. Player A is trying to convince player B that item X is fluff, not content or content, not fluff, then hurls an insult or two, and the fight is on. Simple as this IMO: If you are having fun in a game and playing it doesnt conflict with any moral code or ethical stand you have, play it. If you arent having fun or feel guilty while you are playing it, then dont. /shrug M
  15. Look lets keep the names out of this, I didnt call you any then you go and call me mature. STOP IT. M
  16. Exactly. I dont begrudge how someone else interprets it. If a person is ok with it all then fine for them. How I feel about the way I interpret it is the only thing that decides whether or not I keep paying for my sub. In ANY game. Thats the problem here. People are trying to win each other over to THEIR side. All Im doing is saying what I think about the way I interpret the situation and, in some cases, what I plan to do about it. As for every one else? Whatever makes their boat float man. M
  17. So quickly people forget. We were promised all future content as well, not current only. Now, people can parse the words they said any way they want to and disagree with the way that I interpret it, but I interpret it to mean that I will get all future content as part of my sub just like they said over and over when the F2P was first announced and discussed. The debate over what is content and what is fluff I understand, but totally denying that they said this is just blind faith. M
  18. I agree with the OP. I see the market going in a direction that I cant get behind, simple as that. Unsubbing over it too. M
  19. Happy people are in the game playing, unhappy people go to the forums to state why they are unhappy. Forums are always skewed because of the fact that complainers tend to complain more often than happy people tend to state why they are happy. That being said, there are a lot of valid issues that forums bring to light and get discussed. M
  20. Trooper was the only class I didnt lvl to 50 (was in the hospital for 4 months with my husband so lost some time there) and instead of doing Makeb again (which I dont like) I decided to spend my time leveling my trooper. Good choice. Love the story although IA is my favorite... M
  21. I love the giggle and so do the people I play with. We all have a smuggler and really, it is so not the most annoying sound in the game. I would agree with the toggle idea but they would have to make each sound individually toggleable to appease the people who dont like the sound of x, and y, and z, and yeah, no, they cant do it. You dont have to like every single sound/animation. No one does. Turn off sound or sound fx if you hate it that much. M
  22. The species unlock should be embedded in the species change at a much reduced rate too. My 2 creds. M
  23. Its fun watching the fan bois twist everything to make this out to be ok. Really, BW/EA has lied to us since the start and will continue to do so. I am unsubbing over several issues but I already did once before so no big deal. I suggest you either put your money where your mouth is or shut it. If you dont like it unsub. Simple as that. Enough of us do it and maybe they will stop the lies. M
  24. It does if you went out and solicited money from people on the basis that you were going to get an MBA then didnt. Absolutely. M
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