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Everything posted by Astron_

  1. I sure as hell ain't going to buy any game this figure have had any interaction with whatsoever.
  2. Enjoyed the story on my sith warrior up until level 42. Then I just couldn't handle some of the things you mentioned any longer during the normal questing. It got too frustrating. It's really sad they couldn't do better with the amount of resources they had available.
  3. Yes, I'd like to order a rainbow-saber and a panda-costume please.
  4. The hate fuels my anger! Or was it the other way around? Hang on...
  5. They actually spent one hundred billion trillion dollars! *moves pinky to edge of mouth*
  6. Pretty obvious this Ohlen-character is rather delusional about the abomination he and his team have crammed out.
  7. I'm playing a sith juggernaut and the buggy animation-hickups and delays are game-breaking for me.
  8. Because CURRENT WOW is what SW:TOR have to compete with technically.
  9. Ah, no. Many people with top-end rigs have issues due to ****** engine-optimization.
  10. Riiiiiight... Smugglers= 60-80 kills, 1-3 deaths Other classes= 5-30 kills, 5-15 deaths Perfect balance? Either you're blissfully ignorant in your fanboy-bubble, or totally blind.
  11. Then I'm sorry to say, you are either totally and blissfully ignorant or blind.
  12. @OP: Totally agree, this is a cheap and lazy design when it comes to timesinks. I'm getting more and more fed up with bugs and bad design-decisions in this game. Really a shame though, I really wanted this game to work out. <3 Star Wars.
  13. Yes, so in our spare time we should also do tedious tasks for rewards when playing computer games? Sorry, I already have a job.
  14. That's not the point, and it seems you fanboys are unable to think for yourselves.
  15. You serious? That's horrendous! Bioware, come on....what...the....hell??
  16. I know, they actually said this publicly. Other mmo's have had creatures as mounts for the last 10 years, and Bioware can't because it's "technically challenging" in this garbage of an engine they're using. Can you believe it?? It's 2012! Mind-boggling.
  17. Troll or just incredibly ignorant? They advertised the hi-res images and raid-videos as IN-GAME FOOTAGE. Now we don't get those textures. Got it now? Need it a bit more spoon-fed?
  18. Very nice post, OP. This Ohlen-character sure is rather arrogant (no, moderators, that is not an insult). I find his selfpraise a little hard to swallow.
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