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Everything posted by Astron_

  1. When he makes the assumption to compare The Beatles with Metallica as logical when comparing the generics between this mmo with another, I don't need one.
  2. Why? When did I say that I wanted to change anything?
  3. The funny thing is that that is exactly what the game is. Without the voiceacting and the spaceship gimmick, it's like every new generic mmo out there. The mechanics are exactly the same.
  4. Nobody is asking for Crysis-graphics. However, basic stuff like AA should at least be available without editing client ini-files/forcing it on in your driver. Besides, saying those abilities aren't in the game-engine because it was made to be more accessible for worse hardware is hilariously ignorant. The point is of course to make a lot of options so it will both be good for those with awesome rigs and those with not so.
  5. Yes, seems the engine is rather unfinished. Will probably be upgraded after a few...months.
  6. Hilarious with all the fanboys crying "SWTOR is not WOW!" every time someone brings up improvements. If you don't see the similarities in game-mechanics between this game and WoW or other generic mmo's, you're living in plain denial just because you're raging against WoW for some childish reason.
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