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Everything posted by Kozor

  1. Cool story bro. Too bad the dialogue options available for Jedi Knight won't let you role-play this kind of character. Unless you're into virtual LARPing.
  2. Best - IA (most choices with consequences hands down) 2nd best - SW (very entertaining, doesnt take itself too seriously) Worst - propably Trooper. After chapter 1 (which isn't bad in itself) there pretty much is no story. Just some (very) loosely connected missions. 2nd worst - Consular (ZERO choices with consequences, sometimes story even actually retcons your dark side choices)
  3. Except that most of the planets feel dead anyway (i'm not talking about number of players mind you) and this precious voice-over didn't really help.
  4. Also the game suffers from almost total lack of ambience sounds. Some planets have literally zero sounds in the background. That's a big deal.
  5. It's not about loading screens. It's about world design. It just feels static and artificial.
  6. Try to mention voice-acting less. One time per post is enough to make your trolling believable. Right now you're too close to stereotypical biodrone which makes your trolling too obvious;)
  7. Why would you want to get rid of such an awesome FEATURE as unremovable side quests?? Lololol go back to WoW nub. You can remove all the quests you want there. SWTOR is clearly not the game for you quest-removers.
  8. The low population of your server is not a problem, IT'S A FEATURE. Enjoy.
  9. Haha, yes we are all babies and in no way we are unsubbing because of massive problems we've been facing with TOR since day 1 Have fun playing this soon-to-be-dead buggy mess with other Bioware and Star Wars fanatics, because only these people will stay.
  10. So that's the community that's staying to play the game. I definietly won't miss it.
  11. Hey Bioware, what medal will I get if I resubscribe in 3 months? OH WAIT I WONT, THE GAME WILL AREADY BY F2P BY THEN HAHAHA
  12. I do feel bad for those few Bioware employees that actually cared about this project too. I'm sure there were some of them. But what can you do...that's life.
  13. Just stay put, textures should finish loading in about 2 hours.
  14. From Bioware terrible fanfic writers and amateur programmers? No thx
  15. So that you read my complaints instead of playing the game of course.
  16. Because I could play it back then.
  17. Haha, didn't know about this. Indeed I had less problems when playing first month of Warhammer.
  18. Battlefield 3 mostly and some older single players RPGs
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