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Everything posted by SnakeAes

  1. I am in a dual-faction guild. We play against each other in PvP all the time, and have in-depth discussions about what we need to do in order to improve. One of our players mentioned how broken Sage/Sorc healers are, and we set out to prove him wrong. Off to warzones we went. First off, Sage and Sorc healers are SUPPOSED to have high utility. The object is not necessarily to kill them; it's to distract them. Any class capable of closing distance quickly is capable of doing this. In my opinion the most effective natural counter to Sorcs and Sages are Juggernauts and Guardians who have Zealous Leap / Obliterate. A sage/sorc's typical natural reaction is to run if they're in danger. It's their best option and the easiest one available given their skillset (knockback, slow, force speed). Juggs and Guardians take this out of the picture by being able to apply constant pressure using Leap, which only has a 15s cooldown. What most people don't understand is, you don't need to kill the healer. Not being able to kill them does not, in itself, make them overpowered. Complaining that a healer out-heals your DPS is actually more of a testament to the balance of the game than its imbalance: each class is equally powerful so that the damage one can inflict is the same as the damage the other can heal. BUT. Once you add other players into the equation, now the healer has a duty to the team to heal other players. It's their job. But if you are applying pressure to the healer, you prevent them from doing that job effectively. Our guildie typically heals at least 350k in a warzone. With just one player focusing on nothing but finding him and attacking him the entire warzone, he barely broke 150k in healing and only had 3 medals. His team lost. This continued for four warzones before the healer finally came to terms with the fact that Sages and Sorcs are easily taken out of the picture in a warzone. It just takes some determination. Finding and attacking the healer is not always fun. It's not always interesting. But it's effective, and can essentially turn the fight into an 8v7 rather than an 8v8.
  2. SnakeAes

    Purely amazing.

    Someone had to say this, so I will let you guys crucify me and flame me if you want. Every MMO has launched with bugs. To be honest, TOR had one of the smoothest launches I've seen in recent memory. Rift and Age of Conan launched poorly, Aion was a disaster. LotRO had all kinds of problems. So yes, the game has bugs. Yes, there are things that need to be fixed. If you don't like it, unsubscribe and come back in a few months. If you still don't like it, then I guess we won't see you again.
  3. In my opinion the nerf to Operatives is different because as a stealth class, they can choose their battles. A good Operative is always getting the jump on other people, and ideally is never getting surprised himself. Sages and Sorcs don't have this advantage. They are always open, always visible, and always squishy. As everyone has been saying, if you couldn't kill a Sorc or Sage it's because their team was doing a good job, not because the class itself is overpowered. I'm not saying the Operative nerf was necessary; in fact, I think BioWare made a mistake by acting so soon rather than seeing how players learned to adapt to it. They've now removed the potential for metagame there and removed the possibility for PvP to become deeper in that sense, all because people were complaining about it because they're unwilling to adapt and think outside the box to try and solve the issue. But, that aside, there is nothing OP about Sorcs and Sages. If you have even moderate DPS output, you can annoy a Sorc or Sage to no end because then they have to focus on you (or mitigating the damage dealt by you) which then makes it harder for them to be a good utility class and do their job. It doesn't matter whether or not you kill them; if you are there and dealing damage, you are then doing your job which prevents the Sorc or Sage from doing their job. In fact, if I think I can get back into the action quickly enough after the gates open in Voidstar or Huttball, there are times where I will let myself die just so that I can respawn and run through the gates and get better positioning.
  4. I would ignore Defense altogether, personally. Ultimately considering all the other stats I would be stacking, Defense rating would only contribute to a marginal difference. For me the hierarchy goes: Willpower > Endurance > Crit > Surge > Alacrity > Others
  5. The point is, saving 2% on Noble Sacrifice if you spec the rest of the healer tree, which means you get Conveyance and Resplendence which allow you to basically use Noble Sacrifice for free. Once you get it, there is practically no reason to ever use Noble Sacrifice in a situation where it will actually cause you to lose health. Thus, 4 points wasted since you don't need the two in Valiance, but the game forces you to put them there.
  6. It's intended. Doesn't it say in the skill description that after it has been used, nobody in the group can use an in-combat revive for the next... 5 minutes or something?
  7. The point of Huttball is team coordination. At this point, I believe there's no other warzone that stresses teamwork as much as Huttball does. What you're asking is essentially for each player's soloability in Huttball to be increased, which would take away from what makes Huttball so much fun. All gripes about your class aside, some classes perform better in certain warzones than others. In a game this deep there's no way to create perfect balance but still have enough diversity to keep it interesting. So yes, it does suck to get knocked off the catwalks in Huttball. But does it take you out of the fight permanently? Not usually. Keep moving and try to get back up to help, or draw attention of attackers to try and divert their focus off the ball-carrier. The problem of getting knocked into traps is easily avoided by just not idling near traps. I understand your frustration, but frankly I think what you're asking for is unreasonable.
  8. Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Akuma Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Gill owait
  9. Don't the skills/talents themselves say what they affect? I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't think I fully understand what OP is asking.
  10. Healing Trance should get extra crit chance from Conveyance (which is the buff granted by Rejuvenate once you spec the points into it. It increases the crit chance of Healing Trance, but the buff itself is not consumed until after Healing Trance stops channeling, either because it ends or because you were interrupted.
  11. Hmm, I didn't know it didn't stack with Sprint. That kind of sucks. So then Egress is really only useful in combat? I can see the applications there as well (never a bad thing to get in/out of situations quicker) but I just don't think they're as useful.
  12. I am looking over my build and I feel it's about as good as it's going to get for what I'm aiming for. Right now I'm sitting at 31/8/2. The only thing I wonder about is whether it's worth it to get Egress. I just want to know, if ANYONE has Egress, how useful they feel it is, especially in end-game PvE and PvP. I imagine it must have a greater use in PvP because of the importance of movement but I can see how it could help PvE as well. A 20% increase in movement speed would help get you to capture points that much quicker in Alderaan (invaluable especially early on), get you back into the action that much quicker in Voidstar, get you across the field that much quicker in Huttball. Is it worth the 4 points to get it though?
  13. I haven't seen many arrogant healers. It takes a particular kind of personality to play a healer archetype in a game and find it enjoyable. In my experience at least, the typical personality of healers and support characters is anything but arrogant. I know I'm obviously not representative of all healers everywhere but I always try to be polite and helpful, especially in PvP. What exactly did these healers do that made you think they were arrogant?
  14. I'm being serious. Project deals its damage, yes? It just deals it a little bit later than Shock does. One way or the other, in a fight the damage is going to be dealt. Where is the problem? I readily admit that in situations where Project deals no damage, it does need to be fixed.
  15. It's not borked. It deals its damage, doesn't it? Granted there are certain situations where it won't deal damage where it should (like when an enemy goes into stealth just as the rock leaves the ground, leaving it suspended in the air). THAT is something I will agree needs to be fixed, but arguing the difference between Project hitting slightly later than Shock is just foolish. As people have been saying, there are ways to utilize Project effectively in ways that an Inquisitor cannot, and there are ways to utilize Shock effectively that a Consular cannot. Both are effective. When people ask for true mirror classes, I honestly feel that it makes the game boring. It's like playing Street Fighter when the only character you can pick is Ryu. Whereas, the disparity between Consular and Inquisitor is like the disparity between Ryu and Ken. They are very similar. To most people who don't know the game well, they are almost exactly the same. But there are certain things each one does better than the other. Making them 100% exactly the same would defeat the purpose of having two different characters.
  16. There are two talents at the bottom of the Telekinetics tree that you should look into if you have struggles managing your Force pool. Inner Strength and Mental Longevity. Inner Strength maxed out reduces your Force costs by 9%, and Mental Longevity increases your force pool by 100 (a 20% increase since your base Force pool is 500). To quantify this plainly, a skill that costs 100 Force uses up 20% of your Force before you get these talents. After you get them, it only takes up ~15% of your Force pool. If you are focusing on the Seer tree, at some point you will get the Resplendence talent, which gives you a proc whenever Healing Trance critically heals. This proc allows you to use Noble Sacrifice to gain Force back without sacrificing health and without degenerating your Force regen (in other words, get Force back for free). Combined with the Conveyance talent which buffs your heals after you cast Rejuvenate, this is incredibly valuable. Also, because Healing Trance typically ticks three or four times, if you keep focusing on increasing your crit chance, eventually you are almost guaranteed to get Resplendence when casting Healing Trance, which means you will heal yourself (or someone else) and get free Force for it. Look at the math: Healing Trance costs 40 Force (someone correct me on this if I'm wrong) Noble Sacrifice grants you back 8% of your maximum Force. If you have 500 Force (no points in Mental Longevity), Noble Sacrifice gives you all 40 Force back, meaning you just healed for free. If you have 600 Force (2 points in Mental Longevity), Noble Sacrifice gives you 48 Force back, meaning you just healed for a net gain of 8 Force. If you have 600 Force AND Inner Strength, Healing Trance costs ~36 or 37. Noble Sacrifice still restores 48 Force, so you heal for a net gain of about ~11 or 12 Force.
  17. The in-game equivalent of having a blown engine would be for a large group of skills to flat-out not work. Or to not be able to move your character. If this happened the game would be unplayable. What OP is talking about is adapting. For example, I would gladly accept your challenge in a perfectly good '91 Accord.
  18. The solution is to queue players first before starting the warzone, rather than starting the warzone at the same time the ready box pops up. Pop the dialog box, once all 8 Empire and all 8 Republic players click ready, THEN start the Warzone.
  19. Thank you. I have been saying this since way before TOR, as I'm guessing you probably have as well. Unfortunately, most people won't care enough to actually read, comprehend, and apply the things you've said. We can at least hope that it gets through to some people.
  20. The point is not evolution, the point is adaptation. It's not game-breaking, so you play the hand you're given. Is it different from Inquisitors? Yes. Is that game-breaking? Not at all. The Voidstar glitch was gamebreaking. The early exploit of getting ridiculous amounts of credits at low level was gamebreaking. There are probably dozens of other exploits most players don't even KNOW about at this time that are game breaking. This may be high priority for Consulars, but there are still a lot of things left in the game that are high priority for all players. To say that Consulars (or Inquisitors) need to be "balanced" (and I use that term loosely, considering I don't feel it's unbalanced) before the rest of the game is fixed is just being plain selfish if you ask me.
  21. I am not trying to be rude, but this is a learn-to-play issue. Frankly, if you are getting killed while Project has just been cast and has yet to hit its target, you shouldn't have been casting Project in that situation. ESPECIALLY if this is one-on-one, where the flow of incoming damage is predictable enough that you should be able to know when to break off and apply a stun, a knockback, use Force Armor, obstruct LoS, pop a Medpack, use a heal, anything. In terms of survival I understand. Yes, it IS possible for you to die before Project does its damage (though in those situations it still deals damage after your death). But if you are so close to death that you could potentially die before Project hits, you ought to be asking yourself why you cast Project in the first place rather than something else to buy yourself time. I also understand where people are coming from regarding the VISUAL delay before getting hit, but in Warzones and in Ilum, where there are so many other things going on, are you really looking to see rocks? On top of that, in any scenario where there are multiple players, you have no idea who is going to get hit by Project. You can't see target-of-target, so you don't know who the Consular is targeting. Frankly I think a lot of the community is blowing the Project issue WAY out of proportion. There are other things that need to be fixed first, like allowing BOTH the Sage and Sorc AoE heals to give an initial heal.
  22. The Empire has crooked morals! Join the Republic!
  23. Alternatively they could just make the invisible walls around the start area higher, which I think would require less work. I think.
  24. As has been pointed out, Empire gets there faster and defends it easier.
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