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Everything posted by theUndead

  1. Correction YOU need tbis. Don't speak for me or the community.
  2. You know what? You are self righteous entitled and flat out rude you know that? Let me tell you something. The examples you have given while make some sense does not inherently make those who believe Sith can be good demonstrably wrong. All youn have done is provide some examples that enhance your point, but does not prove others false. You go from speaking in general to makeing things personal. I usually don't do this and I risk being banned but, at this point I don't care. Stop taking my statements in response to you and making them personal. This isn't about my character or in fact yours, but if you have an actual issue with me, pm me. But if you resort to insulting me in response one last time, I'm going to report you and this thread. So again, be a purist and use all the evidence you have to make your point stronger. But, because everyone takes what they will from this lore, they are not wrong either. Accept it or not. But stop saying you're right because you say so. Oh and calling someone spoiled because they don't agree is immature. Grow up.
  3. You didn't school me on anything, your points are not made at all, seeing as though I haven't seen a single fact except your opinion and linking YouTube videos does not validate your opinion at all. If nothing, you have shown you are arrogant and like throwing your weight around because you are a purist. No. Here's the truth, you believe Sith must only act evil and that's fine. But stop assuming your point of view is just always correct and more importantly, stop insulting people who disagree it really does not help you convince others. Oh I almost forgot, spoiled brats? Really, damn man you have some nerve calling people spoiled when they present you alternative viewpoints.
  4. No 38 pages of you throwing a tantrum because according to you, your opinion and knowledgeable of Sith is somehow superior to everyone else. Let me tell you somethin, you are not all knowing and people are allowed to treat Sith anyway they wish.
  5. The game does not support ingame DPS meters, however there are 3rd party programs that if you allow combat logging in preferences, that will record your DPS for you. For the uni, if you click the little button near bar, you'll see something called UI editor and you can make your UI to your liking.
  6. So you're okay aith other servers merging, and other people losing ther their guilds and friends, but you not willing to move?
  7. Hello Holocron. First and formost, please understand that what I am about to say is not anything against you personally. Now with that out the way, I'd like to say that I find your post just a tad disengenous. The reason is that while it is very true that dev communication is vital to the games bealth, I have found your commentary on certain issues to be well too harsh. Now don't get me wrong, frustration is natural when the game's management is mishandled so badly. But I feel that if we the players want change then we must acknowledge that the devs are still people too. Sometimes, it seems that while we may feel that things are not working well and we are certainly entitled to feel that way, imagine how frustrated the devs must feel when there own ideas are put down by management. My point again is not to single you out, but to illustrate that critisism is good and healthy, we must remember that its a two way street and that if we can accommodate then I believe they can as well. Again I apologize if any of this causes offense. It's not intended. But despite all of that, your message is one that I support.
  8. I disagree. Now, best in mind this is not the rule by any means, but I've seeb matches that seem to show one aide completely get stomped only to have them make a huge comabck and win. I don't think rewarding players for giving up is needed.
  9. Here is further cons. They already said it's not going to happen to due to the various quest and romance flags Next we already have the ability to purchase new 60's, so why bother adding a change option? Finally, it's really easy to level in this game, so this is unneeded.
  10. No this idea is not feasble. While it is true they are both different play styles, it is almost impossible to achieve complete balance for the classes. So much so, that to seperate the classes or even to the abilities to work differently in each environment is simply too much work for them. I'd go even further than yes sometimes a class does get nerfed, but the rotation does not change. I say that because even if ine specific ability loss damage or healing it doesn't agree mean that it ceases with to be of use you in a rotation. So I don't agree with you that your friends have to learn a new rotation everytime a class changes. Futhermore, you mentioned a pvp specific, how would this work? I mean the sheer amount of time it would take to readjust the classes to work differently is massive and I honestly do not believe it is worth their time to even consider it.
  11. For some reason, the forum won't let me copy this properly. Anyway, Aspergers is NOT a mental disorder nor is anyone discriminating against you. And your income has nothing to do this. The simple fact is, Bioware does not owe you anything or are you entitled to anything. End of story.
  12. To some degree I agree with you that customer's should be taken into consideration. However, one person's needs do not outweigh everyone else's and making demands really get's you anywhere So just because you can't afford a set of armor that you want, it must be given to you? Also, I think it is extremely immature to bring your parent's into this because, without them you wouldn't even be playing. Try showing some appreciation then just screaming "gimme" Also the golden packs like all other packs, are chances with no guarantee of return. What feelings and what situations are we talking about here? I have seen you spam these threads before, you are not special nor entitled to anything really. So I spend money on this game and I do think it's fair so what is the problem exactly? I can understand that you feel you not getting your money's worth, but that is the nature of games. Also those sets are highly desirable so naturally they going to be expensive. Yes if you are selling the sets for prices that most people would not pay for then those people are right. If something is highly desirable, people will pay. My brother has Aspergers Sydrome and he is smarter than I am. Don't say having that somehow makes everything harder because it's not. Again this is not your personal venting board, so I advise you to stop bringing your family into this. Also something we agree on, yes people do have the right to sell their items for prices they please. I do not believe people are inherently money hungry as you say, but the mere fact you admit you don't have the patience to do dailies, means you want the easy way and that smells of massive entitlement. So if you wish to get hounded less, stop acting like a spoiled child. Like I said, I and every single other person on this forum are spending money on this game too. Bioware is not going to cater to your specfic needs and quite frankly, why should they?
  13. Yeah and throwing insults in the wind doesn't validate your point further. Yeah you're right a I am a liberal and proud of it too. But that doesn't change the fact that what you wrote was derisive and offensive.
  14. That doesn't mean you can't use tact in a post about remembering someone. I found your post to be honestly offensive, you want to know why? Because Adolf Hitler was responsible for a genocide and the way you so easily say that a fascist government is okay, is offensive. So, let me use what you said to Saufax against you, if you don't agree with what he said or wrote, write your own blog.
  15. Well. actually I think the planets are marvelous in scope especially Coreliia. It feels huge and immersive but, I can understand that it can be frustrating. However, it's too late to change it and quite frankly why would they waste time doing it?
  16. All been asked before. The devs have flat out said no new classes and i'm pretty sure there won't be any defection system of any kind either. Sorry to say.
  17. That's because this is the place to post suggestions. So, are you going to suggest something or what?
  18. Search is your friend. It's been asked many many times.
  19. Lol jealousy. Yeah we are so jealous of you wanting something that you actually have to earn /sarcasm. Also, no i'm not the ruler of the forums, but nice jab. Now, you said everyone is calling you master, meaning you still are a master, you don't need the actual title. So yeah, quit trying to get something you did not earn and make a proper suggestion eh?
  20. Think I might actually fire up my STO. Been thinking about a bit of a change anyway.
  21. I know right? Think we should get a translator?
  22. First of all, why do you say best regards at the end of every post. you're not writing a letter. Second of all, Bran is not jealous in the slightest, he is pointing out that certain titles, like for example the darth title are awarded by completing the class story. So before you tell him to mind his own business, please remember this is an open forum for discussion and he like myself disagree with you. Deal with it.
  23. Been suggested many many times. So far the devs have not responded, so i'm pretty sure it's not going to happen. But I support non the less.
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