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Posts posted by WereMops

  1. Yes.


    The people with performance issues likely have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends


    possibly thinking about buying swtor, you're just digging a deeper hole by not saying something about the bad fps




    They've said plenty about the performance issues some (not all, and fewer than most of you with issues like to believe) people are having, there's also different issues, not everyone has the same issue as the next guy, they have found and fixed/improved the performance caused by some of the issues (again not all) and are activelly working on improving/fixing the rest.




    The people without performance issues likely have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends etc

  2. I don't understand why MMO's have gravitated towards handing out purple items like candy. I've played at level 50 for roughly 20 hours and nearly all of my gear is "artifact" quality. Why is there even prototype gear in the game? Other than for leveling, it's basically a worthless tier of loot that is essentially skipped altogether. Why isn't Centurion pvp gear prototype quality?


    Does this bother anyone else? To me, it really kills the thrill of 'purple fever'. I get that they want to make top end gear accessible to those of us that are casual (and I am casual), but why even call the loot an artifact if every Tom, Harry, & Sally has 20 of them with minimal effort?


    I'm kind of old school, so is it just nostalgia talking or are other people bothered by this as well?


    The colors in this game might be similar to the colors in other games, doesn't mean the "rarity" is the same, besides there's 2 kinds of purple in this game, the first is "semi-rare/costly" (artifact), the second is more or less very very rare.


    Stop getting hung up on the color similarities from other games and you'll feel better.

  3. Hmm okay..


    so that other online game has 4 different Tanks, SW Tor has 3.


    they all feel pretty different. Yes - a taunt is a taunt is a taunt. But still: No. You simply dont have to clone the Warrior and name it Juggernaut.


    Im not here for balancing and stuff but saying "theres no other way" is simply wrong. Even shown in SW:Tor as imho the Powertech and Assassin arent that clony.


    Every single move feels like a Warrior..


    Wait..... a sith warrior feels like a warrior?

    Well, then the abilities are fine and doing what they are supposed to (most people expect a warrior archetype to feel a certain way, WoW or no WoW), I agree, playing a sith warrior feels like playing a warrior in most any other MMO (only in a more Sci-fi way) so they succeeded then.

  4. So who is sticking in with Bioware after about 60 days of the game being out. I have 5 days left on sub and I am out..


    I'm in, probably for atleast the rest of the year, I still have plenty of stuff to do ingame, crafting, PvP, Flashpoints, story (6 more + dark/light/crazy), datacron hunting, exploring, space-minigame, codex etc and I haven't even touched "endgame" yet and I have not had any serious issues with anything apart from my graphichs card not playing nicely with Cademimu FP.

  5. I had every intention of buying and playing it upon release, but I am burned out on multiple choice conversations atm. Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed at continually cycling through conversations trying to get companion affection points, over and over and over.


    If I have the money, then I'll get it at launch, if not, then I'll wait until I have money, I still love/like the story (and the choices) on all classes even if I sometimes (when the choice description doesn't fit with the actual response) wish they'd gone with labels instead, ie joke, flirt, sarcasm, mean, threaten, helpful, caucious etc in different combinations.

  6. They could at least let you finish the mission early if you complete all the objectives including the bonuses. Some of the missions I'm forced to snooze 2-3 minutes with nothing left to do.


    Well, the missions are basicly objective + survival based (I seem to recall atleast a couple of the missions mentioning something about surviving until lightspeed) so technically you haven't completed the mission until the timer runs out, but it would be nice if atleast some missions could complete "early" if you have done all the objectives + optional/bonus objectives.

  7. When are those who purchased the CE going to get what they paid for? The store was the sole reason why I spent £139, the PR made it sound filled with magical wonders that would make my SWTOR experience complete – but it’s TERRIBLE.


    You got what you paid for, that you expected something else than what was stated to be included in the CE editions isn't and will never be anyone elses fault than your own.


    You get free access to an exclusive "club", non CE/DDE users have to shell out 1 million credits per character to access the area.

    You get access to a special CE vendor which was stated would not give an advantage to CE users over normal users, additional items (mostly cosmetic) would come to the shop over time.

    You get a physical statue (Limited edition, which was most of the cost for the CE).

  8. Disclaimer: I love TOR. I want it to do well. We criticize the game because we care, at least some of us. I'm also a long time MMO player and have been there for countless launch days. I speak from experience.


    If you compare Rift launch and TOR's, you'll notice how unpolished parts of TOR are. In particular:


    - The antiquated and rigid UI, to me the #1 problem that affects everyone's quality of life

    true, Rifts customization options was good but they had problems with certain UI elements not retaining their settings/positions for the first 1-2 months

    - Lack of combat log

    - No LFG/LFD system

    - Ability delay (mostly fixed)

    Rift instead did have intermittent problem with severe server lag and some classes had abilities that got "stuck" in unusable state until you relogged (happened often) for atleast the first 1-2 months

    - Animation inconsistencies for abilities (Trooper mortar volley), that cause severe gameplay issues

    Rifts combat and combat animations are no different from any other "let's flex and see who goes to sleep first" MMO out there, SWTOR's combat (animation choreography) etc is something completely new in a MMO and as such small issues are expected

    - Poor and otherwise missing guild features

    You mean like the guildbank that Rift didn't have for atleast the first 1-2 months, do you see a pattern here

    - Barebones auction house

    Ok, the SWTOR GTN isn't quite userfriendly (no sort by equipment slot, no direct name search etc) but neither was Rifts AH until they made several changes over the first 1-2 months

    - Empty planets on high pop servers

    Rifts lowlevel zones was pretty empty (less than 10 players) on servers full enough to sometimes have queues 1 month after release

    - and so on...


    All things that Rift had working in MUCH better state than TOR. Not saying Rift was perfect, but compared to TOR, it felt like a much more polished game at launch. Both TOR and Rift are trying to grab some market share from Blizzard. It's a better comparison.


    Also, comparing TOR to WoW at launch is like comparing Windows 7 to Windows 95 or something. That's not how technology or software works. When a new piece of software comes out, it's expected to have features and polish of the CURRENT competition, not what was in the market 7 years ago.


    Here's hoping Bioware gets their act together soon, or I see some server consolidation in the very near future.


    A few comments in RED


    Rift release beat WoW release by a mile in polish but so did SWTOR, all three of these games has had their share of release issues, WoW fixed most of their issues within the first 3-12 months, Rift fixed most of their issues within the first 3-12 months, SWTOR hasn't been out long enough for serious coding fixes/additions but they are working on them.


    Any MMO that's released is a "living" and growing entity, it takes time for it to grow up and develop it's own features, simply copying everything from other MMO's is not a good thing as all MMO's needs to have their own personality.

  9. Right. Using one word instead of another makes it a completely different loot system!




    The point is that people are complaining that "epics" (ie artifact gear) are to easy to come by which doesn't make them epic enough, simply because "that other game" had a different distribution spread people expect the same in SWTOR, artifact gear might share the same color with epics but they are not the same thing.

  10. I'd say forum trolls are the worst class (especially the advanced AC - Unsubbed Quitter that somehow keeps paying to post), they're totally to overpowered, they resist all logic, they are immune to rationality and any fact you throw at them they just warp it to heal themselves with. NERF!!!!!!!
  11. I know alot of people on these forums love to say that the reason these forums are so negative is because the only people who are upset tend to come to the forums. Well in my experience not so.


    I know right now personaly about 15 people who are not happy with this game at all. 5 of them have already unsubbed and no longer play and the other 10 or so are planning on quitting very soon.


    The funny thing about it is the fact that not one of those 15 people I know ever 1 time posted on these boards. Not even 1 of them has. They never use the boards and post on them.


    The idea that the only reason the forums are negative is because only negative people are drawn to them is not true.


    Positive and negative people are drawn to the forums equally. Some people like to post others could care less to ever even log on them at all.


    I conclude the reason for such a wave of negative posts against this game is that it is truly how people actually feel about it. Thats all I have to say.


    Thank you


    And I personally know more than 15 players who currently enjoy the game and aren't planning on unsubbing, none of them posts or even visits the forum (not after the first time they saw the trolls on general forum atleast), so what was your point again? some like it, some don't?

  12. While I appreciate the attempt to make it more obvious which spells were on cooldown, I feel the new effects are just making it harder to see which abilities are available. The flashing and washout effects obscure the visibility of the abilities, and the flashing occurs after it has come off cooldown (making it difficult to react quickly as you cannot quite tell if it is available or just part of the GCD flashing).


    All that was needed was to add a dark blue or reddish tinge to the abilities which were on cooldown, as the old GCD effect was sufficient and didn't obscure vision.


    Is anyone else not liking the new effect?


    I would have liked it if they had gone a middle way, ie abilities that's currently not on their own CD and usable (resources available, procc is up etc) would be lit up during GCD as per previous patch and abilities currently on their own CD or lacking procc/resources would be greyed out like in this patch, although if they are under their own CD they shouldn't "scroll" the GCD effect.

  13. Plain and simple i think bioware did some favoring for the sith,


    Do you guys think developers ideas like this are causing FACTION IMBALACNCE??????????????????????????????? what you think??


    There's a limit on how long lightning, lightning, lightning with the occasional lightning thrown in is fun, pummeling players/npc's with boulders, droids, engine parts ripped from the ground and rapidfiring pebbles etc stays fun a whole lot longer just because it's atleast a bit of a variation, that's my opinion anyways, yours may vary.

  14. A billion suggestions in the suggestion forum, why would I just repeat whats already there?


    So instead you choose to make a repost of something that has multiple threads with (gasp) suggestions in the suggestion forum without adding anything usefull yourself?

    Yeah, I can see how that's logical :rolleyes:

  15. They ether A. Fix everything fast and got the servers up fast.


    or B. We flooded the forums with our displeasure....and they responded!!!!


    Lol hope it was because they listen to us


    Answer to the thread title:

    I sure hope not, giving impatient/spoiled/whining children what they want whenever they start to cry/threat/whine only makes them even more impatient, spoiled and failed as adults.

    yes, they should listen (which they do, even though every "I'm the most important person on the internet" poster says that, since they don't get a personal response to every whinepost they make, it proves they don't) but in no way should they immedeatly give in to threats, whining and impatients.

  16. Ohh dont get me wrong im not complaning about the updates, i think its great.


    If it was for a couple of hours it would be ok, but they plan the outage from 9-5 CET. thats 8 hours.


    Todays maintenance is "planned" for 2 hours, not 8


    "Time: 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 4AM CST (2AM PST/5AM EST/10AM GMT/11AMPM CET)"

  17. How about that freakin' unnecessary change you made to the ability cooldowns? Unanimous community support for a change back to the old system, to which you admit a mistake was made. And here we are two patches later and you STILL haven't reverted it back. What kind of versioning and rollback policies do you guys have? Are the lunatics running the asylum? I've never seen anything like this. And yes, the ability delay seems to be back with a vengeance.


    Unanimous means no objections, I object, therefore it's not unanimous, I like the new system better than the old system (new system needs some minor tweaks though).


    The only thing I can say about ability delay after patch is that it seems inconsistent, one minute it's fine and the next there's seconds worth of delay (without noticable change in latency), this also seems to be different from server to server, 2 out of the 4 servers I mainly play on have these delays often (1 of them had that even before patch), 1 server has the problem very rarely, and the last server I haven't yet noticed any ability delay on since I started playing there in early game access.

  18. i think everyone here would agree that 210k is to much for a 10% increase 10 is nothing. in wow u got a 40% increase.. then a 110% increase, then ANOTHER 100% increase!!! (only if u had the mount) i move to slow in this game!!!! im not saying i want flying mounts. i just want a speeder that moves with a little more....awsome?


    No, I don't agree (which means that not everyone agrees), speeds are fine, you aren't paying 210K just for 10% speed increase, you also pay for a sturdier vehicle which doesn't explode if a mob sneezes in the vicinity of it.

  19. Dear players,


    I write this message to you, yet I also hope someone from the "amazing" Bioware/EA staff will get the idea.


    I did 1/3 of the datacrons quests although I had to say I gave up a few.

    To get datacrons you have to be a Quake player. From Bioware and from a MMORPG in general, I expect smart quests.


    I understand if you have to guess a riddle, to travel till the end of the map, to fight hard tactical fights (kind of old wow Nax) and so on.

    What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why I have to be proficient in virtual Olympic jumping to get those datacrons. I did not buy Quake but SWTOR.

    Not to mention that the game does NOT contain any of the force jump abilities we are used in movies and previous sw games.


    This situation, combined with a lot of bugs (already mentioned here and elsewhere on the web) and the "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy, make me think how much I want to continue this game (which I waited since the announcement).


    I haven't reached a decision yet, but I hope that the "smart" datacrons quests writers to be given the Nobel prise for their IQ.




    I disagree, I find that the datacron hunting makes players explore (unless they "cheat" with website guides) and makes players better by having them think and learn how to control their character better by "forcing" them to learn how to determine distance, height, slope, speed etc in the game, it also teaches them patience (which there seems to be a severe lack of for many).


    "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy


    HUH? This game doesn't have cash shops (thank whatever Diety that's appropriate) so I have no idea what you are refering to, if it's the DDE/CE you are refering to there's nothing of real ingame value in those, novelty items only and I didn't expect anything else either.

  20. People just like the VO and how easy SWTOR is. People hated Cata because the difficulty level was so much different from that of previous xpacs.


    From a pure game play stand point you can not argue that SWTOR is better than WoW. WoW's combat engine and customization UI are just vastly superior to that of SWTOR. And before you cry, "zomg it's only been out a month", look at Rift. Rift has a combat engine just as good as WoW's.


    Weird, the mention of Cataclysm and difficulty level made me fall down laughing, I could sleepwalk 1-endgame in Cata in less than a week, atleast SWTOR doesn't make me sleepy.


    EDIT: I played cata for 2 weeks before I got bored and let the last ~3 months of my sub run out, didn't touch it once after those 2 weeks.

  21. The only logical explanation for this is that they want to stifle speech and complaints on their forums. This is certainly within their rights. Its certainly within my rights to complain about it, talk about why it sucks and get them to change this absurd policy.


    There are logical explanations other than yours, the fact that you might not see it or don't agree with the alternative explanations doesn't make them any more/less false/true.


    I can give atleast one other logical explanation other than yours (which I'm going to assume you are promptly going to dismiss since obviously the only explanation that it could be was the one you came up with, if that's the case, go check up narcessistic personality disorder)


    The explanation other than yours I can come up with ontop of my head is a possible 2 parter:


    Part one of the explanation could be that they used to take the whole forums down, not just lock them, during maintenance and people complained that they couldn't even get in to the forums to check up on guides/information etc, so to atleast please some people they the forums remain "open" in read only form, which leads me to the....


    possible part 2 of the explanation, having the forums in locked read-only would possibly allow them to do some maintenance on databases etc, while still allowing people to have access to their account pages for instance.


    That's just what I could come up with without even trying to analyze it overly much, I'm sure that I could find even more possible explanations or additions to the explanation I already have come up with, but I'm not bothered much about it anyway.

  22. What do expansions have to do with travel speed? What is the point of gradually increasing the speed cap?




    Oh really?


    people will always complain but the speeder (ironic name) speeds are seriously slow.


    i must say travelling through belsavis whilst levelling was awful, dull and boring due to the travel requirements being stuck on a speeder thats not even noticeably faster than my run speed.


    playing this got me all nostalgic for star wars so i've been watching the films recently. up to attack of the clones and when anakin got on his speeder he motored off. thats the kind of speed that makes sense to me.








    should be

    100% level 1

    200% level 2

    300% + flying level 3



    Speed is fine, anyway the thing you're paying for is a sturdier vehicle with lower chance of blowing up whenever someone breathes on it, the slight speedboost is just a bonus. Wanna go faster? quick travel or taxi.

  23. Nothing is different. I honestly think people read the patch notes about responsiveness, logged in, and convinced themselves things are different bc they read something. There is NO difference.


    Funny, I was just thinking people was reading the patchnotes and going "pfft, yeah right", logging in and convincing themselves that nothings changed.

  24. How come the Commando Pyro tree Assault Spec has the Powertech/Vanguard talent Heavy stock/Iron fist but we have the amazing System Clibrations...


    Is it just on Torhead or is it like that in game too?


    Can it wait for a bit? I'm in the middle of some calibrations.


    On topic: Not sure but it probably has something to do with the number of cast/channel skills (not all skills are mirrored completely equal, different animations/executions etc) favoring alacrity for dps increase, or it might just be an oversight (although I highly doubt it).

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