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Posts posted by WereMops

  1. Then why are so many from Sept and Oct already playing?


    There isn't/they aren't, so far I haven't seen any proof other than people saying "a buddy of mine that pre-ordered blahblah is already in" or "I pre-ordered blahblah and got in already", no screenshots = they're trolling


    EDIT: Forgot my on topic


    I'll go with the unknown wait time any day of the week, queues/crashes/lag are the devil's minions

  2. This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


    Yes they did stress test, the stress test was to determine how much stress they could put on the servers at once to determine how large the initial waves should be and what signs to look out for that the servers are getting to stressed or are ready for more.


    Mindbogling isn't it?

  3. easy i know people in game on both sides and if you look at your chat it will tell you how many people in zone there is 2 starter zones per side add them up and that tells you how many perple is in the game just have to think and add.....


    rofl, so you know people from all the servers? and did they realize that those 100 are per instance of the zone, not the zone itself?

    think and add? more like speculate and guess


    EDIT: Also, we already have statements that some servers are already medium-high population, if that's under 100 people, they'd need atleast 10K servers to handle the pre-orders, I don't think so

  4. this is BULL why so little per server you tested 780k for beta weekend mass test and you only doing under 100 players per server EA needs to learn math better becouse you all can't


    And you got the "under 100" per server number from? number 2?

    If you're basing it on the number of people posting on the forum you're greatly mistaken, most that are in are probably not going to post on the forum.


    EDIT: And probably not all "invited" will be able to log on immedeatly due to RL issues

  5. I just got in, pre-ordered in September. It's really fun. Ugh, this is so awesome. Lol @ everyone whining. Just wait.


    So you shouldn't have any problems taking a screenshot with the chat visible and you saying the pre-order date, if you can manage that proof I'll believe you, if you can't then you're trolling

  6. I would imagine there are hundreds of thousands of people world wide spamming the game login every minute.


    Why not give a timeframe for releasing emails so people don't sit wasting time?


    Announce how oftern you will release emails instead of saying "waves throughout the day"


    Every hour 2 hours etc


    Here you go:

    Timeframe is between the 13th and the 19th, waves are sent as soon as there is room and/or statistics shows it's ready, people in those waves are based on the order they entered their pre-order code.


    Any "schedule" that they release, no matter how loosely the estimate they give, will be taken as a "promise" and there will be an uproar if they can't keep it for whatever reason, so no they shouldn't/can't.

  7. Apparently people who preordered it a day or two ago got in.


    I'm mad p*ssed.


    They most probably are lying, unless I personally knew someone who got in with a late pre-order (or got definite proof other than they saying so) I wouldn't believe them, trolls will be trolls, even if I did know them personally I'd take it with a grain of salt.

  8. Seriously...30 people a friend reports. Korriban has about 50 from another friend. Bioware needs to get their *** in gear and get the servers open. This staggered system is way too slow...


    Your friends forgot some details, how many instances of the zone is there (since the number they see is just their instance)?

    Was this one of the earlier servers (from wave 1 for instance) then people might have moved beyond the starting zones on that server (server might still be mostly full)?


    Speculated statistics based on lacking information is BAD.

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