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Posts posted by WereMops

  1. Yes this game doesn't go down because:


    1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

    2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


    The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.


    I came to play a good MMORPG and no, I haven't left and no, I'm not leaving, not in the near future atleast, instead I'm seriously considering going over to long time subbing (6 month or a year at a time) since I see improvements with mostly every patch.


    EDIT: in my opinion this game is a good MMO (getting better and better) and a great RPG.

  2. Hey all,


    I play a Light-side Jedi Knight, and I wonder if there is any real reason not to always choose the first convo option?


    Will choosing the 2nd or 3rd option open up new paths?


    There are instances where choosing the first option will grant you darkside points, there are also some instances where not choosing darkside/lightside at the first opportunity you get will grant you more points further into the conversation (more total points), not to mention that some conversations will give you more information/background on the task at hand if you don't blindly accept it directly (personal preference really).


    Personally I don't pick dark/light blindly anymore (did it for the first few days), now I make up a personality/morality of my character instead and then I pick the responses that would most accuratly fit that personality/morality, I find that it makes for a more pleasurable experience overall, one can always "grind" points later if needed.

  3. In patch 1.2, players will get to unlock currently existing species for use with classes that were previously restricted. for example, the Sith Jedi.


    Daniel Erickson made the case for not being able to play some of the more exotic species due to not wanting to shoe horn these odder species into a story that is humanoid centric. That if they added, say Wookies, that they would need to make it so that NPC reactions, and those of story characters were appropriate to such a creature, and not just let them be treated as being "human"


    But now, with the legacy system, Sith will be able to be Jedi. Cosmetically that is, because I am hard pressed to believe they did anything to customize this race/class combinations story to be different than the story currently experienced by the allowed races. A Sith, freely roaming republic space, and treated as normal gallivanting across republic worlds...isn't that just as strange, if not more so, than us playing a Wookie? the current Jedi story will not accurately reflect the bias, and outright hatred that many of the republic would feel towards such a being.


    So why is this ok for this species, and not any others? Seems the original reasoning for not allowing races such as Wookies to be playable, has just been tossed out the window. And if so...how about they start actually adding in truly NEW races in the legacy unlocks...and not the same ones already in game and playable now?




    Raarrgh wrooh whum-uhm groooo wraaaaah graaa-uhm rooooorgh gaahraa.



    Would be pretty pointless/annoying to listen to after a while, don't get me wrong, I'd love to play a wookie but I can see why it wouldn't be a good idea at this age of the game (I suspect it might become playable along with a whole bunch of other races further down the line though, give it a couple expansions/years)


    EDIT: Wookies can't speak basic (well, I think I recall one single exception, an anomaly).

  4. Why'd you close the poll so early? Not like the kind of results you were getting initially? :p


    'real combat logs' as you put it are not needed at all. the combat logs we are getting are 'real' and you can 'log' them for improvement without the need to make them public knowledge.


    its nice to see Bioware make a stand on something like this and not cave in to the pressure.


    He didn't close it, he put up the link to the "result/duplicate/you have already voted" part of the poll, this is the correct address http://poll.pollcode.com/f28b


    EDIT: or you could just hit the back button below the results and vote

  5. As the Title says, I've spent 45 mins looking through Google, Bing and the forums for the answer but absolutely CANNOT find an answer! :(


    I want the Item that fits into the slot "PARTS" and am NOT using a general term for Droid Gear.


    I mean, and very specifically "Where do I use Commendations OR Credits to purchase, FROM A VENDOR, Orange / Moddable droid PARTS, as in the Item that fits into the PARTS slot?"



    Please help me, oh knowledgeable and mighty community. :(


    uhm, if you spent 45 mins to search for that I'd recommend you go to fleet, check the supplies section and just browse through the different planet vendors for your answer, it's probably faster.

  6. Hey guys, thanks for the responses!




    Ah, thanks for the tip. I was just looking at the damage range between the sabers I have now and the commendation ones, and the minimum range is almost equal to my max range right now. I'm still getting the hang of mods/hilts and that - but do they affect the damage range too? Or just the stats?


    In the meantime though I'll check out those heroic quests and see if I can get groups for them (Had no idea they were repeatable either, haha) I assume they're like daily missions?

    I know it'll probably be silly farming up a whole heap of them (So right now I'm dismissing the legs, but depending on what I hear I might still want the lightsabers)


    Again, thanks for everything :)


    Weapon damage is completely based of the Hilt for melee weapons and barrel for ranged weapons.


    EDIT: ie the weapon rating that you can see next to the damagerange on the weapon or on a hilt/barrel is what actually determines the weapons damage

  7. No there won't be. The log will only show what has happened to you. Read the OP if you are concerned with discussion and don't open discussion on the poll if you feel its pointless. Developers do look at polls, it is proven. If enough vote for something, they will prioritize it. Just like they did with character responsiveness.


    If you want people to vote on the poll you probably should fix the link, right now it doesn't allow you to vote since it sends you directly to the result page, you need to loose everything after the f28b part, ie http://poll.pollcode.com/f28b is the correct address.

  8. Damage Meters don't grief, players grief.


    Yeah and guns don't kill people, people kill people, why not force everyone to have a gun.


    I vote No to a global combat log.


    A self only combat log helps the ones who want to improve themselves but doesn't give any extra ammo to a "griefer player".

  9. and your happy that your playing at 20 fps in warzones...?


    talk about low expectations...


    Considering he/she went from about 10 fps more or less everywhere (which isn't playable) to 20-35fps (which actually is playable) I'd say that's a win, ofcourse everyone would like better fps, but as long as the fps I have is playable I'm ok (preferably 40+ but 20+ is playable).


    I'm sitting at about 25fps in fleet (45+ if I lower shaders, had below 20 in fleet a few patches ago) 30-35 in Warzones (had about 20-25 a few patches ago) and 40-70fps in hectic PvE areas and I'm ok with it (no, I'm not saying that Bioware can stop working on improvements, I'm saying that it's heading in the right direction).

  10. Now that it has been confirmed that getting a character of any race to 50 will allow you to roll that race as any class, I have to ask: Bioware, what are you thinking?


    This is a HORRIBLE idea. It makes a total mockery of Star Wars lore, and will completely ruin the game's atmosphere and integrity. Simply from the perspective of a Republic player, I do not want to see a bunch of Purebloods and Chiss running around on Carrick Station, it will just look completely stupid.


    It is lore breaking in the worst way and for the WORST reason: convenience. I for one am willing to forgo this "feature" until REAL new races are released...whether that be in the near future or several years down the road...or frankly...never.


    This decision is so bad and so detrimental to the integrity of the game and even, given the fact that these games are being used these days as a source of "canon", to the Star Wars franchise as a whole, that this is something I would NEVER want to see in the game for any reason whatsoever.


    For those who may think "well you have to have the race at level 50 to make one..." you should realize that that is an extremely minor limitation which will not significantly change the fact that you will be seeing an impossible number of these cross faction races running around once the patch hits.


    I personally will not be able to suspend disbelief, and I ask that Bioware SERIOUSLY reconsiders this move, both for the health of the game and Star Wars as a whole. Star Wars is too significant and admired an IP to trifle with things like this simply so you can provide people with a "perk".


    EDIT: Since so many people seem to want to pick and choose which aspects of this they want to respond to so they can have the last word without actually addressing the issue, and keep bringing up the notion that "there will always be X number of any race that switches to the other side etc. etc." without reading the 2 or 3 posts I made explaining why that is meaningless in the context of these changes, I will state reason that is so here.


    Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


    That argument holds no water.


    I see that you make some possibly very faulty assumptions.


    First, not everyone playing a Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor does so with a sith pureblood (not even sure that most do), which would significantly lower the amount of possible "defectors".


    Second, not everyone playing a Sith Pureblood does and/or will play both factions on the same server, which will even further lower the amount of possible "defectors".


    Third, not all of the people who does play a Sith Pureblood and play both factions on the same server will create a republic Sith Pureblood character.


    Fourth, considering that there are even sith purebloods that are slaves at this time there actually exists some grounds for quite a number of sith purebloods to defect to the republic (I mean why wouldn't a slave want to escape).

  11. It's a rhetorical question. My answer to myself is "no". I love Star Wars and I'm happy to be here!


    When I played WoW and LotRO, I never raided. I ran dungeons in WoW, but I won't bother with them on SWTOR. I never did arena either. I don't play MMOs to compete, just to have fun. I have no interest in being the best or obtaining exclusive loot or achievements.


    I haven't reached end game yet, so I can't say either way whether it's good or bad. I'd rather not debate that until I get there. In the meantime, I love the questing, space combat (yes I actually like it!), the professions, the legacy system, the companion/crew system, customizing my ship, and romping around in familiar Star Wars settings.


    I've always wanted to play a sci-fi MMO and now I can! To each their own.


    If one are to listen to some of the posters here on the forum then you aren't having fun playing SWTOR because that's impossible, you must be deluding yourself. :rolleyes:


    But I'm mostly in the same boat as you are, I'm playing SWTOR and having a blast so I guess I must be deluding myself as well (actually, just logged of since I have to go and get some groceries) but the game is good (not perfect, no game will ever be), I'm confident that it will grow into a great game in time, I'll just keep having a blast playing it while waiting.

  12. Would be interesting to get a figure on how many people aren't 50 on a character yet.


    I'm not. My highest is 38.


    lvl 37 Bounty Hunter - Powertech

    lvl 36 Jedi Knight - Guardian

    lvl 35 Smuggler - Gunslinger

    lvl 35 Smuggler - Scoundrel

    lvl 32 Sith Warrior - Juggernaut

    lvl 29 Jedi Knight - Sentinel

    lvl 20 something Jedi Counsellor - Shadow and Sage

    lvl 20 something Bounty Hunter - Mercenary

    lvl 14 - 19 Trooper (both AC's), Agent (both AC's), Inquisitor (Both AC's) and a marauder


    + 4 lvl 12 - 22 characters on a now abandoned PvP server (I had lots of lag problems and delays on it)


    I know, I know.... I have a problem, I like them all (although I love the Bounty Hunter). Some of them I play with different friends and some of them I play just for solo fun, PvPing, space missions, crafting, gathering etc.


    EDIT: and no, I don't spacebar through most quests, not even sidequests (a few exceptions with parts of some sidequests) since different classes/genders gets a little bit of fun variations in responses, both given and recieved.

  13. And how exactly do you know how this works in detail? Speculation?


    The statement from http://www.torstatus.net/about on how they measure the stats and basic math skills + experience with how statistical analysis works.


    In other words, just as much speculation Torstatus themselves use, which shows how the numbers they presents are/can be flawed.

  14. Uh except the population decrease is specific for each server, which is pretty obvious. You don't need to know the population caps to see that there is a general decrease on all servers. If your server last week had a 2.20 population (whatever that means, it doesn't really matter) and decreased by 0.20, that's a decrease no matter which way you look at it.


    Like I said, it was debunked by blind fanboys trying to discredit any negative thing about their game. :rolleyes:


    That's just the thing, the 2.20 you're talking about is purely speculative and is solely based on how much of the time the server was standard/heavy etc, let me explain:


    Let's say a server is completely steady 24/7 on standard (2)

    that page would then say it has a population index of 2


    let's then say that a number of people that play alot every day leaves the game, switches server or simply just stops playing as much, just enough people to put the server on light load (1) for let's say 8 hours a day


    that page would then show the server as 1.67 (-0.33) or something


    meanwhile 3 times as many people as those that "stopped playing" could also have joined the server but playing mostly only during peak times or close to putting the load almost (2.8 for example would still only register as standard) at the next level (heavy) but not quite but the stats will not show that because, and this is important so listen, they don't have any way to tell because except for Bioware/EA noone has the numbers.


    which means that the stats on the page would indicate a decline of 0.33 while infact the server population has increased, the stats on that page are flawed, it's as simple as that.

  15. LOL made up bullcrap!


    You give no proof of your claim that the game is growing and expect people to believe you.


    I give you statistical proof that the game is on a decline (http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats, just in case it didn't sink in the first time) and you tell me that my 'made up crap doesn't matter'.


    Hilarity. I don't know if you're trolling at this point but I hope so because that's just sad.


    That's still not proof, the "stats" from that is purely based on speculations, which has been explained many times before why it's severely flawed, without knowing how big of a span the different loads stands for, light/standard/heavy etc (which actually might vary from server to server since the devs have stated before that they've been tweaking servers that was popular), the numbers you get there are just about as trustworthy as someone logging in and saying "man, only 87 people on fleet, the game must be dying" or taking the buss and noticing that it's only 5 other people there, that must mean that a lot of people has died/moved away, right?

  16. Yes, seriously, thank you. It is people being helpful, and pleasant, in game that make the game fun.


    Thanks to the "Drive-by Buffers". Last night I had 4 buffs from different folks and had no idea who did it. But it was nice and helped me.


    Thanks to the Flash point helpers who are just there to help that get us lowly folks through and teach us how it is done.


    Thanks to those willing to wait their turn to take down the boss on a side quest, when the server was at max.


    And a special thanks to those who chose to keep helping me even though it was painfully obvious that I had no clue how to play in the early days.


    It's people like you that make this game an enjoyable place to spend a few hours.


    You're welcome, I've been doing just about every one of those things in every MMO I've played so far (including SWTOR) and I will keep doing it, that's how you build communities, not by calling newbie players n00bs but by helping them grow and learn.

  17. For one thing, story, the voiceover and interactive "cinematic" quest pickups with choices, while it might not change the destination, atleast the journey is more pleasing.


    Second one is the choreographed combat, while not perfect, it's still lightyears ahead of the boring and bland flexbased combat of other MMO's (I know alot of the "twitch/flex based combat" supporters are having a hard time with this though).


    Third one is that most of the instanced "soloable" quests actually get's more challenging and rewarding when in a group of atleast 3 players (never noticed any big difference while duoing), sometimes to the point of making easily soloable quests very hard and fun in group due to extra (strong/elite) adds.


    Fourth one is the ease of how to keep track of the party's quests (some improvements could be done but it's still way better than most/any MMO I've played).


    All I have time for for now, gotta get my game on :D

  18. Can someone explain why not?


    I'm assuming it's so you can't sell things on the opposing GTN, but why can't I even send an email to one of my toons from Rebl to Emp?


    Because the penalty for traitors is execution.


    Seriously though, why would you like to openly conspire with the enemy?

  19. I'm getting plenty of useless Cunning gear with Defense on it as well.


    This gear is probably a relic from Beta stats gone by, and it should be fixed.


    While I do agree that it might be strange/less usefull than other stats, defense isn't useless, you can actually make a pretty "survivable" agent with defense gear, some people might be able to get the most out of it with certain specs/situations, high defense Operative healer has a pretty mean survivability.

  20. The wipe effect doesnt bother me... I just turned off the flash from Global Cooldown. I still have my cooldowns flash at me but not the whole damn thing.


    Same here + I added numbered cooldowns, put "no overlay" on GCD and dark overlay on CD, now it's just how I like it and easily distinguished on a quick glance.


    A+ on these changes from me atleast.

  21. Take Kodo missiles, it says it is an instant ability. But in rality it is not. In reality it is actually a 2 second cast ability. Because of the damne casting emote.


    Why cant an instant ability actually be an instant ability?


    Instant ability is an ability that doesn't require a castbar/channel to cast, not that it does instant damage.

  22. CASUAL [kazh-oo-uhl] adjective: seeming or tending to be indifferent to what is happening. Not serious.


    Some "casual" players (numbers unknown) are ex-hardcores who burned out on the click-n-go loot piñata race for item level supremacy being a 2nd full-time job. No more grinding 20+ dailies and heroics. No more farming 2 nights a week to support raids. No more 4 hour wipe nights 3 times a week with multiple back-to-back 6 hour boss grinds on the weekends.


    Casuals. They still have viable skills and can hold their own in a fair fight. They excel in team environments and have zero tolerance for attitudes. Their perfectionist edge is gone because they chose to let it go. They bask in the heat of battle but have no desire to fight an entire war. They play to win - just not at all costs. When they pat you on the back, you can add it to your resumé. And when they drink, they drink Dos Equis. Stay thirsty my friends . . .


    I can say this because I am one of them. I'm a recovered hardcore. I'm a casual and I'm proud of it:




    How would you define the "casual" player?


    Actually agree with you somewhat, this is one form of casual player (there's more than one type), the one you are describing is more or less the category I'm in.


    I'd like to add that, in my experience, this type of casual player isn't limited in how much time they put into the game, it can be as little as a couple of hours a week to 10+ hours a day as long as they chose to, not because they have to, but if the game turns into feeling like a "fulltime job" instead of an "entertaining hobby" there's a big chance this type leaves the game.

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