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Everything posted by areto

  1. Did they use mainly empire footage for the prerelease press, because if that's so then people are probably right about empire having prettier stuff. I haven't noticed this so much for myself though.
  2. I'm not so sure. Take monks for example, they are more or less the same thing as jedi, just irl and with god instead of the force. They usually wear robes and such. But during the crusades they put on armor, because, you know, they were going to be fighting people. In fact if I recall correctly they wore robes and armor together, a bit like a clone wars style jedi. let me see if i can find a picture... here we go: http://pic50.picturetrail.com/VOL470/9093123/16723552/257896223.jpg So you see, just because your normally a peace loving jedi doesn't mean you can't suit up when there's a war on. I do agree, a lightsaber and the force is generally armor enough, but in a war type situation with explosions and shrapnel and hundreds of blasters going off and bounty hunters with flame throwers, even a jedi would probably want a little bit of extra protection.
  3. Part of the problem may well be the subscription model. Most people don't want to waste money on more then one subscription, so if you're not playing the best game it's a waste of money. If you take league of legends as an example you can see how F2P can make heaps of money and the player-base doesn't feel like they can only play that one game. GW2 has gone with a subscriptionless model as well which is rather interesting and maybe they had the same thought as I did lol. Paying for a subscription and paying for expansions is a fools game and I'm surprised me and others were willing to go along with it.
  4. I think they are orange drops which you get from here and there. They sell on the GTN for heaps because everyone else wants them too.
  5. I'm a good person irl, So it's pretty boring playing a good guy in a game. Not to mention the hypocrisy "I'm a jedi, I don't kill people, you're going to jail sith! Now I must go and kill 100 people for this bonus mission because they don't want to be in the republic anymore or something.."
  6. You could do it in WoW. It was fine then and it's fine now, bah.
  7. Just to repeat what I'm sure other people are saying. If you can see the mark that means your own team put it on you, which means only your team can see it, which means they put it there so your dps/tanks can find and protect you more easily.
  8. I'm a casual myself and I agree. You need the hardcore element for the community. They generate all the drama which I like to read about and most of the useful guides and maths, which helps out everyone and makes the whole experience much deeper. People always complain about the hardcores and their epeen measuring but if you judge people in terms of their contribution to the community instead of how rude they are the hardcore element tend to be much more helpful and good to other players. Not to mention people damning hardcore players based on their fellow casuals saying things like 'noob ur bad lrn2play.' "They must be an elitist, they mentioned skill! and he was a noob anyway!"
  9. You know (based on WoW numbers) only about $2 of that $15 actually goes back into the game.
  10. Most people who don't like the game have run out of subscription time ,the forums use to be much more negative than this, mostly the formula now is: 1. OP complains about something. 2. Overly defensive rabid fanboys shout them down. 3. one or two of the few remaining trolls get into it with them. 4. thread is derailed. There are still one or two useful threads with nice people and such around (especially outside of general) but otherwise the place is turning into a circle jerk. I only hope there aren't enough fanboys to make this thing profitable so the industry will learn it's lesson about WoW clones, EA will lose more money (because I bet on it) and bioware will learn to stick to what they're good at (if they're still good at it). And hopefully then it can become F2P which is where it really belongs on the market.
  11. I didn't say they're too dumb, they did (via implication). And MMOs aren't very complex compared to plenty of things, governments for example or the global monetary system.
  12. Welp bioware has said that they don't want you rolling need on stuff for your companions and eventually they'll put in a middle 'roll for companion' type option. The thing is the loot that drops is weighted towards the classes running the thing so there's a chance of loot for everyone and if someone rolls for their companion they really are rolling loot meant for someone else. If you want to test that out for yourself run BT or esseles on your high level character solo and you'll see pretty much only loot for your class dropping. for reference:
  13. They're expressly stated that that's not their policy and implied that theys too dumb to gets it to work.
  14. You can't guard people who are guarding.
  15. Maybe they'll do it if it's a droid which looks exactly like a human (maybe with grey skin or something). Otherwise it's just a pipe-dream. I would love it though
  16. Lol at the people arguing about what scheduled maintenance means even though they're right in that technically scheduled maintenance doesn't necessarily imply it's regularly scheduled maintenance. I swear this community is the worst 'it says it in the dictionary so...' community I've ever seen, if you argue about the definitions you can't talk about the actual problem. .. Which is that they do the maintenance badly. The last few weeks it's been down twice, this week it's not on the right day and will probably be down again later when they figure out what they broke this time. It's not good, you can say it's fine all you want but it's certainly not best practice. Have you ever noticed a hotfix in this game? I can't remember one, I doubt they can even do them. It's lame, we'd all agree it's lame if it weren't for the fingers-in-ears crowd that loves sw:tor and hates everyone else.
  17. I'm a 3d modeller and it's the same for us. ( I don't work in games though.)
  18. Looks stable to me http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats
  19. If you think that's good motion capture then I'd hate to see how you move. unless you mean the videos, in which case, yes they are very impressive.
  20. I don't know, I played quake 1 for months and months and months and it was free. I played league of legends for 3 or 4 months and that's free too. I play tennis about 3 times a week and that's free. See, there are plenty of examples of things that cost less as well as plenty of examples of things which cost more. and EA doesn't make any money anyway, they lose it. And they do milk you for as much cash as possible, just because you can afford it doesn't make them benevolent benefactors.
  21. Because WoW was a great MMO and it made like a billion dollars.
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