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Everything posted by Sith_Ravager

  1. I agree...cant we just push one button and the whole thing plays out for us...this is to much like work...Im to casual to work...and its all about the story anyways...no one wants a game, games are so 2012....
  2. I play MH2015 as well...it was a rebranding yes...and it fixed some issues...but it did not take the game and make it from a Multi-player game into a single player game... MH2015 would have had to: Turn Multi-Player into single-player (Cause thats what 4.0 did) Remove all gear between lvl 8-60 from vendors Nerf the drop rate of items (hell they actually IMPROVED the drop rate of items the last few patches) Nerf the drop rate of cash Turn Side-Kicks into Uber-Monsters (Personally I like this, I can let my 6 year-old niece play Star Wars and she doesnt die, so that works out) Sure, some players at MH want a single-player version...but not all...and would it be fair to those players to just one day say "Nope its a single player game now, screw you and all the time/money/effort you put into this game, we dont care"...kinda what EA/BW did... I dont want KOTOR3, when I started my journey with SWTOR it wasnt even in Beta yet...I bought the SUPER UBER DELUXE EDITION the day it was announced, I subbed for a ridiculous amount of time before even starting to play... Why, because they said Star Wars MMO, not KOTOR 3...I wouldnt have dropped half the cash Ive invested in this game to KOTOR 3...To be honest I would have picked it up on the clearance section, same place I picked up KOTOR 1 and 2... Sure all the Fanboi's scream KOTOR BEZT ZTAR WARZ EVERZ...It was ok, I played through Dark, I played through Light...then its in the bin with all my other old games...It really doesnt have a lot of replayability ..to be honest the Comics were better...I like Revan, dont get me wrong, awesome character...but honestly he was better in the books and comics... So no all these Fanboi's yelling "THIZ IZ THE GAMEZ WE ALLZ WANTED"..no its not, its the game YOU wanted, not me...not a bunch of people I know... You guys always scream all those other players dont come on the forums to support my position, cause theyre playing the game...same with mine...alot have a few months left on the sub, or are hoping BW actually fufills all its promises, so will wait a month or two more...and yeah theyre playing the game, cause they have a ton of time/money/effort put into it...but after awhile that just wont matter any more...theyll fade away to other games...
  3. Exactly... And seriously to make it easier for crafters to make a profit...thats a great idea...maybe more like crafters can gouge the last penny out of players now, for their overpriced crap I coulda bought at a vendor before 4.0... Lets not forget that they also nerfed credit drops "SIGNIFICANTLY"... My personal guess, is theyre gonna start selling cash boosts...Honestly, with new players coming in, why wouldnt you...they cant use coms anymore, so you have them use credits on the GTN, and since were not making any profit off the GTN, we sell cash boosts...
  4. Im waiting for us all to get spiffy uniforms in Gold/Red/Blue depending on our specialization and changing our Factions into a single unified...hmmm...we could call it a ...how bout...Federation...yeah Federation... Sorry but not only is the plot ripped-off from ME series, but it also seems like a bad Trek episode...Star Trek Online has been doing this all enemy factions join together in a Grand Alliance to Destroy this expansions Big Bad from beyond the Galaxy for like what 4 expansions now...
  5. I dont know I let my 6 year old niece play one of my toons last night...cause she likes Star Wars, and she likes watching me play my MMO's... She played my lvl 55 Hunter, with a lvl 20 influence Mako...I sat and read a book while she pulled mobs on her...didnt die...finally she got bored and I got to play some more...Win for Her, Win for me...
  6. Problem with that idea bud, is how many of the casuals that come in are actually gonna start at level 1...how many are gonna buy a level 60....I got a feeling the buy level 60 crowd are gonna be the winners...
  7. Then how bout this...instead of spending the obscene amount of money they spent on the trailer, they spent it on...hmmm...I dont know...the actual game
  8. I havent ran a Heroic in a week...and I can honestly say that: 1) Jerky, DEAR GOD THE JERKY...now that the humor is over, out of an average of 10 green drops in story, I will recieve 5+ Jerky...In some cases Ive ran into 3 jerky drops in a row...Ill the recieve 1-2 Gifts....so maybe 2, 3 if Im lucky actual loot drops since 4.0 per 10 drops... 2) Blue drops...this is where I would get datacrons in story...I would get 1-2 on average per planet running story and not really chasing anything. Plus the usual blue Item drops...since 4.0 Ive recieved no datacrons, and no items...just blue companion gifts...sure could be rng, but as I play about 8 hours a day on multiple toons...thats some seriously crappy range...so maybe on average 3 Blue drops per Character Quest/Planetary story arc...that really crappy after 4.0... 3) Purple drops...used to get nice items to sell, or use...maybe 2 a day...now Ive gotten 3 since 4.0 ALL companion gifts... Now in any other MMO I play, this would cause the community to freak out...but apparently this is EA/BW working as intended... Nerf cash drops/Nerf Loot...OK...
  9. I agree, I would like to have these returned to the game... Also, Id like to know the percentage of the player base that said "Ya know Bioware, we have to many merchants, with to much gear...we need less...and by the way make sure that mod vendors only sell green mods...while your at it just do that for all levels under 60, well I guess if we have to, we can keep the level 8 ones" Yeah, what was the percentage on that... Or can EA/BW just come out and be honest and say, hey buy gear from the CM now...and all the low level gear you loved will be coming back in a Cartel Pack, cause ya know we listen to our players, and we love them....
  10. Sorry, but you dont get it...its not about challenge anymore...its not about feeling you accomplished anything....its About clicking one button, while my companion kills the mob(s) so I can race to the next cutscene... Thats what all these "Story" fans are wanting...I just boiled it down to the easiest to undestand level. They dont want a game, well maybe a point and click game, they want to watch a mini-movie..
  11. Most of you guys arguing with the "Im happy with this crowd", you guys just dont get it...they want to watch TV, while posting on Facebook, while chatting on reddit, and Oh yeah Im also playing SWTOR...let me hit this button...cool, world boss is dead, now ill loot him....damn that was stressfull and hard, hmm maybe BW will make it easier if I praise them...
  12. Ive seen plenty of people on the forums who want a Star Wars MMO...so your point is? When this game was created, it wasnt its KOTOR 3...it was hyped as a what...say it wiith me "MMO"...
  13. Simple answer... They will bring those sets back when the grumping has died down in a few months...in the Cartel Market... Theyll pull the "Oh, you guys wanted these back, and we so Love our customers, so here have this....just remember to bring your credit card"... By actions like this, you can tell this "Expansion" wasnt made for new low-level characters. They want any new players to drop that 2000 cartel coins for level 60... Honestly, if we get the influx of players EA/BW is hoping for, I cant wqait to hear the ************ about how grouping has become the end of the world...
  14. I like the companion power levels, and the making of the game easy...I let my 6 year old Niece play some of my toons, and I can walk out of the room even if she pulls a TON of mobs(and she often does) and she doesnt die...so shes happy, and Im happy watching her play...
  15. No, you said interact...I can interact with them...I can send them gifts, I can chat, I can join their version of guilds....you know youre right FARMVILLE FUTURE OF MMO's...now all they need is that "Awesome" Bioware story to be complete!!!!!
  16. Well you can interact with a large group of People in Farmville...so Im guessing thats a MMO now... To be honest alot of the facebook games have stories with cutscenes, where my action is point and click...so these are the spiritual precursors of KOTFE...I mean that seems like what theyre looking for... You fanboi's screaming Story...you really dont want story. Story was the class quests from 1-50, this is not story...with a story in a game it should matter what you do...with this expansion it doesnt...no what you want is a Computer Animated Movie...thats what this is..so instead of telling me to go play another MMO, Ill tell you Go Watch Star Wars Rebels...its got your computer generated cartoon...plus Im sure theyll have a facebook game soon where you can dress up the characters in it...that what youre looking for right Instead like you all say Ill watch to see if BW is EVER going to complete its promise of story driven MMO ( You do notice the MMO part right)
  17. I dont know I see alot of people saying its not what they wanted... Again WE ALL denotes Everyone...which is obvious your wrong...I dont mind if you say the majority...but dont say we like everone thinks this is the "AWEZOMEZT STUFFZ EVERZ"..cause seriously we dont...
  18. Again its not an MMO...if they wanna make it Single-Player, just do it...stop asking people to sub, take the servers offline and allow us to get monthly DLC's for $15... And I play more than this MMO...so please dont tell me what an MMO is, or how to play one...Ive been doing it since 99...from the way your acting Id presume thats long before you were born...
  19. Because most Single-players you can beat in a day... If I wanted a single-player, I would have bought a single-player, not funded from the very begining...We were promised a Star Wars MMO, story driven (which is a cool idea) but a story driven MMO
  20. Again with WE ALL...I was here when this first started, I was here before Beta...I Did NOT want a KOTOR 3,...I wanted a good Star Wars MMO... So no dont use things like WE ALL, say some, or a portion of the playerbase...but you damn well dont speak for all...
  21. First off, this is NOT an MMO... A MMO has challenging content, and Endgame...at this point, this game has neither...Its multiplayer, kind of...but it really doesnt classify as a MMO anymore... This is a single-player game now...and Im sorry when I first joined the community before the games release, before the beta...story was a Main element...MMO was the other...I didnt want a NEW KOTOR like all the fanboi's are screaming for...KOTOR was OK in 2003, this aint 2003...I wanted a good Star Wars MMO... This is NOT a good Star Wars MMO anymore...its a lame single-player game with a linear story arc that honestly, except for the Fanboi's has no replay value...but yet they expect to keep MMO subs, with every few month DLC drops...seriously, just flat out make it f2p completely The plotlline is a Blatant rip-off of another game...they turned your companions into cloned dress-up dollies a la a ton of Facebook games...removed coms vendors from lowbie planets "Cause the Community asked for it...We didnt code it...itll come back "some day""...nerfed cash drops...turned hypercrates into an even bigger rip-off then before, again "Because the community demanded it".... Where are the people in the community that demanded the removal of vendors, or even less value in hypercrates...cause I wanna know the drugs their on No this is what SOME of the players wanted...not ALL...
  22. Welcome to the EA way of storytelling... Linear Short No meaningful Choices But hey keep tossing us money rubes... No, I dont think theyre going to come back...do you honestly think that EA/BW is going to spend the money to voice all those companions, I sure as hell dont... But all the Fanboi's will tell you it ok, cause we have that voiceless throwback to 2003 KotOR , "Homage" ( I mean seriously, you all know it was because EA/BW was to cheap to pay VA)...with that awesome feature it will make the companion STORIEZ RULEZ...whatever...
  23. An ambiguously worded ad from EA/BW to get you to buy something...and half of you seem shocked. Maybe you should look at all those posts about early access, where if you didnt scroll to the bottom/click on a link you didnt realize you had to be subbed the entire time to get early access. If its true, bad form....if its not, cool... But honestly, when it comes to getting money out of people, nothing EA does shocks me anymore...
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