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Everything posted by Darth_Eminok

  1. Might wanna use this: http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/
  2. No I want something like Mass Effect... You all know how successful ME went. But not that ME3...
  3. http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/george-lucas-to-retire-from-hollywood-20120531.html :(
  4. I'm going to have to agree with you. And if anyone remembers pre-launch, BW had said that the crafting system would be complex, advanced and you would be very deep into the system. Lies. Now excuse me while I go play SWGEMU, the last true SWG speck left.
  5. I'm not sure whether to take that as an insult or something else....
  6. Star Wars 1313... eh? Hope it's a dark thing like Republic Commando. And updated your sig again, Tuscad? tsk tsk tsk. Can't tell if that's a positive sig or negative to show that BW didn't care before. *Shrug* Back to the topic.
  7. Hutt would not fit with game mechanics... and Gand and Trandoshan can't speak basic right. It would be a problem for the VO part of it.
  8. Bioware, I do not suggest you listening to this. So OP, you want more stuff handed to you on a silver platter by your bioware waiters? Don't let SWTOR follow the path other MMO's have taken! Please!
  9. I'm not sure game mechanics can actually allow this until they get rid of that terrible on-rails space combat thing. But.... +1
  10. Yet you are countered with the fact that these legacy abilities are very powerful.
  11. Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEifbZvORwI
  12. Nononononononononononono! No Clone Wars.... PLEASE!
  13. It's good to see them get appreciation! Thanks for that comment! Anyways, Episode 2! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-7YRguNG24&feature=relmfu Leave a comment because I really want them to make the season 2!
  14. First Episode! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7icMMJ22mjw
  15. These two people took a lot of time to make this series and I want them to get the fame they deserve. I watched through the entire series . It took a ton of mods and Jedi Outcast/Academy stuff. Also expect soem stuff from star trek, stargate, Kotor and other sci-fi things. Enjoy and comment for them! They deserve applause! The series is called Star Wars: Path of Destiny
  16. While most of us know that there will not be any BF3 coming as this will be a new franchise, it does not eliminate the fact that this new product could be a FPS or BF-like game. Just because it can't retain a name, does not mean it can't retain the gameplay. So I still have high hopes on a shooter game.
  17. Well, four days to go. Someone record the unveiling of the game and upload it to youtube for I fear missing it. Now back to monitoring the new guild site.
  18. Revan was sort of a letdown for me, but Darth Bane was great... now I am stuck.
  19. So this game is but a race to you? Where 1-49 is nothing but an obstacle to you? Tsk tsk tsk. That's a bit sad. I completely support this idea!
  20. Ignore the troll, I suggest that you ask some more sensible people for help. You try contacting CS?
  21. And then it went through a wormhole and came out in the middle of the sea.
  22. I'm jealous too, my work sometimes turns into a womprat/chihuaha. Tell me, Spartanash, how you make work like that! *Dies*
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