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Everything posted by salamanderx

  1. We need a naked (while in) PVP server! Bioware... THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! Seriously, this would be pretty cool. Basic weapons of course to use your abilities.
  2. I can see it being a problem for melee types, but the rest should have no problem with a tracer noob. Someone standing there spamming tracers is an easy choice for priority attack. They arent moving anywhere and doing high damage and easy to kill... so why isnt your team killing them. To me when they assume the position I put on my steel toes and give them a nice kick! Its like a neon sign saying "kill me!" And I even play a merc, was specced tracer but its so boring I had to change to pyro and notice little difference in my damage output, I just have to spread it around more. And yea the tracer missle following you is because they successfully fired it off while you were in LOS, it has to travel to you and will follow you anywhere at that point, basically a delayed effect.
  3. Not sure I agree with that. With alacrity you can be moving sooner, pulling off your attack before people notice sooner, and you can be using your rapid shots sooner generating more dps. Also your attack is more bursty, you will beat out that next heal by fractions of a second sometimes. Being on the move again asap is priceless to me, but my playstyle is a bit unique. Just sayin'
  4. None... fear leads to the dark side. Oh wait! I am dark side. So... still pretty much just good players as stated above. As a merc anyone has the potential to ruin my fun, once they realize what I'm doing. Oh yea and sorcs force lightning is universally a PITA.
  5. Go go any MMO forum --> see drama queens making unhappy posts --> realize its nothing to be surprised about.
  6. I didnt like the idea of it at first but now I've come to love it. Its quite innovative. Its like bloodbowl with ramps and hazards.
  7. Love my merc but I am jealous that they can sprint with the ball like that... huttball is mostly my pvp so that is important! edit: I did enjoy Warhammer online too! But all that super high damage area of effect stuff was just redonkulous.
  8. Alacrity is great for pyro. Dots can only be applied to a person once then you have to do something else. We cant spam tracer so we rely on powershot a lot more (unload when its up) to proc our free railshots. More powershots, more procs. Also means we can shoot and move that much sooner. I have no problem in pve either, can kite and cc anything. edit: oh.. and when heat gets too high the autoattack with combustible chamber does really good damage too...
  9. Did you read the OP where he mentioned that a game with 3 factions worked great? You make no sense.
  10. Yep I tried a sith warrior in beta. Playing a merc main (pyro, not tracer spammer). Feels much more like the game was built for me now.
  11. It would be a lot of work if they added a complete new faction from the pve side. The Revanites are not a mercenary group, they are a Imperial secret society that co-exists with the rest, has sith/jedi origins, and believes both sides have something to offer a person. Its already written into the game so theres no debate as to how much sense it makes.
  12. Yup... I suggested this too last week. I think it would be brilliant.
  13. At 49 they belong in the wz and are a credit to team.. at level 10... not so much. edit: nm didnt realize you were trolling and not whining...
  14. The could probably add a "VALOUR" bracket later when enough have leveled up. In any case the field will get more even with time. You have to accept that when ever you bracket some are still going to be at the top and some are going to be at the bottom. Hopefully most will be in the middle.
  15. I'll bet the level 50 bracket is much better now, much less noobs gettin in their way heh. Games are probably tighter all round. I would bet the 50's that LIKE pwning noobs all day long with no chance are QQ tho...
  16. Since its only affecting Ilum I dont think it would be that great a change to the IP, but something big needs to be done. The battle is fought by people and people can change sides.
  17. The population imbalance is too much on Ilum... something needs to be done. Heres some ideas to create a 3rd faction with whats already in game: - Split empire into 2 factions when in Ilum as part of a civil war (seeing as Empire is largest pop). The sides are for the most part secret but openly fought on Ilum only. This storyline has been used a few times (revanites anyone...?). Incentive to be on lower pop side with xp gains. Switch difficult but possible. - Team up the minorities from both factions. Light side empire and dark side republic. Again for Ilum / Open pvp only. - Make it open pvp like tatooine, but you are automatically placed in one of 3 "sides" on Ilum regardless of whether you are Imp or Rep. Join as a team ok too so you can play with friends/guildies. Not perfect but would ensure its always even. A story would have to be worked for why this is but I'm sure it could be done.
  18. LOL! I guess the pop imbalance is as bad as predicted. The whole point of Ilum though is that it is open world, not instanced, so its not supposed to be fair. But this is a whole other level of unfair. Where is the 3rd faction to balance this out???? Split empire side into two factions maybe (like a secret civil war thats only openly fought on Ilum) ... award more xp to the disadvantaged ... This could still work...
  19. Any game is like this, you're a punching bag for a while but hopefully after a week or so of that you get competitive. I'm pvping lots at lvl 32 and I accept... sometimes there just not a way I can win, so I practice my "tactical retreat" strategies.
  20. Why not, as empire its what I always play anyway, might as well have some variety.
  21. The people that raced to endgame are going to quit because they skipped through as much of the game as possible. This isnt news. You'll need to roll an alt or come back in a couple months when the main playerbase is near that level.
  22. I dont know about you but I ditched cyber tech for biochem... I'm sure I'll want it later but its not like leveling crafts is hard in this game.
  23. I play casual too... rather not be bothered with having to commit to team play with schedules and such, that destroys the meaning of an activity like this for me. But I think I deserve a level playing field with other like minded gentlebeings.
  24. There was one scenario where you have to hold on to the totem thingy as long as possible that was kind of simliar, and actually one of my favorites.
  25. As a merc I'm good with the winning actually not worth anything, having no special ability to advance the ball. I'd rather not have my class balanced around huttball either. If it was worth something I might be upset actually, since 90% of WZ on empire side is huttball matches. edit: Maybe +1 medal for winning team would be appropriate.
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