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Everything posted by Voranis

  1. Ha. You know I had not given it much thought. However, you're absolutely correct. What good is legacy bound gear with a single class restriction. Beyond being used as a crate to swap bound mods, there realy is none. Another one that I don't understand is the non-modable legacy gear. What is it called ... inheiritance? Each peice has a different level requirment to it, and it's not mod-able. So you can't even wear the set. By the time you're high enough to wear the last peice you've already outleveled the first three.
  2. Yeah, this isn't at all what I thought "dual spec" meant. You basically want a saved template between skill trees that you can use to swap instead of manually doing it. Not that big a deal IMO one way or the other. As long as you have to go to skill trainer/legacy field respec as usual to do so. I keep a note pad with my talent spec on it, something like. 1 3-2 0-1-1-1 0-1-2 2-0-1-2 3-1-1-2 2-2-3 etc. just for those times they reset my skill tree. I wouldn't be against a saved template you can switch to/from at the skill trainer. I just don't see a pressing need for it. To be frank, they can't even get an implied targeting system in place. The GTN is still borked. People are getting trapped in login-freeze by the scores. Graphics are on the fritz. People are warping around in WZ's. The servers have a case of the hiccups. Sound is broken. ----the list goes on, I think we're up to 46 or so new bugs from 1.4? At this point I'd rather they didn't, simply because I don't want a whole slew of new bugs involving my skill tree. It might be a nice feature some time down the road, but right now I have zero confidence in their ability to introduce something like this.
  3. Just be thankfull you don't have to ride 2-up http://imageshack.us/a/img208/4769/speeder002.jpg Lately I've been seeing people warping into the terrain in WZ's. Leaping to you, then continue to move down through the ground. Only to pop back up a few seconds later. The new 'super-servers' = poor performance. Patch 1.4 = massive bugs/glitches on top of that.
  4. *shug* I don't think either of you comprehend my post. "turrent" is not a 'typo' or accidental keystroke. It is an epidemic acrost the internet. My original response was meant in a somewhat comical manner, and was immediately met with degrading insult. Your replies since have been completely ignorant of what I said. I don't care if you spell this, that, or the other thing wrong. As I said "turrent" is one of a few words that drive me nuts. Has been since the 90's I guess you just don't 'get it'.
  5. In fact, there is no accent that would cause that extra "N" to appear. No matter if English is your first, second, third, or fourth language. No where in written language does the word "turrent" exist. Being a native speaker or not, has no impact on the issue.
  6. There is no "N" in the word 'Turret' Where does this come from! 2 words that irritate the hell outa me when spelled wrong. "Turret" being spelled "Turrent" and "Rogue" being spelled "Rouge" Somewhere there is a factory pumping out children with no other purpose in life, but to spell these words in this manner all over the internet just to get to me. (insert Vader "Noooooo" scream here)
  7. Not copying anything that was successful in SWG was one of their biggest mistakes. Where do you think SWG players went? Then they looked around, said what the hell is with this scripted closed world crap. Then they left.
  8. Indeed. I'm used to a 6 person group being pretty standard. Why 4? I don't remember the rationale that was given for this. But clearly it didn't work. Another issue with GF is that you're forced into [Tank] [Heals] [DPS] [DPS] While again the 4 person limit, realy limits you, why not options for unconventional group makeups. On more than one occassion I've done content with groups of [DPS] [DPS] [DPS] [Healer-companion] and steamrolled through just fine. Put a little side option on there 'Allow unconventional makeup' [X] At least then people who want to play the game can do so instead of waiting for the engine to find another 'perfect group'.
  9. This has more to do with people not wanting to play tank/even more so healers. Add to it one of the least 'healer friendly' UI's I've ever seen. To say a DPS toon is 'easier' is an overstatement. I've been in groups where I've done more aggro-management on my DPS than the tank. Off-healing with my DPS on many occassions has saved us from wipes. I cannot count how many times I've saved the healer while the tank was oblivious to the rest of the encounter. It's a group effort. A lot of times the tank/healer catch hell for wipes that is totally unwarrented. When the tank/healer screw up the fact tends to be broadcast, while when a DPS screws up it often isn't as obvious. I really think the best way to get more people in the tank/heals role is with UI improvements. I'm used to the way EQ/EQ2 worked with implied targeting etc. IMO they have the best UI system bar none in terms of tanking/healing. SWTOR target switching = PITA
  10. This. Knew nothing about it untill it happened to me. Several posts on it in CS from ticked off people that can no longer log in. There is a 'work around' posted there. Basically you get to character select (while in full screen, not FSwindowed, and not windowed) Select your character, when loading pops up, immediately alt-tab. Wait five or ten minutes then go back and it should continue loading you. There looks to be a similar issue with some people not being able to log in after a random CTD, or not related to FP 'return to previous location' mechanics. For some the above work-around doesn't work.
  11. Do you have something constructive to offer? Or are you just here to insult people?
  12. Not at all. In fact what I want, is to be able to play the game instead of standing around not playing the game. If the game was not so heavily dependent upon these mechanics then I wouldn't have an issue. I don't have a problem with people leaving a WZ for a FP queue. As I've said in the other post you pasted this reply to. Were the queue wait times reversed I would also have no problem with people leaving a FP for a WZ queue. The only people I have a problem with are those who leave WZ's because 'someone's wearing recruit gear' or 'they're not winning in the first 60 seconds' or 'we have a bad class makeup'. Those people account for the vast majority of people leaving WZ's. They are the problem. Not those leaving for a FP queue, which again right now is zero.
  13. Not at all. In fact I would prefer the game not be so dependent upon such things in the first place.
  14. Educate yourself on the real reason for the issue. It is not FP queue's As I've said before the proof is staring you in the face. Right now, there are ZERO people leaving WZ's for FP queue's and nearly no impact on the number of people leaving WZ's.
  15. 6 hours. I have waited 6 hours with all FP's selected once. After that time I logged off, so who knows it could have been longer. In general it takes between 1 to 3 hours for a FP queue pop. During 'prime time' It takes 30 minutes to an hour. During 'off hours' not near 'prime time' it can take upwards of 3 hours or more. The negative impact of this change far outweighs any gain in terms of the WZ issue. Thus for a game struggling to hang onto subs they made THE WRONG CHOICE in regards to this change.
  16. Huh? Where did you even get this from? The issue is that joining a WZ now removes you from FP queue. No one said anything about returning to a WZ ..... ........../boggle
  17. No, I don't see your point. You seem to be saying they should never do anything because someone will always complain. I don't see any logic in your thoughts. Every issue has two sides. In this case they made the wrong choice. While this change has a negligable impact on the WZ issue, it has a severe impact on the FP issue. I play WZ's a lot, but I also play FP's a lot. With this change I am forced to decide to either A play WZ's or B sit doing nothing for hours waiting to play a FP. But you know what's really going to happen? I'm going to get fed up with it and un-sub. All for a change that has nearly no impact on the WZ leavers issue. I can't help but wonder what is wrong with the thought preccesses over at EA/BW.
  18. Indeed. All one has to do is look at the exp reduction for WZ/Space etc. and the ability to 'buy it back' through the legacy credit sink.
  19. Right .. right ... Because everyone knows that a PvE player should never be allowed to PvP, and visa versa. You can't enjoy both parts of the game .. that's just crazy talk.
  20. I would suggest that your belief that there exists a world in which people would not complain about anything, or that any entity could ever get something 'right' such that no complaints would be founded, is delusional. In any event completely besides the point. You see some times complaints are actually reasonable. I think this one is one such example.
  21. Not to be rude ... Though, it's going to sound that way anyhow ... Aside from having to turn the sound off 10 seconds in .. is there something to look for here?
  22. I don't believe that for a second. Ditching a WZ for a PvE queue has to be a tiny percentage of the problem with people leaving WZ's. In fact the change has made such an incredible impact, that people bailing on WZ's is the same as it was pre-1.4
  23. Indeed. Every time I hear people ask this in game I tell them. Step 1) Locate guild leader (officer will suffice) Step 2) Cuss out said leader/officer untill they boot you. Why bother with something like a slash command. This is a social game, why not leave your guild in a socially interactive style?
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