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Everything posted by Voranis

  1. ROFL How would that work? Each player take turns lazily drifting in front of one another?
  2. Yeah I was just kind of bummed out about not having this option, until Kira got a new hat and the darn thing looks like a nuns hat. Ghaaa. Need this option now, I just don't feel right flirting with an electron projection imaginary representative female that's wearing a nuns hat! I would also apreciat an option to bash Malavi Quinn's face in. I am forced to use him for heals on my marauder and I'm really getting tired of his sissy-boy metro-sexual face. What would really be nice would be a basic heal mode for each companion so you could use whichever you prefered. Nothing "unballancing" mind you, but enough to allow classes without any heals to use something other then the one companion with heals.
  3. Certainly. To some extent, however the mass of the ship itself would factor in. Depending upon how much of the ships motion is dependant upon the main engines it may or may not be able to yaw/pitch/roll or even slow itself down. In fact to say there is no resistance in space is itself not entirely accurate. Space is not entirely empty, nor void of 'forces' that may act upon a vessel. "Solar wind", various radiation sources, random particles, debris, the effect mistakenly reffered to as "gravity", can all have an effect on an objects trajectory in relation to another. Think of it like an average wave breaking acrost the hull of an aircraft carrier. The ship is going to move, but it is so massive that such movement is so slight that it cannot be felt, much less seen.
  4. I am laughing my tail off. You are actually saying this game sucks because it is not enough like WoW. The truth is this game sucks because it is to much like WoW. The popularity of WoW was the worste thing that could have happened to the MMO industry. It has lead to dumbed down, low quality MMO's being mass produced in a cut/paste fashion. Games like Star Trek Online and now SWTOR had the potential to be amazing productions had they not been subjected to the corporate 'bottom line' mentality brought about by the popularity of WoW. The quality of product and service in this industry has crashed to all time lows, and the sad part is that many of the younger players just don't even know anything but. WoW is the new measuring stick, and it is a cheap low quality standard.
  5. The patches have been disgusting. I have never played a game that has been this slow to fix things. "Oh cool, there was a patch today ..... what? Only one fix?" These patches introduce more bugs then they fix. I'm getting tired of eyeballs dissapearing in cut scenes, reverse engineering tab dissapearing at random, crew members continually falling out of space ship when they return from assignment during space mission, random beams/lines acrost the screen from time to time. The game had fewer bugs in beta then it has in live. The patching, customer service etc. reflects the cheap UI and overall lack of effort that was put into this production from the start. Very dissapointed.
  6. I do find it anoying. Even worse on Hutta (I think) where you have to dock to a station, then run to a shuttle, then to the spaceport, etc. I'd love to see the 'recall to fleet' or whatever it's called, replaced with a 'recall to ship' ability. With a timer of say 30 to 60 minutes instead of the 15+ hours that the fleet recall has, that is just plain rediculous.
  7. That would have been easier to do if the game had told me it would be on every character BEFORE choosing it.
  8. 4/10 The UI is trash. Seriously this is 2012, games that released almost 2 decades ago had better UI's. Most of the game has a cut-n-paste feel to it. Graphics feel fake and toony. Class quests are decent. Gameplay in general is alright. Lack of any real space component is unforgivable.
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