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Everything posted by British_Wookiee

  1. Kashyyyk Dantooine Dathomir Geonosis As long as we never see Naboo or Endor, I'm happy! As much as I would thoroughly enjoy killing Ewoks and Gungans, those planets aren't discovered for several thousand years...give or take. I'd rather not see SWTOR start retconning.
  2. No. Apparently not. Any ETA?
  3. Totally agree with you in principle; I'd love to have a Nautolan smuggler for example. The problem I guess EAWare faces is with regards to the romance side of things. ...I mean who wants to kiss a fish/dog/octopus/walking carpet etc ??
  4. Just because they aren't/weren't on the PTS doesn't necessarily follow that they wont be in 1.5. While I'm not overly confident that they will be (and I will be a little disappointed if they aren't), how much testing do you really need for a new character skin?
  5. Is it bad that when I heard Bruce McLean say "Darker and edgier" in the DD, the first thought I that popped in to my head was John Smedley saying "Heroic and Star Warsy" ? Star Wars fans are used to disappointment from MMO companies. Stop with the buzzwords and just give us the damn update already!
  6. Could we get some clarification on this issue please? I'm referring to two matters: 1) If I unlock Corso as a ranged tank, gaining the increase to max health stat bonus, does this mean that if I unlock other companion characters of the same role-type but on different classes, I wont receive another bonus to max health? I.e it's not cumulative? If not, this kinda makes the whole point of maxing out your affection with different companions on different classes kinda pointless, except maybe for some weird bragging rights... 2) If the answer to the above point is that unlocking multiple companions of the same role-type SHOULD give you stacking increases to certain stats, is this supposed to have been fixed? I ask this, because as of 22:00 MDT this evening, it still does not appear to be working for me.
  7. Well written, OP. Nicely put. Everyone here wants this game to succeed. I mean who wants to go back to Kung-Fu Panda, the MMO? This game has the potential to lead the pack for years to come and topple Blizzard from their mountain of gold. The problem is, people wont pay for a product that isn't supported. As someone before me mentioned, we expect bugs, we expect hotfixes. No MMO in the last decade has launched without teething problems. What we DON'T expect is canned copy/paste answers and a lack of 'care' from the so-called "Customer Support" If you plan on making this game the success it deserves to be, take a long, hard look at the problems your paying customers are informing you of on these very forums. ...then act on them. ...then fire your current CSR's and rehire people who actually give a damn and who have at least half a clue.
  8. Open up your Windows start menu and type CMD in the search, then hit enter. In the new window, type netstat -a at the C:\ prompt. This will show you your active connections (assuming you are connected to the game!). It should be fairly easy to distinguish. If it's not, there are several threads in the Customer Service forums right now, discussing the same issues. I believe there is also a sticky in that forum with more in-depth explanations. In addition to doing the tracert, also try doing a pathping to the same server to see if there is any packet loss. Hope that helps.
  9. You could delete every character on that server and have 8 fresh slots. However, when you create your first new character, it will still have the legacy name you chose.
  10. Am I the only person who died a little bit inside when BW revealed how this was being implemented? I don't mean for the reasons stated by the OP. More because I actually hoped that by "Race Unlock" they were referring to Nautolans / Rodians / Wookiees ( I know, unlikely regardless - due to speech!) / Bothans / Mon Cals etc... They already have the character models in place. Seems a shame not to let us use them Oh well...guess we'll have to wait for the first expansion.
  11. Just thought I'd add my name to the list. No real differences - everything the posters before me mentioned is affecting me too. Completed Nar Shaddaa, spoke to him in the ship's corridor. /vanish This is kinda lame, Bioware. I swear, everytime you patch, you fix one thing but mess up two unrelated other things instead.
  12. During beta, they were actually pretty good at responding to us on the major issues. It seems as if, since this went live, they've suddenly stopped giving a damn about their customers. This really isn't the level of support I expected from Bioware.
  13. I know this isn't exactly a game-breaking bug. But it's kind of the pinnacle achievement of your quest storyline for completing Sith Inquisitor. It's a shame that Bioware don't seem to see how important this is to their playerbase.
  14. Here is a rundown on all the different types of gifts and Ashara's reaction to them. You will see that they are colour coded according to the quality of the gift you give. Weapon: like, favorite Military Gear: like, favorite Courting: indifferent, love Luxury: indifferent, like Technology: indifferent, like Republic Memorabilia: like, love Imperial Memorabilia: indifferent, like Cultural Artifact: like, favorite Trophy: indifferent Underworld Good: indifferent Hope this helps. Source
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