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Everything posted by Zenmar

  1. Can confirm. Got a 78 MH tonight and a huge improvement. From around 3.1 to 3.28/3.3 (previously had the 72 MH).
  2. I run with a Combat too, and seems I can't get to his numbers even if my gear is slightly better. Atm our difference on dummy is about 100dps, and it's quite a lot. Buff will help to get almost on par during boss fights, but it's not enough yet. Something like a slight buff on Cauterize or Merciless Slash would work.
  3. We needed this change. Still, I'm quite sure it won't be enough to close the gap with combat. PS: All that focus in your bar hurts my eyes.
  4. Glad to hear that, seems 3.3 is totally accessible then.
  5. Interesting. A guildmate did the maths for Watchman and according to his model a 78 hilt will give 100+ DPS. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens when I get one.
  6. Hey oofalong, I wanted to ask you how much, in your opinion the MH raises DPS. I'm a mix of 72/78 gear (with bonus) - Watchman, with a 72 MH, UW SA and UW DR, currently parsin around a stable 3.1. Every piece I add seems to give a slight improvement, but I feel like my MH is limiting me a lot.
  7. /Signed. An armory and a tracker would be an excellent thing for the PVE community.
  8. Belts, belts. Belts and more belts. Fix that, or, at least give us an answer.
  9. Hello everyone, doing HM DF during these days with my guildmates, and yesterday we got Corruptor down, so we decided to see how Brontes was. We had no problems with the first two phases, but the clock phase got us killed due to a little lack of dps; that didn't worry us much, since we missed one of our best Sentinels. We decided to try it again tonight, replacing a couple of people, and very strange things happened. People getting one shot by spheres even if they took them at the right moment, or two spheres targeting the same guy at the same time. We tried to use a particular technique for the clones, to make things easier for tanks: I leaped on the clones and turned them away from the raid with my sentinel, so the tanks could both stay on the boss and speed up the swap. The other dps let me build some threat on the clone, then used aggro-drops if they got targeted. Worked well and resulted in cleaner fights. Until the spheres came out. I'm starting to think that using aggro-drop skills could cause the spheres to target a player even if he already has one on him, but I managed to use Force Camo and got my sphere without problems, and that is an aggro-drop. Also no explanation for people gettin one shot at 100%HP when the sphere has exactly 15 stacks. Bug? Any suggestions?
  10. Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it. I already saw a good increase thanks to your tips, what I can do now is just a lot of training.
  11. Thanks a lot. I tried to focus on the things you said, and I think this morning I had a little improvement, considering during this new parse I was missing the Consular buff. http://www.torparse.com/a/446342
  12. Well, I have been playing my sentinel since early access, and only during these days I started to feel that "there is something wrong". I know the rotation, i know the cooldowns and I know which stats I need to maximize to improve performances. I'd need someone to take a look at the parse i posted, and tell me what I'm doing wrong.
  13. Hello everyone, I'm a Watchman Sent running HM Ops (not yet the newer ones) and I don't fell satisfied with my DPS. I play in couple with a Combat sent, and even if his gear is only slightly better than mine, his numbers on dummy are much higher than mine. I was always considered a good player among guildies, and mine was usually the highest dps in ops, but now I feel uncomfortable with these numbers. I am in almost full 72 gear (just miss 2 armorings and a UW implant, using a Verpine atm), and I have 3133 str, 1336 pow, around 68% surge rating and no pieces with critical rating on them. This is a parse i did tonight, I hope some of you guys can give me some tip. Thanks http://www.torparse.com/a/446130 PS Sorry for any mistakes, I'm not mothertongue.
  14. Healers in my raid group are starting to forget i'm in the party, I usually get more healing from myself using dots, during a bossfight. I buy them time to heal the others and also help them doing it. And damage output is great, you can't even compare it. I played combat for like two months, i leveled with it, but Watchman is superior in every aspect, except the roots. A good player can neutralize your Precision, making you useless. But you can't neutralize all those dots.
  15. Full Rakata geared, spec is Tele, don't know which variant tho.
  16. First of all, sorry about my english. My guild is running EC SM these days, and since 1.2 came out, we're using Mr robot's combat log. Now, we run with two sentinels (me being one of them), and two sages or one sage and one commando. Combat log reports a HUGE difference between Sentinels damage output and Sage's one. 10 attempts tonight at the last boss, and almost a difference of 2kk between me and a one of our sages. I heard Sentinel is the best DPS class in PVE, but this looks like too much. I would ask you guys if you have similar differences in your logs, or if we only need to improve our skill. Thanks.
  17. Played combat for two months, loved the playstyle, but I'm not coming back. Watchman is superior in every aspect. It's a bit more difficult, but more rewarding too. People that say Combat is on par with Watchman never played Watchman, or played with very bad Watchman friends. When they first told me Watchman was better i was skeptical, but they were right. Atm, Combat is useless compared to it.
  18. A tank complaining about his sucky dps? Nothing to see here.
  19. Battlemasters will have a faster progression anyway. A BM-geared premade will destroy newbies pugs. Plus we don't know the amount of commendations required for the new gear. Stop complaining, it happens in every mmo. New gear = Your old gear is junk.
  20. Hmmm, interesting question. I've been playing combat since release, recently respecced to watchman because of the greater damage (still preferring combat for playstyle). Never tried to calculate for how long I could keep someone rooted, but as Combat, you are very difficult to kite. You are faster because of ataru form (really miss tha thing), and you have some cool stuff to keep the target where you want it. With a good party behind you, you can do very well in pvp, but thing is the tree is a bit messed up atm. You have to follow a specific rotation to use a boosted Bladestorm, which should deal a lot of damage, but you can get the same result with Merciless Slash in Watchman. Now that I'm watchman specd, I really appreciate Combat's mobility and roots, because I feel A LOT slower, but Watchman is the best tree atm.
  21. LOL, please. I agree on watchman having a greater damage output, but combat is for who? If we're talking about PVE, well, even a five years old can learn a rotation, but try combat in PVP. We are forced to follow a rotation to deal decent damage. We don't have self-healings. Building centering is a lot slower. We have to root our targets all the time to make sure we'll get to use a decent Blade Storm. One stun and our rotation is gone, as precision slash only works for 6 seconds. If we don't pay attention we run out of focus in no time, because our important skills take a LOT of focus. Played watchman and it is not that harder, so don't come here and tell me my spec is simple, because it is not.
  22. Forgot to say that he also slay normal, strong and elite mobs faster than me even if my gear is better. I mean, you don't need a combat log to see these differences. I tried watchman and even if I don't like it, I know it is superior in every aspect, INCLUDING damage output.
  23. I don't think so. I play everyday with a watchman guild mate, and I can tell you that he does more damage than me in PvE without seeing a combat log. He simply hits harder. Last night we did Belsavis daily quests (heroic ones) together and he always had the mobs on him. I studied a lot to express combat's potential, but there is a gap in every aspect between the two specs that skill cannot always balance. I killed many marauders with watchman mirror, but when I face one who knows how to play his spec, no chance, I'm dead. Watchman > Combat.
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