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Everything posted by Asheris

  1. There are a few factors keeping me here... First, it's the long-awaited KotOR 3 but with a twist - I got 8 games but payed only for one Second would be the Star Wars universe, I loved the movies as a kid, love everything SW related ever since. Besides that I like mmos, this one got my hooked up for longer and since I met some really good folk here - I am about to stay for longer
  2. Some lead with kindness, others with fear. Why not end her storyline there for those that refuse to take it off? I had two SW and for storytelling purposes I never took off the collar on one of them. Bioware is making a RP game and let's us make decisions, at the same time punishing some for making ones they do not like.
  3. My long time wish is to see a moddable white imperial uniform...it's such a tease finding it every day doing dailies and not being able to wear them on my character/companion
  4. I have a very faint hope those will be added in the promised companion-centric patch, I would love to go with all of them - it's such a brilliant opportunity for some quality roleplaying later on, not just sitting back on my ship thinking how it goes.
  5. I like doctor Eckard Lokin, he is a very complex character with lots of interesting things to say. He fits well to my agent's agenda, lots of behind-the-scenes roleplaying here Kaliyo comes quite close to be a favorite of mine, gave my agent more reasons to smile and frown than the whole class story combined! Still, there are companions I prefer... My second favorite is Malavai Quinn, for same reasons. He just fits like a glove to what is going on, a fantasticly written character. All my warriors find a use for him, one way or the other And last but not least - Archiban "Doc" Kimble. A companion that I disliked at first, found him stereotypical and hollow. I couldn't be more far away from truth actually, like the previous two I find him to have a very interesting personality behind that scoundrel's mask of his I must be in the minority but then again not a lot of people I know spend their days thinking about their pixel companions and how to make it into an even more awsome roleplay expirience
  6. As always I believe the problem is with the clipping. And as much as I would like to have long flowing hair I would hate to see it going through my head as cloaks seem to do
  7. True, that seems way off. I always gived him at least 50. I agree that Pierce does sound older than 29 but why would Quinn be younger? He spent the last 10 years on Balmorra and that was before he got to the rank of liutenant, he had to have a career before that.
  8. Funny, no? And the most fun part is they would be doing nothing without dps...so yeah, EVERY role is as much important so no reason to be an ***.
  9. Reading some of the replies made me think why I play so many alts. Thruth is, I am not sure I enjoy character creation, giving them backstories, looks that go with it (if I give a scar I make up from where did they get it etc.). I like the freshness of starting the first planet - even if I know it by heart. I like giving my characters personalities and this perticular mmo gives me more choice then others - I can bu rude but charitable, bloodthirsty but also kind (I don't skip conversations by choosing 1,1,1,1, lightside or 3,3,3,2, darkside). I do get bored after a while (reaching level around 20 or so) but eventually get back to them when I have nothing better to do on my 50s
  10. I for one am very estatic about it. I had my own legacy name that fit like a glove to my idea of characters and it was taken from me the moment I rerolled on a different server. I'm not a hardcore RPer but some things just rub me wrong when I can't do them because of game limitations - that was one of them. It's no big deal, you have houndreds of people having your surname in real life so why not here?
  11. At least 2 people in my guild don't want to make an alt for reasons as your own - they just don't like having alts. It's not common in mmos, but those people exist. Me personally - I'm an altoholic, especially here where every alt has a story to tell.
  12. This. This is what I wanted to say to 80% of people on this forums but had no way to put it. Thank you good sir!
  13. That really depends. Lord of the RIngs Online had a lifetime sub option before they launched f2p (not sure if it is still possible now, dropped the game a few months back) and I hopped at the possibility right away. It's not like many players do so, in fact I belive only a handful of people go for such an option but those that do still need to pay up for the bigger expansions, some buy additional in-game currency (Cartel Coins here) so the developers still get cash AND have a steady player base. Everybody wins
  14. I was willing to buy a lifetime sub to a mmo once and would be willing to do so again, especially for this game, if it was possible. 200-250$ seems like a fair price, even without extras they might have thrown our way. Personally I have little interest in pets/mounts but I am sure more creative people could come out with something cool as a reward Overally a good idea, hope it happens in the near future!
  15. I found it extremly hard to be darkside on Republic chars. Tried really badly to make a dark JK but the options presented were just...nasty. Felt like stealing candy from kids really, maybe because of the situations? Voice acting? No idea. Endend up being semi-neutral as there was so little light side choices to balance out things made in the past It kind of flows more naturally on the trooper (hack, you only have to follow orders to boot to get a nice amount of ds ponts ) but it does not feel as rewarding as being lightside on the Imperial side.
  16. Maybe, I bought the game recently too, according to Xfire played 49h this week and got my share of maintanence too. Still, I enjoy the game and not yell for a refund like some people around here do. But yeah, on your example I did indeed loose my bet
  17. YouTube has a video for every occasion, no? Made me laugh, kudos!
  18. Oh come on, how much time did you spend this month on TOR? I bet much more that this maintenance will take. What is the problem then? When you buy and play an mmo you have to be ready that servers might crash, technicians can make mistakes etc. I am not trying to argue, I am just curious as to what is that fuss about.
  19. People make mistakes. Sure it was in their control, someone just messed up big time. It's quite easy to sit back at home, in front of a computer and shake fists at guys that are working to solve problems - that said mistake - and yell "Faster! It's Friday and I need my game NOW!". I bet those guys at Bioware would like to go home too.
  20. No, I am just saying that more people should know what they pay for. 90% of that turmoil going on for the last 2 hours on this forums shows how many gamers think they pay to play an mmo 24/7. Sure, I may not be happy that I lost entire Friday due to maintenance but I get the feeling I am in the minority that can say "I got other things to do, other games to play". I will play it today after midnight or tomorrow staring from early morning...I won't loose my head over a few hours worth 0,5$ or less (because people love the argument "I pay 15$ a month, I must play NOW OR ELSE!").
  21. A very important quote from your EULA... [...] EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control[...]
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