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Everything posted by Nitrosnwbrdr

  1. If I were a betting man I'd say all crafting professions are getting love in 1.2 that need them.
  2. go into your preferences, there is a setting Show Advanced Tooltips, which shows the mods of any item you mouse over. Not a 100% fix, but it works.
  3. I kick these people from my group or if I am not leading I quit. If I am being followed for my killing, I take a break and go stretch for 10 minutes. Almost never see anyone when I get back.
  4. Hold RMB over Target. The target usually consists of Empire Destroyer Command Decks or the large antenna on the underside of Fleet Stations.
  5. Who would use MYOB to manage finances? I mean if you are running a small business its a great program, but to just take care of finances? Oh and my computer handles ToR just fine.
  6. If wow is a failure than I just don't know....
  7. I'm sure its not just a, oh there is enough votes *kick*. It's probably very similar to WoWs vote system in BGs if they guy is moving and doing activity than it basically ignores it.
  8. Not to make fun, but seeing stuff like this makes me glad I have something outside of gaming now. I've been 50 for about 3 weeks. I'm Valor 5 and only 2/5 Columi. Still haven't seen all the HMs either. I've been playing since Christmas. So I definitely am enjoying myself. I swear most posts I see about people saying I have nothing to do, must game hours a day every day... Well, saying being good at WoW anymore isn't bragging rights... A top 100 guild today isn't what a top 100 guild was back in BC or earlier.
  9. Not to say that they can't be kited easily... he never did say it was patch 1.1.0. His exact quote was a later patch. Later patch could be months away.
  10. As this is a MMO you'll never clear the content, new Flashpoints and Operations are scheduled for March.
  11. I thought the.OP was talking about that water enhancer
  12. None of my abilities I gain from skill trees have ranks? So I don't know what you are talking about.
  13. That I played GW1 it will probably have the same general issues. I'll buy it, but that is only because its a one time fee. My thoughts on the thread it will be closed soon.
  14. It has achievements, its called your Codex.
  15. Actually, my family always took turns. So after 5 people opened gifts I got to open another. We still do it this way even after 24 years. My gf actually wants to try that with her family next year. So 1 minute is peanuts to me.
  16. Glad I went Male 4, no rear-end issues here.
  17. Stop spamming keys while not in range? Also try to not spam keys while your focus or other resource is extremely low or abilities are on CD? I honestly never noticed this issue. Since unlike WoW where your character says out loud "not enough rage" every time you don't have enough. Also the global CD system makes it so you don't need to spam.
  18. Actually that isnt 100% correct. Kira is maxed for me and since I romance her as well she sent me gifts with a small story attached. I mean its nothing special, but was something.
  19. Bowdaar technically uses Force based weapons, since he uses Vibroswords.
  20. Use Nar Shaddaa GTN to transfer items like the rest of us?
  21. Funny, maybe your Sig should also take a look at class skills for Rift as well.
  22. In case no one pointed this out, the amount you lose is dependent on the damage of the ability. Say I have a perfect scenario and my buffs are lined up rights Before: Blade Storm crit = 4,400k After: Blade Storm crit = 4,100k Approx change: 300 some damage Let's look at a different skill Let's say my Blade Rush... Before: Blade Rush crit = 2,200k After: Blade Rush crit = 2,050k Approx change: 150 some damage ect. It's not a 300 damage decrease on all attacks, so your less hitting attacks do almost 0 damage. It's a 7% drop of the damage that attack does... Disclaimer: Math might be slightly off or not reflecting current in-game numbers, but It's 2:30 am my time and I don't care, though I'm pretty sure it gets the point across... If this was already pointed out, sorry and have a nice night!
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