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Everything posted by Nitrosnwbrdr

  1. Since you believe game development is easy, maybe you should throw your hat in the ring?
  2. Why are the healers and tanks rolling against each other may I ask?
  3. Hmmm so I got dc'd from the server and I was like you know, let's check the server status. 1 Full 6 Very Heavy 37 Heavy The Rest Standard So tonight the server population is looking pretty decent. Damn that's what I get for missing a Thread: So yes I see there is already a thread for it, oh well.
  4. I have Pandora radio going usually with Killswitch Engage radio on.
  5. Different Dev teams take care ToR and games like Mass Effect. Also most reviews I've seen on ToR from actual companies that review games have been rather good.
  6. Page 2 was so the cake for me. I love opinion based articles trying to come off as fact. While this guy is at it he should compare WoW skills with skills from EQ.
  7. I was helping my old man do some heroics on Taris a few days ago, 55 people in the zone. I saw a group of guys talking about characters they have. One guy said pretty much this and his highest level was 26 on Nar Shaddaa, I asked him what his /played was, he responded with something like 8 days and some odd hours. I thought to myself if there are a lot of people playing this way it explains a lot of the numbers in the higher planets. Edit: for cell phone auto correct.
  8. Find a level 50 guild? Level 50 is still a low % of the player base.
  9. Ah yes so many people unsubbed today, even if a good number did we would never know the exact number or how many actually did.
  10. Aww now you know how those people who have no warning about getting kicked to character select feel. Oh and there was prior warning to maintenance, you just missed it.
  11. Pretty sure this was a server patch not a game patch.
  12. It's probably been there the whole time... I know the scythe has always had one.
  13. Also why would you suddenly speak their language just because you are wearing armor that looks like theirs?
  14. Good thing you don't do statistics for real. Server load changed after the first couple weeks. So a server that was once full now would reads standard/heavy.
  15. Olympic Athletes can do well more than 15mph, hell back in HS I could sprint around 18-19mph for a 50m. Now I could sustain a run at 10-11mph since my average mile was 6 minutes. Why does this matter? My soccer coach always told me that I was an above average sprinter and most kids in HS couldn't run as fast as I could. Which was believable when I started playing lacrosse my freshmen year... I would run circles around the majority of the league and only a couple kids in the league could give me a run for their money... but most ended falling short. I do agree with the 8mph part though and that's the high end of the spectrum.
  16. I've got a first gen i7-860 oc'd to 3.2 ghz 16 gb ddr3 RAM GTX 480 850 watt psu I have 0 video lag, my average FPS on Fleet is around 70fps, quest zones I'm usually sitting around 100. Warzones I think the lowest I remember seeing is 45 and that was a very heavy fight. Usually I'm capped at 60 fps since I run with vsync on. What people seem to forget about pcs is pc performance is like a fine tuned dance. If one of the many working partners isn't on par or the right for the system you get global bottlenecks. A lot of times I find people have incorrect RAM in their computers because they thought they got the right kind.
  17. It's because.people see threads of people, saying their pcs are beasts, but come to find out they are trying to game on a integrated graphics processor and don't understand how that doesn't work... Just because you spend some good money on a computer doesn't always mean you can game on it...
  18. So you dont want to raid or do PVP? What would you like as end game content.
  19. Poor advice, you shouldnt encourage the average PC user into OCing their systems...
  20. How is saying you need 650 str to equip this armor different than saying you need to be level 40? Which.could be when you have 650 str?( I don't know if the level to base str value are even close, but it is just an example.)
  21. There is a Kira bug? I've used her til she was about 8500/10000 affection.
  22. Funny I'm a Jedi Knight and I feel like I look fill to, but than again I have a very neat looking medium armor robe that has a lot of tech pieces on it.
  23. I know the matrix shard relics aren't alignment specific.
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