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Everything posted by Urglab

  1. But being shot at by a railgun is interesting, it lets you know there's a gunship around that needs to be dealt with. Sure, getting hit will hurt, but a missed railgun leaves an obvious trail and when that passes right by you it was most likely not fired by a friendly gunship. Deciding what to do next can be a tough decision. Do I break off my current target or not? Can I kill him quickly while being evasive or losing the gunship? If I break off will he be free to wreck me or my teammates? Do I los the gunship and tactically approach it or do I quickly close the distance? And so on. Having to analyse the situation quickly and making spur of the moment decisions is the interesting bit. Do I always make the right decision? No, but every bad decision is an opportunity to learn and improve. An example would be gunships that use feedback shields, it added something extra to keep track of, can my front shield absorb the hit or do I need to go evasive while my shields regen? PS give strikes access to feedback shield devs!
  2. They're not op. They are a priority target though because if you let them snipe without pressure they're gonna wreck your team.
  3. Why would anyone shelve their strikers? Especially Clarion/Imperium, strike power!
  4. Proton torpedo crits also 1 shot scouts. Proton followed by a thermite works too (torpedo gunship ). But really, expecting to do well instantly is just silly. Same goes if you haven't been flying for months, you'll need a bit of time to get that feeling back. Just stick with it and don't let your ego get in the way of this great game.
  5. Exact same cave, exact same quests, exact same mobs except they reskinned them. Is it expected? Sure. It was an opportunity to do something interesting though.
  6. It's exactly the same as the event on alderaan, so lazy. Couldn't they have at least added or changed something?
  7. The problem is that there is no incentive to become the king of two hills. Just defending one hill is enough even if it ultimately ends with your team losing. Now personally I'm at a point were req gain doesn't really matter to me, but I can certainly understand people not wanting to make (highly likely) doomed attempts at hills defended by a strong enemy team.
  8. You forgot a type of player. Those who play to have fun, don't really give a **** about getting those high numbers but fight hard in every match to get the win. PS type 2 gunship with thermite and protorps >>>> everything
  9. What are you talking about? A type 1 scout can melt any ship in seconds with rocket pods and lasers.
  10. It feels a bit weird to watch the dev streams for me, I don't quite feel sick but in my mind I think about how I would fly and when it doesn't match up to what the dev does in game there's a disconnect. It's prolly also partly the lower fps from a stream compared to when I fly myself.
  11. Something which has been brought up before (but not nearly often enough) is some kind of system to quickly give 3 button commands. Like SMITE's "vgs" system or Battlefield's whatever it's called. Some examples would be. VI3 - enemies incoming C VI2 - enemies incoming B VA1 - attack A VHH - HELP!!! VH2 - Help B And so on. Instead of typing which is a horrible idea unless you're sitting at an empty node twiddling your thumbs you only need to quickly press 3 buttons which are easy to memorize once you've used them a bit. This will allow pugs to somewhat play as a team and perhaps actually put up a fight against premades who normally dominate them completely. It'd also make pug vs pug matches much more interesting. It could of course lead to people spamming it but perhaps put a cooldown on using it on it or limit it to squad leaders. Even so, spam is irrelevant, we need ways to quickly communicate, without needing voice comm.
  12. I'm pretty sure the dev said in the Q&A that EMP pulse/missile first disables the mines and then destroys them, so they shouldn't be doing any collateral damage to you or your wingmen. Got some errands to run though so no time to look up the timestamp of when he talked about it.
  13. Yes, in 20 matches you'll have barely scratched the surface of the different loadouts bombers can use, not to mention using different loadouts yourself to experiment with. There are so many variables, 20 matches is nothing.
  14. Does not compute. You need way more than 20 matches to properly learn how to deal with bombers.
  15. There will be a few schems left in some player's cargo holds. They sometimes put them on the gtn at a silly price.
  16. I should've totally used that in my opening post. Awesome! Anyways, I do agree it's unlikely to work properly in the current engine. But hey, we can hope, right?
  17. When jousting the other day it occured to me how silly it looks and feels to end up flying through eachother in such a game of galactic chicken. I think collisions between ships, drones and turrets would add some extra depth to the game. It'd be great to just watch two ships refuse to give way and smash eachother to bits. Plus, it makes total sense, we do after all already collide with the game world itself. In the ground based game I can understand not wanting players to be able to block eachother, but that's very unlikely to happen in the gsf environment. A desperate pilot who knows he's about to go down can try and take someone else with him, a beefy strike fighter (perhaps with charged plating active) can just boost into a drone to destroy it. That sort of thing! Go out in a blaze of glory and take the other -mean word- with you. It'd prolly be wise to turn collisions between friendlies off to prevent derping and griefing though. Any thoughts on this?
  18. I'm really bad at remembering names, but there's one that sticks out for me on ToFN. Kelduin Always a good learning experience when he's around.
  19. I was the tank here. Tons of fun. Btw, yes, we only had melee interrupts but that's where force leap comes in handy. When we got blue stuff on us and he stayed there to do his suppressive fire I just moved with the rest and waited for his incinerate cast with my finger on my force leap button. Sure I took some damage from landing in the aoe but nothing heals couidn't take care of. Like others have said, PLEASE do not nerf this flashpoint. It's challenging, it's fun. Don't take it away!
  20. How about REing something made from a purple schematic drop? Like Dalarian Survivor's Bracers. Those are rating 126 purple but I'm tempted to try and RE them to see if they can get redoubt etc etc too. Since those are actually BoE instead of many other schem drops which are BoP I'd love to be able to make better versions of it.
  21. I'm content with my synthweaving. Critted both my rakata pieces on the first try (lucky bastard that I am) so that's nice. What I don't like is that 2 of the schem drops Ive gotten from hard modes/ops produce items that are tionese equivalent but bind on pickup. They take 2 or even 3 rare crafting drops (1x alloy 2x self perpetuating thingy) and yet I can't make them for others... ***
  22. The loot mechanics really pissed me off last night. Why oh why would I get a columni belt assigned to me when I already have a rakata belt. If this system stays can we at least get an option to pass designated loot on to someone else?
  23. Maybe it was my imagination but I saw 3 sets last time I checked. Something like civilian pilot (no social needed) pilot (2 social) republic pilot (3 social).
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