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  1. so, summing up, better to roll another class funnier?. Cause just be in front of the enemy hitting some combos till it die (although it will be very quickly) and then shift to another is not very funny for me. Sorry if I simplify the marauder. I´ll miss it!.
  2. Hi everybod. I am playing a marauder right now and a trooper (level 13 and 15). My question is, is marauder more static to play?. I want a char funny to play, diversity. I don´t want to be in front of my enemy hitting keys in rotation to be a killer machine. I want to CC one, attack the other etc etc... I find the trooper funnier in a first view, but i love the role of the Marauder and being Imperial... so I´m a mess. I want to focus in a char, but don´t decide which one. So, summing up, is marauder very static to play or you can make a lot of things and is not a rotation of combos just hitting keys... Thanks and sorry my tipyng. I´m not english native.
  3. I´m in Red Eclipse and the queu is amazing. I don´t mind to move to another server, but bringing my chars. I have no much time to play this game, during a long time i though what class to choose and now i don´t wanna reroll or start from the beginning in a new server. Please, if you are not going to solution this, let us at least move between servers, thanks.
  4. This is somenthing I really interested in. I play Marauder as well and still didn´t find a goog rotation. Somentimes I use the hability random. I like to use a lot of keys, but hope i wouldnt need an extra keyboard to play regulary the marauder. let´s see if an experimented Marauder player answer this post cause I´m really lost too.
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