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Posts posted by Silthir

  1. Go in character screen > melee damage and put your mouse over bonus damage. No willpower there - only strength.


    I think im owed an apology


    You don't mouse over Melee Damage to discover your classes primary attribute. You mouse over the different ones and when you go over Willpower for a Sage/Sorc/Shadow/Assassin it shows that Willpower increases melee output.


    Not to mention one of the loading screens says something like "Willpower increases both ranged and melee damage for the Inquisitor/Consular."

  2. eh. Khemmy is awesome :)

    I would rather roll a body type 4 for him than well, anything for Quinn. Actually, I wouldn't give Quinn not even the ship's droid. :D


    In all seriousness, the lack of information is disheartening. Why they have decided to keep absolute radio silence about this, I no longer care to know.


    I'm about to finish my SW's story and then unsubbing sounds like a good idea until I hear more. Mass Effect 3 is out in a few days and that will keep me occupied.


    I dunno Quinn can be kinda cute with a particular skin. I'm using it for my Sith Warrior. If I have to see him everytime I go into my cockpit, then I want him to at least be pleasing looking. :p

  3. Again... I say.


    Either that or if you seriously wanna use a lightsaber so bad for damage go make a damned Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior and stop complaining about a Sage/Sorcerer have little ability to deal damage with a lightsaber. Seriously, if you recall Yoda and Sidious only used lightsabers when absolutely necessary, preferring the use of the Force over the use of a lightsaber.
  4. Due to the 1.2 Patch not being released by the next billing cycle, I would like to inform you that I will be cancelling my subscription as I am not happy with the product. The secondary reason would be poor customer service.


    I would encourage anyone who will also not be renewing by the next billing cycle to post here as well.




    Clearly you think you deserve better than SWTOR can offer. Fact is the game is fun and the customer service that I've had has been exceedingly well. Another fact is that not many people care that you're quitting. Lots of people have said they're quitting and no one really comments on it.


    You still have to actually cancel your sub, posting here does nothing.


    Just in case you didn't know.



  5. OP...


    First you wanted stealth, now you're upset about how a sorc/sage's weapon is not a damage machine.


    A thought...maybe concentrate on what you have, how to use it optimally and not worry 'bout what other classes have.


    You'll probably enjoy the game a bit more. Grass is not always greener. :)


    Either that or if you seriously wanna use a lightsaber so bad for damage go make a damned Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior and stop complaining about a Sage/Sorcerer have little ability to deal damage with a lightsaber. Seriously, if you recall Yoda and Sidious only used lightsabers when absolutely necessary, preferring the use of the Force over the use of a lightsaber.

  6. I recall a post about Legacy coming in march, where can i find this thing about april?


    They may have said March at the earliest, but they never gave a definite date dude. And you can't, not until they upload the video so you can play it back. Those of us who heard it were more or less Live Streaming and listening in to the Guild Summit.

  7. It's been awhile since I leveled my Sin, I forgot about that. Good point. Regardless, the notion of a Twi'lek rising to such prominence during that time period seems highly unlikely.


    Unlikely but possible, I mean look at the Twi'lek Inquisitor or the Rattaki Inquisitor, they beat all odds as an alien race and ascended to prominence in an Empire that LOATHED aliens...

  8. Maybe I give BW too much credit in assuming they would take it into account and put a mask on him that shows lekku if they are preset. There are some helmets that show lekku after all. I don't know.


    Yes, but not a full mask like that. You should know that already, considering...



    You get Kallig's mask inbetween Nar Shadaa and Tatooine



    and it doesn't show the lekku through that mask...

  9. Everyone please keep in mind that I am only level 24 at the moment and have only just reached Tatooine, please do not post anything that ruins the story to come...


    So far I'm loving the SI story and the game in general, love the voice acting. My only issue is that some how as a Twi'lek (red ones go faster XD) I'm suposedly the decendant of Kallig, Lord of the Sith (presumably a Sith-Human hybrid). I'm trying to make this make sense in my head, can humans mate with twi'leks?


    Please let me know what you think about it.


    Actually, Kallig (as in the specter Kallig) changes his race based on the race that you chose. So a human Kallig would have a human Kallig as an ancestor, where as a Sith Pureblood would have a Sith Pureblood Kallig, ect.

  10. I think I would have Khem guard the door... though at the moment it's Khen/Zash.


    Andronikos: What are you doing? I need to see her, move Khem.


    Khem: Master wishes not to be disturbed, I eat anyone that tries to pass.


    Andronikos: They've been in there a long time, what's going on?


    Zash: Complete and irreversible corruption of the Jedi padawan :D


    Andronikos: :confused:




    Ashara: I need to get in there and speak to my master.


    Khem: *same line*


    Ashara: *samel line as Andronikos after Khem*


    Zash: Kallig is showing Andronikos the full power of the Force. ;)


    Ashara: I don't understand... isn't Andronikos just a normal human?


    Zash: Yeah, he is. But he's showing the man the potential of the Force.


    Ashara: I... OH! :t_redface:

  11. I've searched for quite some time now, and I thought about just letting it go, but my curiosity is killing me...


    What does SGRA stand for?

    I've guessed Same Gender Romantic ...... but I haven't been able to guess the A



    btw, a web search returns Smoking Gun Research Agency, which studies the paranormal, metaphysical & unexplained


    Same Gender Romance Arc

  12. People are allowed to post such things if they want, as long as they fall within the code of conduct and the topic. And people do come here to say that they think our issue is not game breaking, so I'm not really sure what you're referring to...


    He meant why can people. Personally I don't believe that it should be allowed, because they're basically telling us that what we want isn't important.

  13. Personally I don't think it's a matter of them hoping we just go silent, I think it's more of the fact that they probably won't implement it, at least not until an expansion comes out. I personally foresee this is gonna be another Mass Effect thing. Mass Effect 1 & 2 neither have a SGR, yet finally with ME3 they're allowing us to do it. I assume it will probably be the same with TOR...
  14. I believe you need to be LS or DS tier 4 to obtain the

    Darth Nox/Occulus

    respectively. I haven't yet finished my Inquisitor's story though, so I can't say for certain, but I would say that tier 3 is "on the fence" in terms of being LS or DS and so the name

    Darth Imperius

    fits (imo)

  15. Sents/Mara can't tank or heal (watchman spec has a heal dot but can't be a healer). That includes anything we get from the base class.


    No. What he means is that the Warrior/Knight has a tank spec, you just need to choos Jug/Guardian instead. He is aware that Sent/Mara is pure dps....

  16. Finish Act 2 and he'll open up more. Same thing happened with Ashara (which I regret romancing her now, because it's complete ****, well for her anyway lol) and when I completed Chapter 2 more "quests" became available.
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