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Posts posted by Silthir

  1. Well that's enough for me. A year past and nothing has been done yet so I've gotta unsub. It just costs too much when I'm not even playing for lack of interest as far as the romances go. The story is the whole reason I joined this one over Galaxies but the missing choices just grate on me whenever I try to play. Maybe I'll come back if they fix it after all like they promised so long ago. And I have a few days left to just watch and see before I go somewhere else for my entertainment.


    You can't choose this over Galaxies... Galaxies no longer exists... it stopped existing when TOR came into being. xP And it hasn't been a full year... besides... they're working on new content now... an "expansion" of sorts which MAY or MAY NOT include SGRAs....

  2. Personally I think it's all moot, the romance options are seriously lacking and extremely limited to begin with, the fade to black makes the whole system a G rated joke to begin with....


    We don't need any nudity but you could be creative with the content.... How about if you walk into your cabin and find doc butt naked on your bunk with just his hat covering his private parts and then after some funny banter the camera goes out into the hallway and the door closes... Add some humor and make it just a tad more realistic then the whole hey lets go over here (fade to black for 2 seconds) then they come back to the group like nothing happened... yeah pretty lame....


    How about going aboard your ship and everyone is gone except kira in some skimpy outfit sitting in your captain chair with that come hither look... there's so many ways you can do this and still keep it PG-13....


    If they just continue with the whole fade to black thing then I would rather Bioware put there efforts into adding more game content and just remove the whole "romance system" because as it is now with the G rated content its just lame and boring...


    Personally, the fade to black thing is fine with me. I feel like romances shouldn't be centered around sex, like most games show it to be. Like DA:O basically your relationship was about sex with Morrigan, Lelianna and Zevran... I like how in this game, it's more than that. They actually talk about their feelings for one another and even can get married, depending on circumstances.

  3. They also said it would come when they started doing story expansion and that there probably wouldn't be many, if any, official comments about it until it was implemented. I've gotten the impression that a lot of people think this is a pretty stupid view, but I think we'll probably see SGR as part of the Mekab content. So, we can probably expect it whenever Patch 1.5 comes out.


    See, I wouldn't get my hopes up on that, Iosdia. I mean, I know they said things haven't changed about SGRAs, but sometimes things change at the last minute. I would like to hope that they would, so that my Chiss Sith Warrior can get it on with one of his male companions... but I'm not gonna sit here and be hopeful when I seriously don't see it coming out this year, despite what they said. The F2P change and the bugs that need fixing, such as the quest At the Foot of the Colossus, can really pull away from something that isn't exactly... 100% dire.



    On a seperate note... I somehow get the feeling that Andronikos is definitely straight and that the gay romance option for Sith Inquisitor is Talos... I don't know why I get that feeling, but I seriously do.

  4. Sorry this is a bit late and a bit off topic of the new information and I can't for the life of me find the original post >_<


    I vaguely remember someone on here complaining about how SGRs aren't in Star Wars, then someone brought up that the Mandalorians had SGR in one of Karen Travis' books and that Juhani was lesibian. Then he went and said that of course we'd bring up EU to "validate" the use, even though EU doesn't really matter...


    Uhm... can I point out that this is EU too? This isn't set at the time of either of the movies... so technically using EU as a valid sorce of documentation is kinda obvious. Besides, Lucas never retconned either of them and he is the Master. :rolleyes: Next time someone says EU doesn't matter, remember that we're playing a game that is EU.

  5. But in the current limited scope of development with the current skeletal staff and the obvious move to maintenance mode that F2P is bringing, if SGRA implementation is prioritised over new operations, flashpoints, planets, bug fixes, Open world PvP, cosmetic options, mini-games, space battle revamp. That move will lose far more people than it will please.


    Oh so let's just get a new annoying race instead of new romance options? :p:p


    Kidding aside, I'd have much preferred the Cathar be delayed as well. They are a very minor cosmetic change and really does anyone need them? No. I mean, I'm not saying that we need being prioritized over new ops, flashpoints, planets, bug fixes or PVP, but the rest of it can wait too. I personally can't say I've seen a mini-game in TOR, but if there are then those can be put on the back burner too, they're not important to the overall game. Space battles really aren't either, I mean... I do the Jabim Escort simply for the title, other than that, I could care less about Space Battles, most people I've talked to could care less about them either. That, too, can be put on the back burner.

  6. Probably not really on topic enough for this thread, but I was just wandering through FF.net, and noticed that there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of SWTOR slash.


    I'd have thought this game was rich for that kind of thing, especially considering that SGRA aren't in the game yet.


    I was writing one and I was gonna release it all at once on FF.net, but no one seemed to like it (i say that because i've only literately had like... 3 people review it... that includes here and another star wars website)... I have part of it posted here... but I quit writing it...

  7. Sorta, first thing that comes to mind is in one story quest on taris, I'm a Dark-sided sith assassin, and there is a part where you speak to a Jedi, APPARENTLY, I did the wrong dialogue (I could have just gotten +50 DS points with a bolt of lightning, but I thought I'd be pushing my luck), I ended up with ALL THREE OPTIONS ON THE WHEEL OFFERING LIGHTSIDE POINTS! I spazzed, then took a breath, and just accepted the +100 light sides.

    The problem was, it was right after a very hard boss fight, and I didn't wanna reset.


    So why didn't you hit esc and talk to the "quest giver" (or whatever it is) again? xD

  8. My internet just came back on for a reliably long time and so I was going to log in to play... but no, bioware has to be adding a new patch or whatever, despite the fact that it's thursday and they patched the game on tuesday... >_>
  9. Devaronian


    Rodian If they spoke basic. I think if they are smart enough to become smugglers, they could at least figure out how to speak basic.


    Mon Calamari


    Wookie won't easily be able to be implemented because they basically speak in rawr.


    Those are the races I can see being implemented, mostly because they allrady have plenty of proof of speaking Basic.


    Jaden Korr could be a male Rodian who spoke basic. :p


    But I agree, those races seem the most likely. Possibly along with Zeltrons and such. :p

  10. Again, you're arguments entire basis is built on like 2 people from the Expanded Universe lore (entire Star Wars history for that matter) and that is it. The Sith-only usage of red lightsabers because of symbolism is clearly defined for this time period. In a variety of official books, videos, etc. This debate is getting stale because you have no clue what you are talking about. Especially since you are claiming it is canon because of the argument "I saw some dude do it once.". That's nice. :rolleyes:


    Oh so Exar Kun who used a blue lightsaber as Sith seems like he breaks your immersion too. Along with the fact that Luke Skywalker used a red lightsaber for a short period of time. All the Sith after the OT didn't use red exclusively. All the Jedi didn't use blue or green exclusively. Red is a common color and hell, there are even red crystals in the Illum cave in the Clone Wars, not to mention I recall seeing at least one Cathar Jedi using a red lightsaber during the Clone Wars. :rolleyes: As it stands, it would seem lightsaber color is a personal preference and if you don't like it, then don't play the game.








    To the republic they are a complete mystery and their very existence is unknown except in the highest circles. Oh, but don't mind hordes of Chiss that can be seen now commonly on fleet, at Jedi temples, and chilling out pretty much everywhere around the Republic.


    Any other super rare circumstances you would like to try to use as justification of normality now?


    I fail to see how that explains a Chiss' personal choice. It is entirely possible that after seeing what the Empire does to other worlds, a few Chiss rebelled and went to aid the Republic. Besides what do the "highest circles" do? Wipe the memories of their ground soldiers who have seen Chiss in battle? Is that how they keep the Chiss as limited knowledge to the Republic?

  11. There is a very big difference between a RPer making adjustments to their background and to a game mechanic being implemented that impacts all players. I have the choice of avoiding the player if I don't like how they are RPing. It is much more difficult for me to avoid the game mechanic (aside from not playing at all) that circumvents Star Wars history and symbolism (red lightsabers for Sith only).


    Sith aren't the only ones who use red. -sigh- There have been Jedi that have used red lightsabers, if you can't deal with that and throw up a red flag when you see a Jedi using red or a Sith using blue/green, then the entire game itself should be shut down. Used to a Sith could only use red when darkside, which didn't fit lore, so then a darksided Jedi could only use red or yellow, most chose red because it was easier to come by, that broke your specific immersion where you believe red is Sith only, they fixed that, but as it happens some people like red over blue or green... so get over it. It's personal preference, as it was in KotOR and KotOR II.


    In this case a Chiss tries to defect and give the Republic vital info. Does that mean all Chiss are defectors? Because I mean, if I was the Empire and we had this bad of a Chiss defector problem... well... it wouldn't be pretty for the Chiss homeworld.


    Technically the Sith Empire has no say in Chiss politics or the Chiss homeworld. The Chiss Ascendency is independent of the Empire, therefor it's quite possible a Chiss would decide to aid the Republic. Just because you see Chiss as Empire only right now, doesn't mean that they are simply defectors. JS.

  12. Mandalore the Ultimate fell to Revan simply because Revan was stronger and it just so happened he was a Force User. To be fair, you can't actually compare Mandalore the Ultimate falling to Revan as a basis for which Force Users are more powerful. Seeing as Revan was a powerful man to begin with, not because of the Force, but because he was cunning and clearly more intelligent.


    Let's say that Revan had fallen to Mandalore the Ultimate, then KotOR, KotOR II and TOR probably wouldn't be in existance. So that's not really a valid excuse for your basis.


    Besides. Let's say a Bounty Hunter comes up against a Jedi/Sith (which happens in the BH storyline) and they threw a Thermal Detonator or a Missle at the Jedi/Sith, would they be able to block that attack with their lightsaber? No. Chances are, they wouldn't be able to stop it with the Force either, because it would require a lot of concentration and would leave them open to other types of attack.

  13. It's never stated that he created Anakin, but it's heavily implied by the fact that he was busy working with Midiclorians(sp?). He reached out and tried to create life but it claims he failed. He then heard about Anakin and got worried, thinking that the Force was trying to stop them.


    As for that being the reason Anakin was susceptible to the Darkside, no. He was susceptible because he was in love with Padme and wanted to save her from death.

  14. I saw something about this, what are Roleplaying servers for? what goes on in them thats different from normal servers?


    The people on these servers roleplay more so than people on PVE or PVP servers. Like... some Guilds roleplay that they are a slave market and sell their members to the highest bidder, ect. Some roleplay sex. There's just endless possibilities on an RP server and you might wanna watch which one you go into. :p

  15. Finally someone who thinks the Legacy system isn't ruining roleplay. For a while there, I thought I was the only one.


    Also I'd like to add to the Sith Pureblood as a smuggler or trooper. The Jedi Council have the ability to strip the Force from a being, albeit it's increasingly rare for them to do such a thing, but maybe they did it to a few Sith Purebloods that they felt couldn't be trusted within the ranks of the Jedi and then of course those Sith Purebloods had kids and due to the fact that their parents had no connection to the Force, it's possible that they have a very weak connection that can only come out during the "Heroic Moment" portions.

  16. I mean, I don't even understand. They already took the servers down this morning... :rolleyes: What'd they do, just say oh well we'll take the servers offline and do the patch, but then when we open it up about midday we'll take the servers offline for no reason...
  17. Few things on these from personal experience.


    1) Learn to type proper English.

    This is a given. But this goes for any age.


    He said that English isn't his native language, so he may play on a non-English server. :rolleyes: Consider that before telling him he needs better English.


    2) Never state your age.

    This can lead to problems, people like to fill in the blanks for things they don't know from personal experience this can lead to problems. I have a deep voice, especially uncommon when I was 14-15. this lead to people assuming my age was closer to 40 than 15. which lead to some friendships being strained when it came time to tell the truth.


    You never "had" to tell the truth about your age. Age is simply a number that should be irrelevant to MMOs. I'm 20, big woop. I know some 14 year olds who are good MMO players. Some are in my guild. I don't care, as long as they do their job right.


    3) Claim you have a headset but no mic.

    Thin, but doable. Better to claim you just don't like talking.


    Personally, I fail to see the point of even needing a headset or a mic when most Guild Vents only allow a certain amount of players to use it. Unless you're a hard core raider/PVP then really you shouldn't be wasting space in Vent...


    4) Use "my boss" or "my job" to excuse unavailability instead of "my mom."

    Doable also until they give you the question "what do you do?"


    Actually instead of saying "my boss" or "my job" you could just say you have some homework. College students play the game too, I'm one of them. :p


    5) Age 5 years.

    Only real remedy.


    Not really, you can't fastforward your age. Though I'm sure a lot of people would like to. Besides when I was thirteen I met some other thirteen year olds that were far more mature than several 35-40 year olds my parents knew... :eek:

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