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Posts posted by Silthir

  1. Help! I am a level 31 sith assassin (deception), I have been getting all abilities, but i cannot defeat nomar organa. Is there any way to do this right?


    Electrocute him and send your best DPSer in to attack him while you taunt him (yes, you should have a taunt even in Deception) and run away, then have your dps whittle down his health. Keep up the taunt and that should suffice. :p


    Ah and make sure to have medpac just in case. :p

  2. torhead.com


    Yeah. torhead.com isn't the ultimate in TOR. I doubt very seriously the devs told torhead what was coming in 1.4/1.5, considering they just released info in what's going down in 1.2.

  3. Ahem...just tossing this out there, guys...


    Anyone heard of ROLE-PLAYING?


    Ahem. Just tossing this out, but...


    That has nothing to do with the OPs post. :p

  4. Not so much that they are red to begin with, but that red is the easiest synthetic color to make, and the Sith are fans of "quick and easy," so there you go.


    The whole thing with the Force and synthetic crystals is that synthetic crystals are almost universally weaker than natural crystals, leading to lightsabers prone to malfunction, less damage, and sometimes exploding in the user's hand. The Sith found a way to use the Force (specifically the Dark Side, because. . . well, SITH) to make the synthetic crystals stronger. One piece of speculation from the WotC boards was that the Force could be used to align the molecules of the liquid pre-crystalization, like a magnetic field, creating a stronger crystalline structure and therefore, a stronger crystal, thus a stronger lightsaber blade. One would assume Luke discovered/used a similar (probably non-Dark Side) technique when it came time to make his own lightsaber crystal.


    Well they have to start out some color, so unless you're suggesting they start out clear. :p It always made more sense in my head that it was initially red and then would change colors due to varying factors.

  5. Massive spoiler regarding patch 1.4 / 1.5 leaks incoming. You've been warned




    In light ot Malgus's actions, Empire will be changing its policy regarding aliens towards more open relations which in turn will lead to Empire being split cause of Regus being xenophobic douche and breaking off with like-minded people.



    And where did you get this information?

  6. Sith make there own red crystals by channaling there hatred.


    Green is made from meditating and respecting life (or something.)


    *sigh* No. All Synthetic crystals are red to begin with, but a few modifications can transform the color to green, blue, purple, ect.

  7. I kind of miss the point of this thread.


    The species you mentioned are playable. If you don't like that you can't be a Chiss Warrior or Twi'lek Bounty Hunter, then you have to accept it.


    It is either against the lore or it would just look weird, but most likely, against the lore.


    Explain how it's against the Lore? Chiss have been known to be Force Sensitive as well as Twi'leks have been known to be Bounty Hunters. That's why with 1.2 you'll be able to choose any race/class combo provided you've unlocked it.


    The point of this thread is he's tired of Empire discriminating against other races. It makes no sense for them to discriminate non-human/non-Sith races, because they've greatly aided the Empire.

  8. It has nothing to do with resenting you got it, my feelings on this are known and it has nothing to do with resentment. What I am saying is the fact you got it yet some are not happy with that. What more do you want, you got what you wanted yet some are still ************ about it.


    Yeah, but you have to realize that these people will complain about everything. They look for reasons to complain, so don't compare us those people.


    I have been very vocal about the FPS stuff along with other people yet BW either ignore us or tell us it's our machines when it is not. Most times we are just plain ignored and BW have done nothing about it at all. Like I said, some people are just not plain happy about now getting SGR in the future and I am sure there will be people who will not like how BW do it and implement it. Resentful no, its obvious you didnt see or decided not to see my exchange you took my quote from or took it in the context you felt which you are wrong on.


    Okay, but do you realize that it took more than one person to be vocal on the issue? There was a flood of requests about SGRs at the Guild Summit and that's one of the main reasons we even got word on it? If you really want more of an answer, get a whole bunch of people to spam them on the Q&A thread...

  9. I'm not well versed in all the EU lore, are there any examples of droids that could use the force? The movies seem to make it clear that you have to be a "living" being to sense the force.


    I would love to see droids as a playable race, but even if you limited them to non-force classes like BH, with the legacy system you could wind up with a droid Jedi or Sith.


    This is the only issue I see with it. If there is precedent for a force sensitive droid then I'm all for it.


    There is one, but it's heavily considered non-canon. I can't remember what his name was, but he was the initial droid the Owen Lars and Luke Skywalker chose as their astromech droid.

  10. I agree it's the only customisation I would bother with, but no idea where from, could you possibly have a look and give us a head's up?


    Ah. I can't. :s I deleted my high level Bounty Hunter for... actually I don't remember what for. :eek:

  11. Warrior has a much, much better story.


    That actually depends on the player. You can't tell someone they'll enjoy a story better. :rolleyes: Because personally, they only thing I liked better about the Warrior was the chance to turn you-know-who, but other than that, I preferred Inquisitor...


    Btw, just make one of each. ^-^

  12. Torian is boring to romance anyway...if he didn't have Johnny Yong Bosch's voice I don't know if I'd even bother. :p


    Maybe, but with one of his customization kits, he's definitely the most gorgeous npc in the game. :D

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