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Posts posted by Silthir

  1. Basically you described a PVE server, save for the enhanced exp and solo modes of Flashpoints, but imo a Flashpoint wouldn't make sense as a solo since the game refers to people in Flashpoints as a strike team, meaning more than one person.
  2. The Jedi Code is something that is very obviously NOT supposed to be taken literally. It's a prayer or a meditation piece. It's there to remind Jedi of an unattainable ideal that they nevertheless strive for. No Jedi tells another, "hey, you're showing concern for your padawan. You should probably watch that." The Sith treat their code similarly. Only the really dumb or gullible Sith believe that they have "broken all their chains" but all of them strive to get to that point.


    Oh so Grand Master Satele Shan's talking to the Jedi Knight saying "We enter battle calmly, blah blah blah" isn't her following the code? Huh. Interesting.


    As for the Sith, their chains are broken. Look at the Sith Inquisitor story, Lord Kallig's chains were broken by joining the Sith, considering he was a slave prior to that. In a sense, the Sith Code is true as much as the Jedi Code.


    The Jedi also aren't completely against the concept of love either. Jedi who have proven themselves as capable and reliable members of the order can and do petition for marriages and have it granted by the Council. That's a Jedi Knight and up privilege (which is why you were called to break up a padawan/padawan relationship on Tython). They are wary of it, but it isn't forbidden for everyone ever.


    Oh so the Revan and Bastila relationship wasn't condemned? Ah. I strictly recall the Council forcing them to the shadows, not allowing their relationship to be made public due to the fact that they ignored the Council. Later, the Jedi are forbidden to marry, Anakin says this himself in AotC.

  3. I'm sorry, but I just don't think this would be a truly good idea. For one thing, she's not really an essential character. She never aides you in combat, save for one mission and that's the mission in which you get the option to kill her. Another thing is, how would you justify a Sith following a non-Force User character? The Sith believe themselves to be higher up in the heirarchy of the Empire, which the way the game goes through makes it obvious that even an Apprentice can command some of the highest ranking members of Imperial Army, save for the Grand Moff Tarkun(sp?) who won't really take no for an answer. So a Sith following an Imperial Agent, even if he/she is an Intelligence Officer, makes very little sense and it makes even less sense for a Sith to follow a Bounty Hunter who doesn't even really have any ties to the Empire, save for the purpose of hiring them. Lastly, Thana views herself as a superior even to a Lord of the Sith, so she doesn't seem to be willing to serve your Sith Inquisitor/Sith Warrior.
  4. You all are of course entitled to your opinion, I'm not denying that. It's just the way you go about voicing your opinions is what has me disappointed, along with the basis of your opinions. I've seen people basically say that the game isn't up to par because of the bugs and glitches... my point about this is that all games take time to resolve bugs and glitches, even RPGs for the Xbox, PS3, ect... it's just due to the nature of those games, the actual game isn't released until the bugs are fixed.
  5. I will complain for any product I pay and is not up to standards, and SWTOR is not up to any MMO standards for 2012.

    You can say "but WoW at launch was worse than SWTOR" all you want, WoW at launch had its competition, and SWTOR at launch has its own, and frankly, its not faring too well...


    Perhaps, but it's also not fair to base your judgements off of a game that has been around for years. WoW has improved since launch and TOR will too, you guys just gotta give it a chance.


    That's all I'm saying.

  6. Listen guys, I'm quite disappointed in the way you have been harping on the game for not being absolutely perfect upon release. Most of you are rage quitting the game before giving it a chance to improve, do any of you remember previous mmos? There have been bugs and glitches among all MMOs and yes, I do realize there are quite a few in this game, I've even reported a few bugs and had help fixing them by the Customer Service representatives. Major bugs and glitches however you can't expect to be fixed overnight. They do have people working to fix these problems and they're going to release them when they are sure that the problem has been fixed. I remember playing WotLK on WoW (it's when I initially joined) and I was disappointed in the glitches and stuff that still popped up in the vanilla areas, however eventually these problems were corrected and the gameplay went a lot smoother. Seriously, just give the developers a chance and stop raging about how this game sucks, because to be honest I don't think any of you remember how long it took for WoW, Aion, Rift and various other MMOs took to fix the problems they have. Guys, it's just the BEGINNING of the third month of the game, give the poor Developers a break and stop acting like 12 year olds who have nothing better to do than to rage on TOR's Forums.
  7. Well with my time zone being really off i doubt i will be awake at that time, as usual we are ignored in the Q&A thread but whats new really?


    Kharistos, I don't exactly think we're being ignored, I'm simply thinking that they're just busy. I mean think about how many thing they have to clarify. I do agree that it'd be nice for them to clarify something soon, but the thing is, BioWare representatives are quite busy. However, they said they were going to do it and so I trust them to implement SGR. I mean, look at Juhani from KotOR 1, she was interested in women only and BioWare created KotOR 1.


    If they do speak of this in the Summit, then I'm quite sure there will be a full battalion of people ready to exclaim excitedness or to be incredibly angry and rage here that it's all our fault for wanting SGR.

  8. I cancelled my sub because I want to punish Bioware for the mistakes they made in creating this game. At this point, I want the title to fail, and to bring down Bioware, and serve as a lasting blemish on EA's already muddied facade.


    Yes, because Bioware is so concerned about a single, insignificant person. Your whole $15ish bucks a month isn't exactly missed, I'm sure. There are lots of faithful players, such as myself.


    The simple fact of the matter is, the industry needs to move on from cloning WoW. People are done with games like this -- they might not be looking for a pure sandbox, but you'd better be damned sure that the 'THEMEPARK ALL THE WAY' thing has jumped the shark, too.


    Yes, because SW:TOR is an exact clone of WoW... you know, storyline quests, multiple planets, companions... oh wait.... WoW had none of those.


    Frankly, the entire idea of a story-based MMO was garbage from the start. The entire point of an MMO is to live out a fantasy story of your own in marvelous environment. It isn't to have that story dictated to you from 1-50, so that every single character at the cap has the same exact history, companions, etc. I mean, Jesus Christ, it's like Bioware missed the memo on what these game are all about and just went peeling off in an inexplicable direction.


    Well considering a lot of the KotOR fans were disappointed that there was no KotOR 3, I'd relatively say this was well done. Besides, if you don't like the fact of the storylines, then don't play them. There is PVP for leveling or Flashpoints.


    Oh, and let's drop $100 million on that voice acting, while we're at it! That'll make up for a terrible game engine, boring quests, stale combat and a hollow shell of an endgame!


    You do realize that all these things are your personal opinion. "Boring quests" "Stale Combat" "A hollow shell of an endgame". Dude... I personally love the quests, I personally feel that the combat flows pretty well (if you know how to actually do it), as for end game... you should also realize that this is just temporary end game. Personally I wasn't too thrilled with WoW's vanilla end game either, so suck it up.


    SWG was a lesson to the industry that WoW had it right; TOR needs to be the new incarnation of that lesson -- that what passed for a great game 7 years ago isn't a great game today. I expect more, and so do most people, and bully for us.


    Hm. I'm fairly certain that TOR isn't anything like SWG... I only played SWG for a few days and that was still enough for me to see it's not the same. I think you're just one of those WoW fanatics who think that the game should be exactly like it... either that or you're a 12 year old kid who is making false claims because you find it to difficult to play.

  9. For the millionth time, no. It's not normal procedure. And how exactly am I not gonna be billed if I don't have a credit card and need to purchase a game card. Can I scratch it, use the code and then send it back? Christ.


    Actually for the millionth time, yes. For God sakes. Just because WoW didn't do it, doesn't mean it's not a normal procedure. I've played MANY mmos and 90% of them do require a credit card or a prepaid time card to begin playing. Examples would include, Rift, Aion... woah I can't remember the names of the others right now o.O but that's probably because I haven't played them in forever. Anyway, regardless, the only MMO I've seen that doesn't require a credit card or prepaid time card is WoW (that's not including free to play mmos).

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