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Everything posted by Seena

  1. Ya unfortunately ignoring someone doesn't prevent them from being in a wz with you. : (
  2. Ya those guys another poster mention - like what 15 of them? Level 49 since this summer... ya... they never do it intentionally. Whether it's intentional or not - is moot. No one is looking to "punish" the exploiters - simply to remove the exploit.
  3. Yes, I can blame them. No problems at all blaming them. I went through the level 50 gear "grind" - twice. If they don't want to grind let them create another toon and stay in the <49 bracket legitimately instead of selfishly affecting others. Personally I have no issues with pick up groups - that is imo what PVP (and PvE) is about. Working together as a group to accomplish a goal (ie win). Personally I think complaining about PUGs is lamer than lame. I wouldn't deny anyone that right - and I wouldn't say, "Bioware shouldn't address it" - but I think it's seriously lame. As for thinking this is "legitimate" well - again... not sure what to say to someone who thinks that way. Other than discretion is (almost) always the better part of valor.
  4. Obviously it hasn't affected you to any degree. It has affected multiple people in this thread (hence the creation of the thread) - and likely will be a issue that contnues to affect people more and more. (If the pattern on my server continues, which I suspect it will.) I'm glad it hasn't affected you (no sarcasm or acrimony there only sincerity) But it has and is affecting others. It is preventing some lower levels from PvPing (not saying that some people quit and get frustrated FAR too easily - they do imo. BUT they should never do it over someone else's exploit.) - THAT is inexcusable and DEMANDS a fix. And the "fix" doesn't involve just telling people to move to 50. Some people are altaholics. Some of us are crafters who are maximizing their companion capacity. I'm one of those, as are many in my guild. We all PvP. Most of us focus more on our lower level toons than we do our level 50s. Those who have a 50 and tend to play that 50 obviously wouldn't encounter this issue. But a lot of people don't play that way. And they shouldn't have to deal with this consequences of this exploit because they chose NOT to play that way. It's interesting how people are -- so jealous of "resources" that they don't want certain things addressed because they feel their agendas are more demanding of said resources. Unfortunate way to go through life imo. (Not saying this of you personally - just an overall impression as I see people rip down others concerns/suggestions). Personally I hope that activities, born of cheating or exploits, should they affect other's in any way - are always fixed. I hope the myriad issues in PvP can be addressed in a fair and balanced way. I don't feel that my issues are more important than your issues --- and that all issues should receive the same consideration from the devs, who then would triage the appropriate actions to take. Thank-you for your thoughtful input.
  5. You are not a forum moderator. You are not a Bioware or EA employee. You have no right (and more importantly no power) to stifle or curtail posting in this thread. Now, run along and dole out your bravado and bitterness elsewhere.
  6. Hahahahah I don't look at it as being lazy --- just an exercise in futility.
  7. 0.o Not once have I said ANYTHING about rage quitting or leaving because you are losing other in answer to someone trying to legitimize it. Not once. People read into things they, themselves are guilty of - then try to legitimize the behavior. I have little respect for anyone that leaves a warzone because they are losing. I have little respect for people who give up and camp for medals. But that isn't exploiting, it isn't cheating -- and there's nothing to be done about it.
  8. Good points. Maybe it was encountering this issue with increasing frequency when I wasn't even aware of it three weeks ago. and I get mega torqued when people give up at the start of a warzone - which happened more than once. None of this however, imo, means the issue shouldn't be fixed. I expect it to get bigger with time (if the pattern were to persist). Personally I do think they will fix it eventually. But the first step is getting it out there - that it's causing problems..... Wouldn't be hard imo to shift the distribution of xp as people have suggested in this thread. In say thirds or quarters during the WZ. That would help people who unintentionally DC also....
  9. I've had another toon level to 50 recently since 1.5 (the "pre" 1.5 was a mistake on my part... have gotten lazy with spell and grammar check) -- I'm a crafter/harvester and I try to get all my toons to 50 for the companion increase on missions. I had no problems maxing coms. I've done it over and over with my level 45 (and have to spend them frequently to keep from going over the cap). As for his "point" being important - it isn't at all imo. The twinks have been an issue since the summer for some posters -- and that was long before 1.5. And this isn't about comms -- nor has it ever been. Thanks for trying to clarify.
  10. Apparently in your little emo-umbragey rant - you missed this: I have a level 45 now. I have no problems reaching max coms. None at all. Nor have I ever with any toon I've played. I have had mid level 40's since 1.5. I have multiple alts, have since pre-launch - and I level them through pvp. Hence the "nor have I with any toon I've played" comment. As for the rest of your sad little drone ---- it isn't worth answering.
  11. The fact is - it is to their advantage. Or, they wouldn't be doing it. Their taking advantage of an unintended game mechanic, their leaving warzones early - also negatively impacts other players, and gives them an unfair advantage (with respect to the saying level 49) over those players (at least in the players mind - hence them giving up at the START of the warzone when they see these toons - hence me complaining about it) -- this is another aspect of an exploit It doesn't matter you feel an exploit is or isn't. Not one bit. Doesn't really matter what I feel one is either. It's all up to Bioware at this point. I will complain about it - it is my right. What you won't see me do is crying to nerf classes etc. THAT imo - is lame.. So is complaining about premades. But as lame as I think it is -- people have the RIGHT to do it. No matter what I say or think. Nor would I tell them their complaints/feeling weren't valid or that Bioware shouldn't consider them. That's ********. And don't tell me how to play or level my toon. Thank-you. I have 2 level 50 WHs thanks. I have multiple alts and I level them with PvP. And I plan on continuing to do so.
  12. You have as little understanding of what an exploit is - as smashdude does. But thanks for contributing to those 25 pages - that's a good thing!
  13. Add to to his why should anyone have to avoid PvP because other's are using an exploit? They shouldn't. EVER And I soooo agree with you. NO one should wait until they are level 50 to PvP unless they have leveled one toon in PvP already (And even then, if it's a different AC you STILL shouldn't wait until 50). This is why sooooooo many people suck in level 50 pvp - they are too scared to pvp at a lower levels (not because of twinks usually but because of their egos), so start at 50 - and suck because they don't know what they are doing. Anyone who would even suggest doing this imo has no clue what THEY are doing.
  14. You really argue with the poorest understanding of what an exploit is. Ok I'm being civil. You have NO understanding of what an exploit is. I think you are just making things up as you go. To be an exploit - you don't have to be taking advantage of a "bug" as you stated. It can be intentionally taking advantage of normal game mechanics which ends up in unintended consequences that benefit you and prevent other's from enjoying natural progression of normal game play. End. Of. Story. As for them not fixing it - the ONLY thing it means is, they haven't fixed it. That can be for several reasons. Maybe - just maybe - they aren't really aware of it. Or, maybe it hasn't been enough of an issue to cause a problem yet. You see - what you refuse to acknowledge (I'm thinking understand really) is not only do they not ban people for using all exploits, they don't rush to fix all exploits. The decision to fix an exploit depends on that exploit's ramifications on game play. If enough people weren't doing this for it to cause a problem - HEY wadda you know? Few ramifications. That means little impetus to fix the exploit. Now enough people are doing it to cause ramifications. And it's increasing. So as it starts to cause more and more problems - NOW is when they might (hopefull will) do something. (And I don't care that it hasn't affected you personally - or other's arguing this isn't a problem in this thread.) It's affected me, it's affected people I know, it's affected people I've teamed with in PvP and it's affected other's in this thread. In other words - it is now starting to have RAMIFICATIONS for people's game play. I've been playing since pre-launch. I have 2 active accounts in my home. I have mutliple toons that I PvP with extensively (most pre-50 in fact. I personally enjoy it. . But - note I don't cheat to stay level 49) It has only in the last TWO WEEKS come to my attention and has beeen affecting my team's play in Warzones (To my knowledge. I'm now wondering about all t hose Huttball games where people left before the end of the game). NOW it is an issue. NOW I will make sure they know about this exploit as is my right on these forums. Like I said - don't like it? Don't agree? That's your choice. But it does nothing to my right to bring it to the devs attention that it is now a problem. And is getting worse daily. Now I said I wouldn't reply to you - you aren't correct in what you say, you refuse to quote sources when you make your (blatantly wrong) assertions. This time, I really am through replying to you.
  15. No - it isn't "if you exploit you get banned" You are wrong wrong wrong wrong. The banning depends on the implications of the exploit. here - since you aren't able to provide any real sources -- here's one on the ilium issues. It specifically states only a small number of accounts were banned: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/02/bioware-responds-to-ilum-exploits/ "In the post, Reid clarifies that only accounts suspected of gold farming were actually banned. Only a small number of accounts were temporarily suspended for the Ilum exploit, and also any action taken against an account may be appealed." And with that - since you aren't even arguing with basic facts - I'm done replying to you. Please have a nice stay. But = feel free to bump this thread at will.
  16. Another thread? Hmmm it's been like 6 months or so since I've made a thread. It's entirely within my right to do so. Don't like it? Well I guess that's too *********** bad. Now, how about that source? And keep those replies coming -- keeps the thread bumped - ty
  17. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. May the devs take it into consideration. As I hope they do mine. Thanks for your input.
  18. That's fine. You go ahead and believe they want us doing it. I will believe that it's an active exploit. ok?
  19. Well I hope that they do. Maybe you'd like to make your own thread acknowledging the action yet stating you feel they shouldn't fix it. Yes, that would be very nice.
  20. You are the only one who has spoken of banning people. You are confused. Using an exploit does not = immediate ban. You really do need to understand this. The point is not to ban people - but to fix the way xp is awarded to stop the exploiting. As for the rest of your comment - it's simply so profoundly ludicrous and inapplicable - it will have to otherwise be ignored.
  21. If you'd actually bothered to read the thread - instead of making snarky remarks - you would have seen some rather decent and seemingly easy ways to remedy this. The easiest being awarding xp in increments as the WZ progresses. This would also help people who DC during the wz.
  22. I assure you my gear is as up to date as yours - if not more so. gear being up to date - isn't the issue at all. Oh btw - still waiting for your source about legacy mods and Bioware not fixing it because its "too expensive".
  23. You really are === clueless. " Let’s begin with exploits – those cases when we determine that a bug in the code can give an unfair advantage to a player. (Remember, not all bugs are exploits!)" Unfair advantage. Unfair Advantage... key words there.....
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