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Everything posted by Canmore

  1. hmm auto fire just for the looks would be nice. a constant stream of bolts coming from the canon and a revamp of some of the specials . does anyone really like the look of grav round
  2. kinda frown on people buying CM stuff just for credits its like EAware has become the the credit farmer it might be an accepted face of a modern mmorpg but meh
  3. wookiee warriors own them both but i had fun reading the post and i personally think mandalorians have the edge
  4. no regrets about any.. i did what was right for the republic -p and yea wheres the chime in .like buy the collectors edition pre release =p lol
  5. wookiee and please explain to the ignorant .(i mean myself) why you all like noutalans .ive seen a few in my journies in swtor and they all look bland and boring to my eyes . but is there some cool character behind it same with torgruda i like master kwikks but cant say shes anything amazing
  6. meh the reason was EAware wanted to keep gamers happy that wanted to be evil but there guilds choose republic to play on and so both sides got to make choices and in some instances they are correct . i mean a trooper is no do gooding jedi hes a soldier who wants to win and it makes sense for him to do some dark stuff as for the EU some great stories have been written but the arguement as to there canon value is endless just enjoy the game and make the choices you beleave your character would make
  7. please lets just stop this i have said what i think and the counters to what i said are relevant . i disagree but lets just not go to a general discussion level =p
  8. wookiees nothing is star wars for me without wooks . to me its like jedi not having a saber =p
  9. i think i like my logical assumption more than your denial that much will be changed to there character stories.maybe some EU will get tied in but my guess is as good as yours about what EU will be left intact .i would far rather base my arguements on what we know to be canon from the movies,. than books that while a fine read might get torn up in a couple of years time . EU pre new hope has more relevance
  10. there no quote just assumption that makes perfect sense other than protracted discussion about lukes supposed super force powers that is now just pure conjecture untill the new movie confirms it
  11. point me to the quote that say lukes or any other characters EU will survive the story from the new movie ive allways beleaved and i admit this just a personal opnion that all post ROJ story was trash canon wise . all be it an entertaining read
  12. i dont want to pee in peoples coffee but any referances to luke and other characters after ROJ are null and void untill we see what hard canon the new movie story tells for them.. lukes EU are not relevant unless the new movie makes them so
  13. people are also quitting because the pressure imagined or otherwise that the need to buy premium items from the CM . when the game was subscription based we where safe in the knowledge that our sub would cover us to gain the items we wanted through a little hard work . now the CM hangs over everything you do and we are human beings not saints we see a cool cathar honour sword and want it and fritter limited real life cash into a gamble box .the only way to deal with this type of addiction is to cut at the source . ie uninstall and never look back its not allways so black and white as some people try to make it out to be .some folks are actually enjoying the game but are constantly tempted to part with money the cant afford to use on games and the only way to fix it is to quit
  14. i think i explained why its hard for some to move on . if i turn off my pc now i would lose touch with friends i have had for 7 years and more . thats a wrench for many .unless your emotionally devoid
  15. my thoughts on makeb are fun while it lasted about 8 hours to complete i enjoyed every min but nothing there for me now
  16. its hard to finally close the door or something you have done for years for many people . for many swtor was there last go at the genre and it has not matched expectation and to finally give up on it is hard ,. especially if you are a social gamer .or ex SWG player some people really need to admit to theirselfs that mmorpg is not for them anymore . the genre has changed and not for the better
  17. whats to prevent teams of students taking turns and sleeping lol (pesky students)
  18. Sorry you cant get them to work my windows 7 machine runs the steam versions fine .if the compatibility tab dosent fix it for you as stated previously then im sorry i have no idea
  19. iF class stories are over and there no evidance either way as yet . EAware would lose many subs . mine for one i am not hanging around the game for raiding thats for sure and pretty sure others will feel the same.
  20. cartel market would be much more acceptable if they used the revenue to create interesting stories for the game . maybe they plan to its kinda early to tell i beleave development needs a year in advance planning to get right . in all honesty i think after a highly succesfull launch they used most of that cash to pay off loans and the rest went into investors pockets ,. as we know the game had a huge dip in subs about 6 months into the game and they where clutching at straws to know how to pay for development . so we got f2p . they are likely running about 6 months behind in preplanned content and probably some projects got cancelled.. now the question is . what are they using cartel market revenue for. to appease investors or make a great game . it will take another 7 months to tell in a fair minded way if we are just getting milked by grey suited buisnessmen or they are serious about creating a great game for players
  21. there is no end game if your not a raider . after 14 years playing mmorpg i have personaly have done all the raiding i intend to do . well except to fill in a number if guilds short =p and yea im also the idiot who thought this was a sequal to KOTOR 1 and 2 =p now if there was persistant RVR with battlefield objectives with a meaningfull impact on the wider population i would never be off this game all i suggest is you come on . chat with your guild . see if they need the odd man . if not go play hearts of iron 3 like i do =p . Sadly my friends are star wars fans and this all they have atm
  22. i was sitting reading through some posts and thought maybe this would make some folks happy and keep the rpg crowd in touch with the game my concept is this to have a hanger similar to star conflict and say world of tanks . in that hanger you will have various drop down menus to choose the planet .flash point or operation you want . with a tick box to choose which mode ..ie story etc this way the casuals and pure raider crowd could completely skip the social game alltogether and just do what they like best instances .obviously there would need to be a market tab in the hanger interface aswell meanwhile those folks who enjoy an interactable social rpg world could enjoy it and not get immersion ruined by those who beleave gear and raiding are all the games for . i know this sounds radical but might be the only way to appease both groups of players , development of the rpg world could go unhindered by complaints from the raider crowd and they get what they want constant instance action .
  23. Not a huge fan of card games but would it not be abit odd bioware getting ikky about gambling with it . when you consider they fully sponsor gambling with cartel packs ?
  24. i think there hamstrung in what the can implement due to budgetry constraints caused by chasing quaterly profits .so many good ideas get posted here and i have only seen 1 or two implemented in 1 and half years
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