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Everything posted by Canmore

  1. THE TRUTH . when a republic class has the advantage the whine on here and the river of tears is greater than the nile delta . when a imperial class is powered .its just balanced and working as intended
  2. EAware has a first concern .can we make enough money out of this . i know i wouldent pay for it . i want wooks but all the best trying to convince them that playing something other than colourfull skinned human is actually fun
  3. no rancors should be free to all . on a serious note why are rancors mounts anyway . i cant remember seeing a mounted rancor in any of the movies or games ive played exceptt SWG and even then it looked silly to see such a magnificent creature tamed and used as a donkey . now if it was a combat pet like night sisters used them there would be some weight to them being ingame
  4. Since when was constant raiding with no option for other activities traditional mmorpg game play back in the day i used to play everquest 1 we had alot more to do than just raid . we had a an open world to to explore with mini dungeons to do when it was not raid night . the crafting of items was worth while and did not rely on an end game dungeon drop to craft . i spent hours foraging around finding materials for crafting and chatting with friends , when i played pre-cu swg it was the same and both games had social hubs not just somewhere to stand while dungeon finder did everything for you . hope you get the picture in there scramble to make money for as little effort as possible EAware are have totaley forgot what it takes to create a virtual world to live in
  5. this would be an awesome cosmetic change after all your not asking for armouring to be unified etc
  6. The OP gets my sympathy .especially considering arena pvp is like the kinder garden of competitive play
  7. HE is a mature old school player who grew up on mmos like everquest 1 and SWG his reactions are not as quick as they where and clicks his skills he pauses to check his situation , still cant get out of the habit of old style mobs you would find in eq where 1 broken cc would wipe you his PC is not the best and under heavy graphics load it will lag slightly generally he is slower than most and needs people to be patiant he does not get kicked every FP i exagirated . sorry because of his blue gear if he makes a mistake on which mob he should be on he drops fast . like a stray silver elite he is not an idiot who abuses or harasses others basicly he needs guidance and forbearance of his limitations but gets kicked by people who want to rush
  8. Actually the authorities are taking a real hard look at behavour on the internet and as complaints are being made . its not a far stretch now before people are pulled into small claims courts etc for bulllying on internet media such as games . the supposed anonymity of the internet and its media is getting tested by prosicution services . at least thats true in the United Kingdom not calling you a bully or anything just pointing out abuse on the internet is close to being challenged on every level
  9. Thank you soul of flames for putting forward some legitimate reasons for vote kick and i understand better atm why it needs to stay . its a shame it is open to abuse by people who want to kick cause someone because they dont not match there exacting standards, i see words like negligent getting used by some people and incompetant and wonder if we are talking brain surgery not a video game anyway my last reply . im off to enjoy double XP weekend and i hope everyone else does too
  10. EXIT area button is there if your unhappy
  11. Echani . gotta love the echani martial arts
  12. that would work for me . but that still leaves the issue of people having the power to kick a person from a flashpoint who is trying to have fun . have gamers become so intolerant over the years we cant handle the fact that some people need more assistance doing content than others . most people in the 50 plus bracket are not ******s who need to be vote kicked cause of bad behavour . most of those guys are on your ignore list long ago . some of the posters are correct i try group with him with friends as much as possible but everytime he uses GF when we are not on its kick time .
  13. i give up . i guess im the only kind hearted person on the forums today
  14. im sorry guys but vote kick was implemented before f2p gear restrictions where put in and needs to be amended or removed so that people can enjoy content without getting removed simply because some guy feels hes not up to scratch . and i will say it again YOU have the option to hit EXIT AREA if your not happy .
  15. good idea but my argument stands if they are going to restrict people with some stuff that was implemented pre F2P it needs to go as for the other reply my point still stands if your not happy their is an exit area button to use , no need to humiliate someone
  16. if it bugs you that much dont use voice chat . but i doubt anyone cares your a dude
  17. Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play
  18. yea who is this deviant from fashion that does the helmets . hes a fiend =p
  19. yea i dont see why popular names should be hogged by people who have no intention of ever coming back
  20. i want one to and a playable wookiee to go with it =p
  21. these weekends make no sense why would anyone wish to rush through content to reach 55 when there nothing to do then except raid =p
  22. love the class stories but then i play any RPG like a novel . probably why this game bores me now
  23. They made an mmorpg instead of KOTOR3
  24. sin and shadows are imho built wrong ,they should have huge evasion bonuses . guess i mean defence . instead of absorbing damage that the games built to do they should be avoiding it all together
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