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Everything posted by monegames

  1. the OP or other Dev posts never said that was what was happening either.
  2. where in a Bioware post did they say that that was what happened?
  3. no you said that it was the only logical conclusion not the only one that you could come up with. all i said was that there are other logical conclusions and they may not be as probable but they are just as logical.
  4. that is not the only logical conclusion it is one logical conclusion. there are many others that can be logical as well. that is very well possible what happened but why does Bio not come out and say that.
  5. then what would they do with 400 slicing? go to a place that has lesser paying nodes, when the ones on ilum are less camped and do not have mobs in certain areas
  6. actually the OP said that they not care that they were level 20 or what ever in a 50 zone looting things just that they were excessively camping a chest that spawns to get cash. we just want to know what "excessively" means. were they exploiting to get the chest to respawn faster or were they just staying there for extended periods. what the rule is and when it is crossed is all i am after. if it was just camping it for extended periods then that seems to be overstepping to me and i would prolly cancel my sub. if it was an exploit to that respawned the chest then im fine with that. but people that were not involved in the incidents saying which it was and having no first hand knowledge do not convince me of what was happening. either someone from bio or one of the people that were suspended giving an answer would.
  7. please quote for me where that was said to be done. They said that the people involved were excessively camping a known chest and were getting more credits than their appropriate level. no where does it say they were glitching or anything just camping it to get cash. they dont have to come out and say what the exploit is or how it is done but atleast say that their was an exploit to get it to respawn faster or something and the people asking about it will go away.
  8. more logical than leaving everyone wondering why they are suspending and banning people. especially when they say that anyone found doing it would result in a permanent ban.
  9. because they could just ban anyone that did it after they come out and said that it was an exploit. since the people that did it after the announcement would know the consequences.
  10. because it was being used for the same thing to get credits that you could not make otherwise.
  11. When bioware says that was what they were doing. Bio has not said that they were exploiting game mechanics, the OP says that they were exploiting the chest to get rewards that were not level appropriate.
  12. except a person could bot 8 characters to make a fortune and only level them to 10 each. you could do like i saw many talking about on the forums. hopping from character to character just doing slicing and at 400 slicing the rewards are based on level 50 rewards. I have also heard of people running space missions to get level 50 rewards at low levels. this seems very similar to me.
  13. paying to respec for pvp/pve is not an accomplishment. neither is leveling through the same exact content a second time to play the way you want using the same AC. its an accomplishment to complete your class quest line, finish an op/flashpoint, or even getting enough pvp comms to get new gear.
  14. It would be fine if those were decided early on, but that only goes for major features like how crafting works, but many things were added and then removed late in beta. things like the color matching, full modding gear, assassin/shadow range nerf(ranged force attacks were 15m now their only 10m) were put in and taken out late in the beta and many beta testers, myself included gave poor feedback on their removal. I have learned from those that Bioware does not listen to negative feedback on the feel of the game, only to themselves and their beloved "metrics".
  15. they never said they didnt run into bad groups just that they didnt see a change in the percentage of bad groups they ran into. the only reason that you see more bad groups is because you are seeing more groups in general. I very rarely ran into someone that ninjaed or afked were i was not able to kick or just drop the group. heck i rarely ran into either of those and i ran both tank and healer.
  16. so instead of walking to school in the snow up hill both ways it was shouting in SW for 20/40 min to actually play the game then running to dungeon and waiting for the rest of the group then tank or healer gets call from guild for help and leaves and back to SW for another 20/40 min. Also joining a group by LFD or shouts doesn't change the way the group interacts with one another. that is on the group members. I do see a problem with cross server grouping though you shouldnt be in contact with people on other servers in game. If the time to make groups is too long then server merging should be considered.
  17. madden has a yearly release where they upgrade a small amount of content and add a new feature or two, sounds just like a WoW patch to me. WoW has better Gameplay and PvP at the moment since TOR has the ability delay bug and the fact that i cant stay connected to the server for more than 15 minutes. EQ got stale to many and WoW was refreshing it was both WoW and EQ. WoW came out at the right time. Backbreaker had the feature that most of the naysayers were pushing to get(real physics), but it only had that feature the gameplay was its best feature, the reason they are still making the minigames but the secondary features were not there and it failed. Im not saying taht this game will fail and I dont want it to. Most of those failed because their IP stood no chance to WoWs. If they would have had lore to back them up along with the features they would have made a real dent in WoW's sub base. They are after the WoW player and the Starwars fan and the bioware singleplayer fan.
  18. the comparison isnt mmo vs madden its mmo vs mmo and football vs football, and how people look at similar products. Madden is the king of Football and Backbreaker tried take people away from Madden and failed. even though people bash madden as much as WoW is bashed. WoW is the king of MMORPGs and SWTOR is after the same thing as Backbreaker.
  19. ok so i bought the Madden series for 7 years and then comes along an new game in the same genre Backbreaker(who lacked features and gameplay was not up to par with the comp(Madden). I should just keep playing the Backbreaker series till it has time to catch up to madden right? guess what Backbreaker isn't ever gonna catch up cause it wasn't profitable enough to "come on they are just starting out" or "its new give them some time". they don't have time when a single game dominates the market share like madden or wow does. people will compare the 2 and choose the most complete one unless they provide something new and TOR only has VO and that ends at lvl 50. Now let me say that I love the game and will continue to play it but they either need to allow mods for most of these features or put them out asap. the reason WoW now has the features it does is because of the mods they allow. they get to take the most popular ones and incorporate them directly into the game.
  20. because you would already be there to shout for a group(almost the same place you would be if you got ported in). nothing would really change except the fact that you can go and level or do dailies or open world pvp while waiting for a group. this happens in almost every topic people talk the most about what they disagree with.
  21. so EQ(a game stuck in 1999) is the standard for MMOs today right?
  22. or if you are like some that either like to level dps and tank/heal flashpoints, or pvp along with doing ops then you must respec to have fun. i have tried healing companions while leveling and it is boring to me and is a lot slower than dps.
  23. can someone explain to me how making a second character of the same AC just to heal/tank or to pvp without going broke makes the game harder(farming cash for respecs is not hard its also not fun).
  24. it would work like the bolster system but in reverse. items he was using would level down or up to the equivalent gear quality of the level of the character being played. after first use of the alt, it would be saved as a companion and items would work just like all other companions and would neend to be upgraded as you level . the abilities would be a select set of abilities based on AC. Sorcerers would have lightning and heals, while assassins would have stikes and tanking abilities.
  25. most of these would be worked out with a bolster type system. the abilities would be determined by the class of the alt.
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