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Everything posted by Jaku

  1. I rage, as a level 50, when I see level 30's. Funny world we live in.
  2. Ah, I see. Yeah, right now, even if my break CC ability is up so I can stop the CC chain with one of my stuns, I need all my defensive CD's just to have a chance to kill them. If it's still like that even with PvP gear, I guess it's just something I'll have to tolerate. I'm not sure if this was intended, but I find it strange that they can do so much burst in such a short time. Considering they are hardly "squishy", at least in my opinion.
  3. My frustration at the moment is getting bursted by ops/scoundrels in full PvP gear while I'm still slowly getting mine. I know it will be a bit better once I'm in some actual PvP gear, but with the way the system is right now who knows how long it will take. Still having fun in most Warzones though.
  4. I don't know, it's never happened to me.
  5. •Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi. Patch notes from 1.0.2
  6. I believe they are referring to ninja'ing in general. Most of the time the arguments against a LFG tool, at least cross server, is that the chances of someone not caring about ninja'ing an item is a lot higher.
  7. Same logic could be used with companions and gear you get from questing.
  8. Extra credits lets you buy medpacs and gear for yourself and companions. So it does help you level in some way.
  9. Well, seeing as the argument is "companions are an extension of the player", I'd say credits is too. It helps you buy medpacs, and even gear for yourself and your companions. So I say go for it.
  10. Just because you use two, doesn't mean people won't want to gear every single one of them, for whatever reason. This issue will most likely be the ugliest in HM flashpoints at 50. I've done about 6 flashpoints since hitting 50 and 5/6 times the group leaders have said "If you don't ask to need for your companion and take an upgrade that someone could use, I'm kicking you." It's most likely not going to be tolerated by PUG's at that level.
  11. That would pretty much be a reality at level 50 if everyone rolled need for their companion. By 50 you pretty much have a companion with every type of armor profession and weapon. Most likely anyhting that drops will be an upgrade for one of them.
  12. I'd have no problem with it as long as the guy said "Can I need for companion if no one else needs it for their character?" All I'm saying is, at that point in the game, get ready to be kicked if someone else needs it as a character upgrade. Believe me, it's not going to fly, regardless if you feel you have the "right" to do it.
  13. I would never even imply that, I was saying that if you desperately need current upgrades on your companions just to level, you're most likely failing hard. And that's saying in general, not a personal insult to you. I'm not completely sure if the whole companion gear thing will even be an issue in operations, because of the way gear is distributed, but it will most likely become an issue in HM flashpoints at 50. The entire point of HM flashpoints in a progression sense, is to get geared up for operations. Since your compaions will most likely not be in these HM flashpoints and regular operations, there's no point taking the gear that drops from those flashpoints other than to be better at soloing. The thing is, you can literally go and buy an entire moddable set, and put level 49 mods in it for your companion. He does not need to be in HM flashpoint gear to help you quest efficiently. Basically what I'm saying is, if you roll need on gear for your companion in HM flashpoints when someone else could use that for an actual character upgrade, you will most likely be kicked. Every single time. While leveling up, people probably do not care as much.
  14. You'd have a point if they weren't locked out of most of the end game content. If your companion really needs epics so you can solo quest easier, specially at 50, then I'd ask you what you were doing wrong. I don't see a problem while leveling up needing for a companion, because it makes the leveling easier, but doing it at level 50 just seems pointless.
  15. Buy a moddable set for your companion, put level 49 mods in them, and they're good to go. Anything else would just be overkill, it's not like they're raiding with you.
  16. Box sales for video games go down a couple weeks after release? What is this world coming to?
  17. Having a full set of PvP gear will always be better than having the best crafted gear, for PvP, between the set bonuses and the big difference in expertise you get. That could change if they had PvP mods/enhancements, but atm the augments slots just don't do it.
  18. It has something to do with shadows in smaller areas I believe. I'm not 100% sure though. Some lower end machines, for whatever reason, can run better than high machines depending on the circumstance. My machine runs the game perfectly, with little FPS drop in Warzones. While my friend, who has a machine a bit more powerful than mine (but not by much) has worse FPS all around. Hopefully Bioware sees it as top priority. I know the upcoming patch has something in it about the shadows issue.
  19. The OP's list isn't actually too bad, there's some stuff I'd like to see on that list be implemented into the game. But it seems the wrong choice of words always turns a thread sour. Really should have used another word other than "resuscitate".
  20. Even if there was a mass exodus of players, it's going to have its niche anyway. It's pretty rare that an MMO dies out so badly that it has to closed down, specially so close to release. Only one I can think of that did that was Tabula Rasa. Matrix Online and SWG still had a very good run before they were closed down. If you enjoy the game, just play it and have fun. You do not need 1 million + players to have a good time in an MMO.
  21. That was a rumor started a long time ago by a disgruntled EA employee. EA, about 5 months ago, confirmed that the cost was around 140 million.
  22. The game didn't have a 400 million dollar budget, it was closer to 138 million.
  23. It's an extremely small delay that is augmented in PvP for some reason. Sometimes instant casts that aren't tied to the GCD have problems going off, ect..
  24. Maybe, maybe not. All I'm saying is this will repeat until the MMO genre is dead or changed completely. This newer generation of MMO player wants buttloads of endgame content, extremely smooth combat, lag free, bug free, queue free game right at launch. If a game ever actually manages to do that at launch, it would be one hell of a c-c-c-comber breaker. But I imagine even if it did, it would still be considered mediocre with 500k subs a couple months after release. I've stopped caring about numbers and subscribers altogether. If you enjoy the MMO, play it until it's "dead". *shrug* Hard to have issues with content when it didn't exist, lol.
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